While these rules are for Raccoon Rumpus they should also work for Koala Capers as that game just utilizes a different theme.
Raccoon Rumpus How to Play Quick Links: | Objective | Setup | Playing the Game | Winning the Game | Costume Memory Variant Game
Objective of Raccoon Rumpus
The objective of Raccoon Rumpus is to be the first player to collect five costume cards.
- Place the 20 costume cards face up in the center of the table.
- Each player chooses a racoon player card and places it in front of themselves.
- The youngest player starts the game.
Playing Raccoon Rumpus
To begin your turn you will roll both of the dice. What you roll on the dice determines what type of costume you are looking for.
Color Die
The color die determines what color the costume needs to be.
Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Yellow – A costume with the corresponding color as the main color.
Rainbow – You can ignore the color of a costume and pick any outfit that you want.
Costume Die
The costume die determines what part of the outfit you are looking at.
Shirt – You are considering the shirt/top of the costume.
Pants – You are considering the pants/bottom of the outfit.
Shirt and Pants – You are considering the entire costume. You can pick one costume card where the color matches the top of the outfit and another costume card where the bottom matches the color.
Underwear – You will not look for a costume this turn. Additionally return all costume cards collected on previous turns to the middle of the table.
Picking Out A Costume
You will combine the two dice sides together to find an appropriate costume. For example if you roll red and the shirt, you are looking for a costume that has a red top/shirt.
If you find a costume that fits what you rolled, you can take if from the center of the table. Add it to your raccoon player card.
After you add a card to your player card or are unable to find a matching costume, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player.
Winning Raccoon Rumpus
At the end of each of your turns you should count how many costumes you have collected. The first player to collect five costume cards wins the game.
Costume Memory Raccoon Rumpus Variant Game
- In this variant game you will place all of the costume cards face down on the table.
- Each player takes a raccoon player card.
- The youngest player starts the game.
Playing the Game
You will only roll the color die on each of your turns.
After rolling the die you are trying to pick a costume card that matches the color that you rolled. If either the top or bottom of the costume matches the color you rolled, you get to keep the costume card. Add it to your raccoon player card.
If neither the top or bottom match the color you rolled, you will flip the card back over to the blank side.
Should you roll a rainbow card, you can take any costume card as it matches every card in the game.
Players will keep taking turns until all of the costume cards have been taken by one of the players.
Winning the Game
At the end of the game each player counts up how many costume cards they were able to acquire. The player with the most costume cards wins the game.
Year: 2013 | Publisher: Educational Insights | Designer: Kim Vandenbroucke
Genres: Children’s, Educational, Memory
Ages: 3+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 10-20 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High
Components: 4 Raccoon Cards, 20 Costume Cards, Color Die, Costume Die, Instructions
Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.
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