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At Geeky Hobbies, our goal is to review and curate everything fun that is out there. Whether it is a board or card game, TV show, movie, puzzle, video game, or a new hobby or interest; we are interested in reviewing and curating anything we can get our hands on. From small indie releases to blockbuster media, we try to cover it all as best as we can. If you would like us to cover your product or piece of entertainment, feel free to drop us an e-mail. Since we are interested in almost all genres, types of media, hobbies, and interests we will most likely be willing to cover your product but we still prefer you e-mail us to make sure it is a good fit for the blog. You can e-mail us at mort(at) (make sure to change the (at) to an @ symbol). Also feel free to e-mail us any news, press releases, questions, comments, or anything else at the same address.

For reviews and previews, we will be as fair as possible but of course we cannot guarantee a positive review. We can, however, guarantee that the review or preview will be fair. In every review and preview we do, we make sure to talk about everything we like about the product as well as the things we didn’t like or think could be improved. We will always bring up the positives but if we don’t like the product we will have to be honest with our readers.

Special notes:

  • For board, card, role-playing, outdoor, and other types of games: We accept almost all games regardless of whether they are print and play, prototypes, or final versions of the game. However, we prefer that you e-mail us when the game’s rules are mostly finalized and you have a semi-concrete release date (a Kickstarter date or a date when the game will be available for purchase). Basically, as long as the game is near completion (not in the testing stages) feel free to e-mail us whenever you like. Games that are complete (or near completion) will be reviewed while print and play, prototypes, and games that aren’t quite complete will be previewed (since it isn’t fair to give a final numerical grade to an unfinished product).
  • For video games: We love all types of games from small indie games to big releases. Feel free to send codes for games you would like us to cover to mort(at) Just know that since there are hundreds of games released each week, we can’t get to all of them and thus can’t guarantee coverage (or when we might cover your game). However, if we like your game we will make sure to cover it in some way. We can cover games on the following platforms: PC, PS4, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS, Android, and most older platforms.
  • For movies, documentaries, TV shows, anime, and other media: We accept DVDs, Blu-rays, 4K Ultra HD, screener copies (both physical and online screeners), as well as links to freely and legally available media (free documentaries and other media on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).
  • For puzzles, hobby stuff, collectibles, other types of entertainment, and anything else you think we might be interested in: Drop us an e-mail to see if your product is a good fit for the blog. We are always willing to try new things and will probably be interested in trying out your product.

Bill Chappel

Saturday 7th of September 2024

We are looking for directions on how to play the card game "Skip-Bo Express". We have the complete game but no directions. We know it is played different from the regular game. Your help is appreciated.

Eric Mortensen

Monday 9th of September 2024

Unfortunately I don't own Skip-Bo Express and I can't find a copy of the instructions online. I am sorry I can't help you figure out how it is played differently than the original Skip-Bo.


Sunday 24th of March 2024

I have been a long time supporter of your Tonight on Tv Section. I do see that the last time anything was updated was March 21st. I hope everyone is ok and that this section will continue to be updated.

Adam Mortensen

Monday 25th of March 2024

I am sorry that you had issues with the TV schedules the last couple of days. They were posted, but didn't show up on the category pages. I recently tried something to speed up the website so it would run quicker, but this seems to have stopped the posts from showing up on the category pages. I have since changed things back to how they were before so the issue should be fixed. If there is an issue with the latest post not showing up, you can always find them as one of the first posts on the homepage each day.

Thanks for the heads up as I had no idea this issue was happening.


Saturday 23rd of March 2024

Just want to let you know new Daily TV Schedules are not being sorted into the section. Last date sorted was March 21, 2024.

Adam Mortensen

Monday 25th of March 2024

I am sorry that you had issues with the TV schedules the last couple of days. They were posted, but didn't show up on the category pages. I recently tried something to speed up the website so it would run quicker, but this seems to have stopped the posts from showing up on the category pages. I have since changed things back to how they were before so the issue should be fixed. If there is an issue with the latest post not showing up, you can always find them as one of the first posts on the homepage each day.

Thanks for the heads up as I had no idea this issue was happening.


Saturday 23rd of March 2024

Hi, just want to ask, where Daily TV Schedules March 22~23, 2024 posts? Thank you!

Adam Mortensen

Monday 25th of March 2024

I am sorry that you had issues with the TV schedules the last couple of days. They were posted, but didn't show up on the category pages. I recently tried something to speed up the website so it would run quicker, but this seems to have stopped the posts from showing up on the category pages. I have since changed things back to how they were before so the issue should be fixed. If there is an issue with the latest post not showing up, you can always find them as one of the first posts on the homepage each day.

Thanks for the heads up as I had no idea this issue was happening.

M. Espinosa

Saturday 9th of March 2024

Thank you for your site. You really give current, up to date info for streaming sites, network and cable channels too. But the BONUS was the breakdown of the sports on the particular day.