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Spot It! The Mandalorian Card Game: Rules and Instructions

Spot It! The Mandalorian Card Game: Rules and Instructions

Spot It! The Mandalorian How to Play Quick Links:  |  Objective | Playing the Game | The Tower | The Well | Hot Potato | The Poisoned Gift | Triplet | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |

Objective of Spot It! The Mandalorian

The objective of Spot It! The Mandalorian is to spot the matching icon between two cards before the other players.

Playing the Spot It! The Mandalorian

Spot It! The Mandalorian consists of a number of different mini games that you can play. While each of these mini games play slightly different, they do share some similarities.

Each card features eight different Star Wars themed pictures/symbols on it. The cards are designed in a way where each card only has one symbol that matches every other card. Symbols are considered matches if they have the same shape/picture and color. The size of the two matching symbols can be different.

The basic goal of each of the mini games is to find these matches before the other players. When the players reveal cards, you race against the other players to find the match before the other players. When you spot a match you need to call out its name/point it out before the other players to claim the match.

Finding two matching icons in Spot It! Mandalorian
For these two cards the matching icon is Grogu (Baby Yoda) with the metal object in their hands.

If two players find the match at the same time, the first player to name it and take/place the card gets to claim the match.

The Tower Mini Game

In The Tower mini game deal one card face down to each player to start the game. Place the remaining cards face up in a pile in the middle of the table.

All of the players will flip over their card at the same time. Each player is trying to find the one Star Wars icon from the center card that matches their own top card. When a player finds a match they will call it out. If the match is correct, they will take the center card and add it to the top of their own pile.

The Tower in Spot It! Mandalorian
The players are playing The Tower mini game. They will try to find the Star Wars icon from their card that matches the center card. The matching symbol for the left, bottom and right players is Ahsoka Tano. The matching symbol for the top player is the frog. The first player to find their match and call it out gets to take the card from the center pile.

All of the players then try to match their top card against the new top card in the middle of the center pile.

You will keep playing the game until all of the cards have been taken from the center pile. The player with the most cards wins the game.

The Well Mini Game

Place one card face up in the middle of the table. Deal out the rest of the cards facedown to the players. You should deal them out as evenly as possible.

When everyone is ready, all of the players will flip over their pile of cards at the same time.

Each player is trying to find the matching symbol between their top card and the top card on the center pile. When you spot a matching symbol you will call it out. If it was a match you will place the top card from your pile on top of the center pile.

The Well Mini Game in Spot It! Star Wars Mandalorian
The players are playing The Well mini game. Each player is trying to find the symbol from their card that matches the center card. The bottom player’s match is the Nevarro Nummies (blue green cookie/food). The player on the left, top and right match the Grogu holding the metal object.

All of the players will now try to match their top card to this new card on the top of the center.

You will keep playing the game until one of the players play all of the cards from their pile. The first player to play all of the cards from their pile wins the game.

Winning The Well Mini Game
The bottom player has played all of the cards from their pile. They have won The Well mini game.

Hot Potato Mini Game

Deal one card facedown to each player. Place the remaining cards facedown to be used later. Decide how many rounds you want to play. You should play at least five rounds.

Playing A Round

All of the players will simultaneously flip over their card at the same time. Each player keeps their card in the palm of their hand where everyone can see them.

You will look at your card and try to find a matching Star Wars symbol on one of the other player’s cards. When you find a match you will call it out.

Hot Potato Mini Game in Spot It! Mandalorian
For the Hot Potato mini game each player holds one card face up in their hand. Each player then tries to find a match on another player’s hand. The player on the left notices that they and the player on the right both have a Pit Droid on their card.

You will then put your card on top of the other player’s card. That player now needs to try and find a match with the new top card on their hand.

Finding a match in Hot Potato Mini Game
The player on the left calls out their match with the player on the right. They then give their card to the player on the right.

The players with a card on their hand continue trying to find a match for their card. If you have multiple cards in your hand, you only need to find a match for the top card. If you find a match for the top card, you will give all of your cards to the player whose card you matched.

The players will keep trying to find matches until only one player has cards left in their hand. They will lose the round. They will set the cards in their hand on the table in front of them.

Losing a round of Hot Potato
The top player is the only player left with cards at the end of the current round. They will keep these cards until the end of the game. The players will then play another round.

Winning Hot Potato

A new round then begins with each player being dealt a new card. You will keep playing rounds until you have played the number of rounds you chose to play.

After all of the rounds have been played, each player counts up how many cards they collected in the game. The player that collected the least cards wins the game.

The Poisoned Gift Mini Game

For this game all of the players are dealt one card facedown. Place the rest of the cards face up in the middle of the table.

All of the players will flip their card face up at the same time. Unlike the other mini games, in The Poisoned Gift you are trying to find a match on one of your opponents’ cards. You will try to find a Star Wars symbol on their top card that matches the top card on the center pile. If you find a match you will call it out. You will then give the top center card to the player that you found a match with.

The Poisoned Gift mini game in Spot It! Mandalorian
The players are playing the Poisoned Gift mini game. One of the players sees that the R2-D2 from the center card matches the player on the left.

Giving the center card to a player reveals a new center card. Players try to find a new match for this card from their opponents’ cards.

The Poisoned Gift in Spot It! Mandalorian
Since one of the players called out the match with the left player, the card in the center is given to the left player. This reveals a new card that the players need to find a match for.

You will keep playing until players take all of the cards from the center pile. The player that has the fewest cards at the end of the round wins.

Triplet Mini Game

Shuffle the cards and place them facedown in a pile. Take the top nine cards and place them face up in a 3 x 3 grid.

All of the players will look at the nine face up cards and try to find a matching symbol shared by three of the cards. The same Star Wars symbol must be on all three cards. When you find a match you will call it out.

Triplet game in Spot It! Mandalorian
All of the players are trying to find three cards that have the same symbol on them. Currently there are two different symbols that are shared between three different cards. The top left, top middle, and bottom left cards all have Luke Skywalker. The three middle cards have The Client’s Medal.

If you are correct, you will take the three cards and set them aside for scoring at the end of the round. One of the players then takes three new cards from the facedown pile and places them face up in the spots that are now empty due to a player taking the cards.

Finding matches in the Triplet game
One of the players spotted the three Luke Skywalkers. They will take the three cards so they can score them at the end of the game. Three new cards will then be revealed to fill in the now empty spaces.

The round ends when there are less than nine cards left and none of the players can find a match between three cards.

Each player counts up how many cards they were able to collect. The player that collected the most cards wins the round.

Winning Spot It! Star Wars The Mandalorian

You can play Spot It! The Mandalorian in a number of ways. You can choose to play all of the mini games determining the winner by who wins the most mini games. Otherwise you can choose to play the mini games that you enjoy most.

If two players should tie at the end of the game, the players will face off in a tiebreaker. Both players flip over one card at the same time. The first player to find the matching symbol between the two cards wins the game. If there are three or more tied players, play the Hot Potato mini game (see above) to determine the winner.

Spot It! The Mandalorian FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play Spot It! The Mandalorian, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Spot It! Mandalorian

Spot It! Star Wars The Mandalorian Components

  • 55 cards
  • Instructions
  • Tin case

Year: 2021 | Publisher: Asmodee | Designer: Denis Blanchot, Jacques Cottereau, Jean-François Andreani, Toussaint Benedetti, Guillaume Gille-Naves, Igor Polouchine

Genres: Card, Family, Speed

Ages: 6+ | Number of Players: 2-8 | Length of Game: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.