Objective of UNO Seinfeld
The objective of UNO Seinfeld is to be the first player to get rid of all of the cards from your hand.
Setup for UNO Seinfeld
- Choose a player to be the dealer. The dealer shuffles the cards and deals seven to each player.
- Place the rest of the cards face down on the table. This forms the Draw Pile.
- All of the players will decide what Seinfeld Episode rule they will use during the game. See the UNO Seinfeld Episode Rules section below for more details.
- Turn over the top card from the Draw Pile and place it face up next to the pile. This forms the Discard Pile. If you turn over an Action card, ignore it and flip over another card.
- The player to the left of the dealer starts the game. Play moves clockwise to start the game.
Playing UNO Seinfeld
On your turn you will try to play a card from your hand to the Discard Pile. To play a card from your hand it must match one of the following criteria:
- Color
- Number
- Symbol
If you have a card that matches one of these criteria, you can play it to the Discard Pile. Should you have multiple cards that you can play, you need to choose which card you want to play. If you play an Action card, you will take the corresponding action (see the corresponding section below).
After you have played a card, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player in turn order.
You may choose not to play a card even if you have one that matches the Discard Pile. If you choose to skip playing a card, you will treat the rest of your turn as if you didn’t have a matching card in your hand.
Drawing a Card
If you do not have a matching card, or you choose not to play it, you will draw the top card from the Draw Pile.
If this new card matches the top card on the Discard Pile, based on one of the three criteria, you can choose to play it immediately. Otherwise you will add the card to your hand.
Whether you play the card you drew or add it to your hand, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player in turn order.
Should the Draw Pile run out of cards, you will shuffle the Discard Pile in order to form a new Draw Pile.
UNO Seinfeld Card Meanings
Number Cards
Number cards have no special action in the game. You can only play a number card if it matches the number or color of the top card on the Discard Pile.
Draw Two
When you play a Draw Two card, the next player in turn order draws two cards. They also lose their turn.
You can play a Draw Two on top of another Draw Two, or on a card that matches its color. If the previous player played a Draw Two card, you may not play your own Draw Two card in order to avoid the punishment.
The Reverse card changes the direction of play. If play was moving clockwise, it will now move counter-clockwise. If turn order was counter-clockwise, it will now be clockwise.
You may play a Reverse card on top of another Reverse card, or a card that matches its color.
When you play a Skip card, the next player in turn order loses their turn.
You may play a Skip card on top of another Skip card, or a card that matches its color. If the previous player played a Skip card, you may not play your own Skip card to avoid the punishment.
Wild cards match every other card in the game. Therefore you can play the card on any of your turns.
When you play a Wild card, you will choose the color for the Discard Pile. You can choose any of the four colors including the color it was before you played the card.
Wild Draw Four
The Wild Draw Four is wild so it matches every other card in the game. When you play the card you get to choose the color for the Discard Pile. This color does not apply to any potential challenges to the play of the card.
There is one catch to the Wild Draw Four card though. You can only play the card if you do not have any cards in your hand that match the color of the Discard Pile from before you played the card. Wilds are considered matches for the color.
The next player in turn order then has to make a decision. They can choose to draw four cards and lose their turn.
Challenging the Card
Otherwise the next player could choose to challenge the play of the Wild Draw Four. If they choose to challenge, the player who played the card has to show the challenger all of the cards from their hand. The challenger looks at the cards to see if the other player played the Wild Draw Four correctly.
If the player did not have any cards in their hand that matched the color of the Discard Pile, they played the card correctly. The challenging player now has to draw six cards instead of four. They also lose their turn.
If the player did have a matching color card, they played the card incorrectly. The player who played the Wild Draw Four has to draw four cards. The challenging player does not have to draw any cards, and they don’t lose their turn.
Wild Seinfeld Episode
The Wild Seinfeld Episode card is exclusive to this version of the UNO.
At the beginning of the game the players will choose which unique rule to apply to the card. The chosen rule will be used with the card for the rest of the game. The players must take the corresponding action whenever anyone plays a Wild Seinfeld Episode card.
The card is also wild, so you can play it at any time. You also get to choose the color for the Discard Pile. You can choose any of the four colors including the color it was when you played the card.
