Looking for a specific Sweet Existence A Strange Planet Card Game rule? | Setup | Playing the Game | Revealing an Existence Square | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |
The objective of Sweet Existence A Strange Planet Card Game is to acquire the most Sweet Disks by the end of the game.
- Look through the Existence Squares for the two Perish squares. Set the cards aside for now.
- Depending on the number of players you will randomly select a number of Existence Squares. Return any Existence Squares that you don’t use to the box.
- 4 Players – 11 squares plus one Perish square
- 5 Players – 14 squares plus one Perish square
- 6 Players – 16 squares plus two Perish squares
- 7 Players – 19 squares plus two Perish squares
- 8 Players – 22 squares plus two Perish squares
- Shuffle all of the Existence Squares (including the Perish square(s)) you chose to use in the game. Deal three cards facedown in a row in front of each player.
- Each player takes six Sweet Disks. Put the extra Sweet Disks back into their box.
- Shuffle the Action Squares and place them facedown in a pile in the middle of the table.
- Shuffle the Connection Squares and deal one to each player. Set the remaining cards aside.
- Each player should see if their Connection Square matches one of the other players. If your card matches another player, you are connected to that player. You can help each other obtain Sweet Disks, but you can also eliminate one another. If you do not have a matching Connection Square, you are playing by yourself to start the game. You may end up getting paired with another player during the game.
- Before the game starts each player can look at their own facedown Existence Squares. You must put the cards back in the same position after you look at them. You are looking to see if you have a Perish square, and if you do where it is located. Once the game starts, you cannot look at these cards again unless an Action Square allows you to.
- The player who has existed/lived the longest (the oldest player) starts the game.
How to Play Sweet Existence A Strange Planet Card Game
You will begin each of your turns drawing an Action Square. You will read the card out loud and show it to the rest of the players.
There are two types of Action Square cards. You will handle each type of card in a different way.
Pink Action Squares
When you draw a pink Action Square, you will take the action printed on the card. These cards allow players to acquire Sweet Disks, expose Existence Squares, and exchange Connection Squares. After you take the action, discard the Action Square.
Purple Action Squares
Should you draw a purple Action Square, you will give it to another player. You can give the card to any other player that hasn’t already exposed all of their Existence Squares. Place the card face up in front of the chosen player.
Whenever a player has two face up purple cards in front of themselves, they will discard the two cards. They must then choose one of their Existence Squares to reveal.
Additional Action Square Rules
Some specific rules regarding Action Squares include:
Should you draw an Action card that has an action that you can’t perform, you will discard the card and draw another one.
If you draw the Deception square and you aren’t connected to anyone, you will discard the card and draw a new Action card. When you are connected to another player, you will discard your Connection Square. You are no longer connected to any other players.
End of Turn
After you take the action corresponding to the card you drew, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.
Revealing an Existence Square
Whenever a player has to reveal one of their Existence Squares, they will pick one of their Existence Squares to flip over so all of the players can see it. You could have to reveal an Existence square due to a Pink Action Square you draw, or when you receive a second Purple Action Squares.
The effect of the card applies to the player and anyone they are connected to. The Existence Square remains faceup for the rest of the game. No player may move the the Existence Square for the rest of the game.
The player that reveals the card and anyone they are connected with each take one Sweet Disk from another player.
Should a player reveal a Perish square, the game immediately ends.
Winning the Game
Sweet Existence A Strange Planet Card Game ends whenever a player reveals a Perish square. The player who has the Perish square loses the game. Anyone connected to them also loses.
The remaining players count up how many Sweet Disks they have. The player with the most Sweet Disks wins the game.
Should there be a tie, the tied players compare how many of their Existence Squares they revealed. Whichever player has revealed more of their squares wins the game. If there is still a tie, both tied players win the game.
Sweet Existence A Strange Planet Card Game FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- 104 Action Squares
- 24 Existence Squares
- 9 Connection Squares
- 50 Sweet Disks
- Instructions
Year: 2020 | Publisher: Hasbro | Designer: Nathan W. Pyle | Artist: Nathan W. Pyle
Genres: Card, Memory, Party
Ages: 13+ | Number of Players: 4-8 | Length of Game: 15-40 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate
For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.