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UNO Attack Mega Hit Card Game Rules Explained With Pictures

UNO Attack Mega Hit Card Game Rules Explained With Pictures

Objective of UNO Attack Mega Hit

The objective of UNO Attack Mega Hit is to play all of the card from your hand before the other players.

Setup for UNO Attack Mega Hit

  • Choose a dealer. The dealer shuffles all of the cards.
  • Deal seven cards to each player.
  • Take the top card from the remaining cards and place it face up on the table. This forms the Discard Pile.
  • Insert the rest of the cards inside the Card Launcher.
    • Open up the door on the top of the Card Launcher.
    • Lift up the lever and place all of the remaining cards underneath it. You should place the cards face down inside the Card Launcher.
    • Close the door on the Card Launcher.
Setting up the Card Launcher
  • Insert batteries into the Card Launcher and turn the switch to the on “|” setting.
  • If cards don’t shoot out of the machine, clean the rollers with a damp cloth or a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.
  • Turn the Card Launcher so it faces the first player. To start the game the player to the left of the dealer becomes the first player. Play proceeds clockwise/left to start the game.

Playing UNO Attack Mega Hit

Playing a Card

On your turn you will try to play a card from your hand to the Discard Pile. To play a card it needs to match one of the following criteria from the top card on the Discard Pile.

  • Color
  • Number
  • Symbol

If you have a card in your hand that matches one of the criteria, you can play it to the Discard Pile. Wild cards match all other cards, so you can play them any time. You may only play one card on your turn. If you play an Action card (any card that isn’t a number card), you will take a special action. See the corresponding section below for more details.

Playing a Card in UNO Attack Mega Hit
The top card on the Discard Pile is a red eight. Along the bottom are four cards that the next player could potentially play. The red three could be played because it matches the color. The green eight could be played because it matches the number. Finally the last two cards could be played because they are wild.
Playing a card to match the symbol
The top card on the Discard Pile is a Reverse card. The player could choose to play their own Reverse card because it matches the symbol.

Pressing the Button

Should you have no cards in your hand that you can play, you will press the button on the Card Launcher. You may also choose not to play a card. In this case you also must push the button on the Card Launcher.

Press the button in UNO Attack Mega Hit
This player was unable to play a card. They will have to press the button. If any cards come out, they will have to add them to their hand.

After you press the button you will see if any cards are shot out of the Card Launcher. If any cards leave the machine, you must add these cards to your hand. You may not immediately play any of these cards to the Discard Pile even if they meet one of the criteria to play them.

Pick Up Cards in UNO Attack Mega Hit
Three cards shot out of the Card Launcher when the button was pressed. The player who pressed the button adds the cards to their hand.

Whether you play or press the button on the Card Launcher, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player in turn order.

Cards of UNO Attack Mega Hit

Number Cards in UNO Attack Mega Hit


Number cards have no special effect in the game. You may only play a number card if it matches the number or color of the top card on the Discard Pile.

Discard All Card in UNO Attack Mega Hit

Discard All

The Discard All card features four cards with an arrow.

When you play a Discard All card, you will discard all of the cards from your hand that match its color. You must play the Discard All card on top of the all of the cards that you choose to play.

Playing a Discard All card along with three other cards.
The top card on the Discard Pile is a yellow seven. This player decides to play a yellow Discard All card. In addition to the card they will play three other yellow cards.

You may play the Discard All card on top of another Discard All card, or a card that matches its color.

If the Discard All card starts the Discard Pile, the player to the left of the dealer treats it like a normal card of its color. They do not get to discard all of their cards of the color unless they play their own Discard All card.

Hit 1 Card in UNO Attack Mega Hit

Hit 1

The Hit 1 card has 1x printed on it.

When you play a Hit 1 card, the next player in turn order has to press the button on the Card Launcher one time. If any cards come out, they need to add them to their hand. The next player then loses the rest of their turn.