UNO Seinfeld Episode Rules
At the start of the game all of the players will have to choose which episode rule they want to use for Wild Seinfeld Episode cards during the game. The players must all agree to the same rule. Whenever one of the cards are played during the game, all of the players must follow the rule.
Serenity Now
Whenever a player plays a Wild Seinfeld Episode card, everyone immediately yells “Serenity Now”. The last player to say it has to draw four cards.
Festivus Feats of Strength
The next player in turn order has to do 10 push-ups, or they will be forced to draw four cards.
Elaine Dance
The player who plays the Wild Seinfeld Episode card chooses another player. The chosen player has to do their best version of the “Elaine Benes Dance”. If they don’t do the dance, they must draw four cards. Play then continues with the next player in current turn order.
When a player plays a Wild Seinfeld Episode card, all of the players must refer to themselves in the third person. This continues until another wild card is played. Whenever a player is asked a question, they must answer it. Should anyone not refer to themselves in the third person, they must draw two cards.
Yada Yada
The player who plays the Wild Seinfeld Episode card has to tell the other players a quick story. They will end the story with “yada yada, so i discarded 2 cards”. If they complete the story with the phrase, they get to discard two cards from their hand to the Discard Pile.
No UNO For You!
Whenever a player is down to one card they will say UNO. Whenever a player says UNO due to only having one card, you can play the Wild Seinfeld Episode card even if it is not your turn. If you play the card, the player who said UNO has to draw four cards.
It’s Not You, It’s Me
If another player plays an Action card against you, you may immediately play the Wild Seinfeld Episode card. Instead of the action applying to you, it applies to the player who played the Action card. You will continue the game following the current turn order.
Can You Spare a Square?
When you play the Wild Seinfeld Episode card, you will choose a card from your hand. You can give the chosen card to whichever player you want. Play then passes to the next player in turn order.
Calling UNO
When you only have one card left in your hand, you should call out “UNO” as quickly as possible. This is done to alert the other players that you are close to winning the game.
If you don’t say UNO and another player catches you, you will have to draw two cards and add them to your hand. Another player has to call you out before the next player begins their turn.
Winning UNO Seinfeld
The first player to play all of the cards from their hand, wins UNO Seinfeld.
Scoring in UNO Seinfeld
If you want to play multiple hands, you can choose to keep score during the game.
The winner of a hand takes all of the cards left in the other players’ hands at the end of the game. It doesn’t say specifically in this version of UNO, but in a lot of versions of UNO if the last card forces a player to draw cards those cards are drawn before the winner takes the cards from the other players’ hands.
The winner of the hand then scores points for each card they collected from the other players’ hands. They will score points for the cards as follows:
- Number cards – Face value
- Draw Two, Reverse, Skip – 20 points
- Wild, Wild Draw Four, Wild Seinfeld Episode – 50 points
You will keep a running total of the points scored by each player. The first player to score 500 or more total points wins the game.
UNO Seinfeld FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play UNO Seinfeld, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- 19 blue cards (one 0, two each of 1-9)
- 19 green cards (one 0 card, two each of 1-9)
- 19 orange/red cards (one 0 card, two each of 1-9)
- 19 purple cards (one 0 card, two each of 1-9)
- 8 Draw Two cards (two of each color)
- 8 Reverse cards (two of each color)
- 8 Skip cards (two of each color)
- 4 Wild cards
- 4 Wild Draw Four cards
- 4 Wild Seinfeld Episode cards
- Instructions
Year: 2023 | Publisher: Mattel
Genres: Card, Family
Ages: 7+ | Number of Players: 2-10 | Length of Game: 10-20 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High
For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.
Saturday 13th of January 2024
Hi. Reddit user "Fusilli_Agent_Cooper" claims that «You have to say 'UNO!' in the same voice as the bellybutton voice 'helloooooo!'». I was wondering if you could fact check the manual for this. I'll link it below: https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/191hu7n/uno_card_game_now_has_a_seinfeld_edition
If not, sorry for the hassle.
Eric Mortensen
Saturday 13th of January 2024
I looked through the rules and did not see anything mentioning this rule.
As it doesn't really impact the game, if you want to play the game using this rule I see no reason why you couldn't. It doesn't appear to be an official rule though.