Did you know that there are over 400,000 feature films listed on IMDB? Throw in TV movies and that figure jumps to an astounding 550,000. If you add short films, the number is easily in the millions. In addition to those already shockingly high numbers, thousands (or more likely tens of thousands) of new films are released every year. That’s a lot of possible movies to watch. But how many of them are good or at least manage to carve out a small niche audience that will enjoy them? We want to find out by watching as many films as we can and writing about them in this never-ending movie review journal we’re going to call Movie Completionist. It’s mathematically impossible to watch them all. It’s hard to even make any progress on the 100+ year backlog of film history when there’s literally thousands of new releases each year. However, we will try to watch and write about as many of them as we possibly can. With there literally being hundreds of thousands of options to choose from, someone has to dig through the failed, flawed, or mediocre movies to find the great films and the hidden gems that are worth your time. We’re hoping that will be us and you’ll get a lot of value out of this post series.
Our goal with this post series (along with sister series TV Completionist and Video Game Completionist) is to cover as much media as we possibly can, let our readers know which are worth their time, and to curate media to the audiences that will enjoy them the most via list posts. While it is nearly impossible (mathematically) to watch everything, with Movie Completionist we will try to watch and review as many films as we can to hopefully help you find your next favorite movie. While you can definitely expect a lot of newer film reviews, we also plan on covering movies from the 100+ year backlog of movie history (we have thousands of films on Blu-ray, DVD, and even VHS in our media library to catch up on). While there’s more than enough great recent films to cover in this series, there’s also plenty of older movies that deserve to be spotlighted as well. Thus, we will be digging through the failed, flawed, forgotten, and mediocre films as well to find a hopefully endless stream of great or hidden gem movies to recommend to our readers.
Our personal interests vary wildly and are quite eccentric, covering just about every genre and niche out there. Newer movies, older movies, well-known movies, obscure movies, good movies, B-movies; we’ll cover them all. From Citizen Kane and The Godfather to The VelociPastor and Sneezing Baby Panda: The Movie (yes, that’s an actual movie and we somehow own it), there’s not much we won’t watch. With this post series, you should expect the unexpected. However, just like everyone else, we of course have some favorite genres and types of films we enjoy more than others. To be upfront, those “biases” include a love for science fiction, quirky and unusual movie concepts, comedies, films based on true stories, and documentaries. The only types of films we won’t be covering are most slasher films (and other extremely bloody, gory, or gross horror movies) and documentaries with an obvious bias (or that have dangerous misinformation). Expect a mix of new and old movies as well as well-known films and ones very few people have even heard of.
Due to how many movies there are out there to cover in this series, keep in mind that our Movie Completionist reviews will be reasonably short and to the point, won’t go super in-depth, and will be edited quickly. Posts will usually be in the range of 500-1000 words and some may cover multiple films in a single post. To make any progress whatsoever, we’re going to have to try to watch multiple films per day and write as prolifically as we possibly can so the posts will have to be short and to the point (as we’re sure some of you will appreciate anyway). Once this post series gets rolling on all cylinders, we hope to cover at least one or two movies per day. The posts will mainly focus on what the movies do well and poorly, how entertaining they are, and most importantly will “curate” the films to audiences that will enjoy them (as we believe almost every film has an audience that will enjoy it, no matter how small). With this blog and post series our goal is to curate, not write flowery reviews focusing on deep dives or critical analysis. We don’t consider ourselves to be critics in the first place, we like to think of ourselves more as “curators” who will attempt to match all types of viewers with films they should enjoy.
Our goal with these Completionist post series is twofold. Our main hope is to use these post series to help readers find new and unique content that they’ll love to watch, play, or read, including titles they’ve never even heard of or knew existed. This post series will also help with the overall goal of Geeky Hobbies, which is to curate the world of entertainment (and hobbies) to help busy people know what titles are worth their time. As we cover more and more titles for this post series, we will also be compiling list posts with our thoughts on each and every piece of entertainment that fits the bill (see our Walt Disney Company Documentaries: The Complete List and Guide to What to Watch post for an example of what we mean). In addition to these full list posts, we will also be writing smaller bite-sized ones for every genre imaginable (for example, 5 Video Game Development Documentaries You Need to Watch or 5 One-Season Wonders You Should Watch). We want to watch as much media as we can so we can confidently tell people what are the best films in every super obscure genre or topic (everything from the best “Weird Westerns” to the must-watch B-movies of Andy Sidaris). We want our list posts to be as comprehensive and accurate as they can possibly be to help people enjoy the few hours of entertainment they get each day instead of wasting it on mediocrity. Movies aren’t our only interest though, we will also be covering TV shows, video games, novels, and other media in their own similar “Completionist” post series. Short films and documentaries (which we consider to be titles under 40 minutes long) will be covered via our Short Films Showcase and Short Documentaries Showcase post series.
If you have any recommendations for films we should watch for Movie Completionist (especially titles similar to those we’ve enjoyed in past posts), feel free to leave a comment on this post or any other post in the series. A full list of all films we have covered for Movie Completionist can be found below. We have included both alphabetical and chronological lists so you can look for a certain title to see if we’ve covered it or browse our movie review journal by the order we wrote them. We have also included some stats regarding this post series at the bottom of the post. At the beginning of each month, we will also do a Completionist roundup post on all of the titles we covered in the past month, including the films, TV shows, video games, etc. we enjoyed the most. For those curious, a list of all of the movies we own and still need to cover is currently in the works and will be linked here soon (so you can let us know what we should watch next).
Movie Completionist Posts By Movie Title:
- Time Loop (2020) (#001)-x/5
Movie Completionist Posts By Entry # (Chronological Order):
- #001-Time Loop (2020)-x/5
All-Time Movie Completionist Stats and Records:
- Days Running: 1 (Series Began on September 1, 2020)
- Movies Reviewed: 0
- Movies Reviewed By Year:
- 2020: 0
- Total Watch Time: 0:00
- Watch Time By Year:
- 2020: 0:00
- Movies in Our Collection: TBA
- Movies in Our Collection Watched: 0
- % of Movies in Our Collection Watched: TBA
- Most Movies Watched in a Month: September 2020 (0)
- Highest Watch Time in a Month: September 2020 (0:00)
Monthly Movie Completionist Stats and Roundup Posts:
- September 2020: Movies Reviewed-0, Total Watch Time-0:00, Roundup Post (Coming at the end of the month)