Even Elephants Forget Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play
A detailed look at the rules for how to play Even Elephants Forget, a 1981 memory/roll and move board game published by Parker Brothers.
A detailed look at the rules for how to play Even Elephants Forget, a 1981 memory/roll and move board game published by Parker Brothers.
The Dukes of Hazzard Card Game is a good example of what you get when you slap a popular franchise on a popular game, kind of a mess that doesn’t really work.
A review of the first ever Blu-ray release of Neighbors (as well as a list of the other wave two Mill Creek retro VHS cover art Blu-rays).
The Smurf Game is exactly what you would expect it to be, a generic children’s roll and move game made to cash in on the popularity of the television show.
Madcap Marathon is far from a deep game but it does a good job creating an entertaining collection of mini games.
Doubletrack was a game that was before its time adding some interesting mechanics to your typical roll and move game that somehow manages to add even more luck to the genre.
Push Over may have some interesting mechanics but they unfortunately don’t really do anything to make the game anything more than another boring roll and move game.
A look at the 1981 Milton Bradley puzzle It’s Knot Easy which includes a strategy that you can follow to solve the puzzle.
While Baboon Ball is not going to be for everyone, it is a fun quick little children’s action game that is more enjoyable for adults than you would think.
While not worthy of the Spiel Des Jahres that it won in 1982, Enchanted Forest is an interesting blend of a roll and move game with a memory game.