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Stranger Things Eggo Card Game Rules Explained With Pictures

Stranger Things Eggo Card Game Rules Explained With Pictures

Objective of Stranger Things Eggo Card Game

The objective of Stranger Things Eggo Card Game is to play all of the cards from your hand and have your character on the Right Side Up before the Demogorgon attacks.

Setup for Stranger Things Eggo Card Game

  • Separate the character cards from the rest of the cards.
  • Each player chooses a character card and turns it so the Upside Down side is visible. While you can choose Barb, Barb can never escape and thus you can never win if you choose her character card. The card is basically included as a joke/reference to the show.
  • Any character cards not chosen are set aside as they won’t be used in the game.
  • Separate the Demogorgon cards from the rest of the cards.
  • Shuffle the remaining cards. Take the top card from the deck and place it face up in front of the toaster. If the chosen card doesn’t have a character pictured on it, return it to the deck and draw another one until you get a card with a character on it. This card starts the discard pile.
  • Deal four cards face down to each player. You can look at your own cards, but you shouldn’t show them to the other players.
  • Add the four Demogorgon cards back into the deck. You should evenly spread them through the deck. Shuffle all of the cards again to mix them up.
  • Split the deck in half and place half of the cards into each side of the toaster holder. The cards should face away from the players. These two piles are the draw piles.
  • The player born the furthest away from 1983 starts the game. Play moves left to start the game.
Setting up to play the game

Playing Stranger Things Eggo Card Game

To begin your turn you will look at the top card on the discard pile. You will try to play one of the cards from your hand to the discard pile. You can play a card if it matches the top card on the discard pile in one of two ways.

  • Color
  • Character

If you have a card that you can play on your turn, you must play it.

Playing a card in Stranger Things Eggo Card Game
The top card on the Discard Pile is a red Will card. The two cards at the bottom are cards the next player could choose to play. The Eleven card could be played because it matches the color. The purple Will card could be played because it matches the character.

In addition to character cards, there are a number of special cards in the game. If you play one of these special cards, you will take a special action. See the corresponding section below for more details.

Drawing Cards

Should you not have any cards in your hand that you can play, choose one of the two toaster piles. Take the top card from the pile and add it to your hand. If you can play this new card, you will play it immediately.

Choosing a card to draw
The current player doesn’t have a card in their hand that they can play. They will choose to draw a card from one of the two slots in the toaster.

Should you not be able to play this new card, choose one of the toaster piles again. Take the top card from the pile and add it to your hand. If you can play this new card, you will play it immediately.

Your turn ends when you either play a card, or you draw two cards and can’t play either of them. Play then passes to the next player in turn order. 

Stranger Things Eggo Card Game Card Meanings

All Players Rift card in Stranger Things Eggo Card Game

All Players Rift

When you play an All Players Rift card it will affect all of the players’ character cards. Each player flips their character card to the opposite side. If your character card is on the Right Side Up side, it will be flipped to the Upside Down side. If it was on the Upside Down side, you will turn it to the Right Side Up side.

Flipping over a Character card due to the All Players Rift card
This player’s character card is currently on the Upside Down side.
Flipping over Character card
Due to the All Players Rift card, this player flips their character card to the Right Side Up side.

The card is wild so it can be played on top of any other card. If you have no other cards to play on your turn, you have to play the All Players Rift card even if it hurts you. After you play the card you will choose the color for the discard pile. The next player has to play a card that matches the color you chose.

Demogorgon card in Stranger Things Eggo Card Game


If you draw a Demogorgon card you will place it face up next to the toaster. You will not add it to your hand, and this doesn’t count as playing a card on your turn. If it was the first card you drew on your turn, draw your second card. If it was your second card, your turn ends and you don’t have to play a card.

The Demogorgon cards are unique because they trigger the end game. When all four Demogorgon cards are revealed, the game ends. See the How to Survive section below for more details.

Draw Two card in Stranger Things Eggo Card Game

Draw Two

When you play a Draw Two card, the next player in turn order has to draw two cards and add them to their hand. They will choose one of the two toaster piles and draw the top two cards from that pile. They will then take their turn normally.

You can only play a Draw Two card if it matches the color of the top card on the discard pile.

Portal card from Stranger Things Eggo Card Game


The Portal card is used to flip over a player’s character card. When you play a Portal card, you will flip your character card to the other side. If your character card was Right Side Up, you will flip it to the Upside Down side. If it was on the Upside Down side, you will flip it to the Right Side Up side.

Flipping a character card due to a Portal card
This player played the Portal card. They will have to flip their character card from the Right Side Up side to the Upside Down side.

The Portal card is wild so you can play it on top of any other card. When you play the Portal card you will choose the color for the discard pile. The next player has to play a card that matches the color you choose.

Reverse card in Stranger Things Eggo Card Game


When you play a Reverse card the direction of player reverses. If play was moving clockwise (left), it will move counter-clockwise (right). If play was moving counter-clockwise, it will now move clockwise.

You can only play a Reverse card if it matches the color of the top card on the discard pile.

End of Game

The game ends when the fourth Demogorgon card is revealed. At this time all of the players will see if they survived.

The fourth Demogorgon card is drawn ending the game.
The fourth Demogorgon card has been drawn. This ends the game. All of the players will check to see if they survived.


In order to survive you need to meet two requirements.

  • First you need to play all of the cards from your hand.
  • Second you need to have your character card on the Right Side Up side.

If you meet both of these requirements at the same time, you have escaped and won. You will watch the rest of the players to see if they also win. Multiple players can win the game.

Winning Stranger Things Eggo Card Game
This player has played all of the cards from their hand. Their character card is also on the Right Side Up side. This player has won the game.

Should you play all of the cards from your hand but you are still in the Upside Down, you must continue playing the game. This includes situations where the last card you play turns your character card to the Upside Down side. Since you are in the Upside Down, you will draw cards at the start of your turn. This continues until you turn your character card to the Right Side Up and you play the last card from your hand.


Once the fourth Demogorgon card is drawn, any player that hasn’t escaped yet is trapped in the Upside Down. All of these players lose the game.

Losing Stranger Things Eggo Card Game
The game has ended. The player on the left has their character card on the Right Side Up side, but they still had cards left in their hand. The player on the right has no cards left in their hand, but their character card is still on the Upside Down side. Both of these players lose the game.

Stranger Things Eggo Card Game FAQs

If you have any questions about how to play Stranger Things Eggo Card Game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Stranger Things Eggo Card Game


  • 106 Eggo Cards
    • 72 Color Cards (18 of each color)
    • 6 All-Players Rift Cards
    • 4 Demogorgon Cards
    • 8 Draw Two Cards (2 of each color)
    • 8 Portal Cards
    • 8 Reverse Cards (2 of each color)
  • 7 Character Cards
  • Instructions

Year: 2017 | Publisher: Hasbro

Genres: Card, Family, Party, Take That

Ages: 14+ | Number of Players: 2-6 | Length of Game: 20-30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.