You can play a Hit 1 card on top of another Hit 1 card or a card that matches its color. You can avoid the effect of a Hit 1 card by playing your own Hit card. See the Mega Hit rule section below for more details.

If a Hit 1 card is turned over to start the Discard Pile, the first player has to press the button on the launcher one time. Play then passes to the player on their left.

Hit 2 Card in UNO Attack Mega Hit

Hit 2

The Hit 2 card has 2x printed on it.

The Hit 2 card works basically the same as the Hit 1 card. When you play the card, the next player in turn order has to press the button on the Card Launcher twice. You should take a little time between the two button presses so both register with the machine. If any cards come out, they need to add them to their hand. Their turn then ends.

You can play a Hit 2 card on top of another Hit 2 card or a card that matches its color. You can avoid the effect of a Hit 2 card by playing any Hit card. For more details check out the Mega Hit rule section below.

Should a Hit 2 card start the Discard Pile, the first player presses the button twice taking any cards that come out. Play then passes to the player on their left.

Reverse Card in UNO Attack Mega Hit


The Reverse card features two arrows pointing in different directions.

When you play a Reverse card, the direction of play reverses. If play was moving clockwise, it will now move counterclockwise. If play was moving counterclockwise, it will now move clockwise.

You may play Reverse cards on top of other Reverse cards or cards that match its color.

If a Reverse card is turned over to start the Discard Pile, the dealer gets to start the round. Play will move right/counterclockwise.

Skip card in UNO Attack Mega Hit


The Skip card features a circle with a line through it.

When you play a Skip card, the next player loses their turn.

You may play a Skip card on top of other Skip cards or cards that match its color. If your turn is skipped, you cannot play a Skip card to avoid losing your turn.

If a Skip card is turned over to start the Discard Pile, the player to the left of the dealer is skipped. The player to their left starts the round.

Wild Card in UNO Attack Mega Hit


Wild cards feature all four corners inside an oval.

You can play a Wild card at any time since it matches every other card. When you play a Wild card you will choose a color for the Discard Pile that the next player has to play. You can choose any of the four colors, including the color it was before you played the Wild card. You can play a Wild card even if you have other cards in your hand that you can play.

If a Wild card is turned up to start the Discard Pile, the player to the left of the dealer chooses a color and plays a card.

Wild Attack Attack card in UNO Attack Mega Hit

Wild Attack-Attack

The Wild Attack-Attack card features a four direction arrow and 2x on it.

When you play a Wild Attack-Attack, you will choose a color for the Discard Pile and another player. You will rotate the launcher to the player you choose. They will press the button on the Card Launcher twice. If any cards come out, they will add them to their hand. Play then passes to the next player in turn order after the player you attacked.

The Wild Attack-Attack card is a wild so you can play it on top of any other card.

If the Wild Attack-Attack card is turned up to start the round, the player to the left of the dealer chooses a player to attack. That player pushes the button twice and takes any cards that come out. Play then passes to the player to the left of the first player. The player to the left of the dealer also chooses the color for the Discard Pile.

Mega Hit Rule

The Mega Hit Rule allows you to avoid having to press a button when another player plays a Hit 1, Hit 2, or Wild Attack-Attack card against you. You can play your own Hit card (Hit 1, Hit 2, or Wild Attack-Attack) to avoid the punishment. It doesn’t have to match the current color.

The punishment of pressing the button then passes to the next player in turn order. If the last player played a Wild Attack-Attack card, they will choose who the punishment will go to. This new player will have to press the button a number of times equal to both cards that were played. For example if a Hit 1 was played and then a Hit 2, they would have to press the button three times.

This new player can also choose to play another Hit card. This passes the punishment to the next player and adds one or two button presses to the total. This continues until a player is unable to play a Hit card. The player that is unable to play a Hit card has to press the button a number of times equal to the total that accumulated from all of the cards that were played.

