Killsquad PlayStation Video Game Review
A review of the 2019 action hack and slash twin stick shooter video game Killsquad developed and published by Novarama.
A review of the 2019 action hack and slash twin stick shooter video game Killsquad developed and published by Novarama.
Infinite Beyond the Mind tries to recreate the classic beat ’em ups/hack and slashes and succeeds in some ways despite not bringing anything particularly original to the genre.
Darksiders: Genesis may be a pretty big change from the franchise’s typical gameplay but the changes lead to a fun co-op hack ‘n slash experience.
Darksburg is a fun little team based hack ‘n slash game with a lot of character and a good framework that feels like it was released a little early.
Monkey King: Hero is Back is a fun adventure with satisfying combat that can be a little rough around the edges at times.
Warhammer: Chaosbane is a repetitive and flawed experience that somehow is still pretty enjoyable.