Players playing Hit cards using the Mega Hit rule.
A player decided to play a Hit 1 card on top of the red six. Instead of pushing the button, the next player played a Hit 2 card. This was followed by the next player playing a Wild Attack Attack card and the next player playing a Hit 2. The next player was unable to play a Hit card. Therefore they will have to push the button seven times.

Players may end up having to press the button quite a few times due to the Mega Hit Rule. Should the player press the button and cards shoot out, they can stop pressing the button even if they have button presses remaining.

Once a Mega Hit stack ends with a player pressing the button, play continues with the next player in turn order after the player who played the first Hit card.

Calling UNO

When you only have one card left in your hand, you should call out “UNO” as quickly as possible. You should do this to alert the other players that you are close to winning the game.

Calling UNO due to only having one card left.
This player only has one card left in their hand. They should call out UNO as quickly as possible.

If a player catches you not saying UNO, you must press the button on the Card Launcher twice. You will take any cards that shoot out of the machine. A player has to call you out for not saying UNO before the next player takes their turn.

End of Round

The current round ends whenever a player plays the last card from their hand. If the last card forces a player to press the button on the Card Launcher, they must press the button the corresponding number of times. Any cards that shoot out are added to the player’s hand. The player who played all of the cards from their hand collects the cards left in the other players’ hands. They will score points for each card they collect.

  • Number cards – Face Value
  • Hit 1, Reverse, Skip – 20 points
  • Discard All – 30 points
  • Hit 2 – 40 points
  • Wild, Wild Attack-Attack – 50 points
Scoring in UNO Attack Mega Hit
At the end of the round the winner collects the cards left in the other players’ hands. They will score points from the cards as follows. The four number cards are worth 21 points (2 + 5 + 6 + 8). The Hit 1, Reverse and Skip cards are each worth 20 points. The Discard All card scores 30 points while the Hit 2 scores 40 points. Finally the Wild and Wild Attack Attack each score 50 points. The player scores a total of 251 points.

You will write down the points players earn each round. If no one has scored enough points to win the game, you will play another round.

Winning UNO Attack Mega Hit

After each round you should total the points earned by each player. The game ends when one player has earned 500 or more points. The player to earn the most points wins the game.

Alternative Scoring

Instead of using the normal scoring you can use alternative scoring. If you choose to use these rules, each player will score points for the cards left in their hand at the end of each round.

The game ends when one player has scored 500 or more points.

The player that has scored the least points wins the game.

Two Player Game

You will play UNO Attack Mega Hit mostly the same if there are only two players. A couple rules need to be tweaked though.

  • Reverse cards are treated like Skip cards.
  • When you play a Skip card or a Reverse, you can immediately play another card.
  • When you play a Hit 1 or Hit 2 card, play goes back to you after the other player has pressed the button the corresponding number of times.

Challenge UNO Attack Mega Hit

The Challenge variant is played mostly the same as alternative scoring.

The players agree to a number of points to play to. When a player reaches the number, they are eliminated from the game. You will keep playing rounds until only two players remain. You will then play using the two player rules.

The game continues until only one player remains. The last remaining player wins the game.

UNO Attack Mega Hit FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play UNO Attack Mega Hit, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for UNO Attack Mega Hit

UNO Attack Mega Hit Components

  • 18 Blue Cards (2 each of 1-9)
  • 18 Green Cards (2 each of 1-9)
  • 18 Red Cards (2 each of 1-9)
  • 18 Yellow Cards (2 each of 1-9)
  • 4 Reverse Cards (1 of each color)
  • 8 Skip Cards (2 of each color)
  • 8 Discard All Cards (2 of each color)
  • 4 Hit 1 Cards (1 of each color)
  • 8 Hit 2 Cards (2 of each color)
  • 4 Wild Cards
  • 4 Wild Attack-Attack Cards
  • Card Launcher
  • Instructions

Year: 2020 | Publisher: Mattel | Designer: Damon Saddler

Genres: Card, Electronic, Family

Ages: 7+ | Number of Players: 2-10 | Length of Game: 30-60 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.