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Quilts and Cats of Calico Video Game Walkthrough (Story Mode Guide)

Quilts and Cats of Calico Video Game Walkthrough (Story Mode Guide)

Quilts and Cats of Calico is the digital video game of the board game Calico. In addition to the normal game, there is also a story mode. This mode takes the gameplay and uses it to create different levels/puzzles that utilize the game’s mechanics. Some of these are used to teach you the basics, but others are meant to really test how well you understand the mechanics.

Since some of the levels can be kind of difficult, I decided to make a walkthrough guide for all of the puzzles in the story mode of Quilts and Cats of Calico. Because the levels don’t have names, I have named each level based on who gives it to you. Since many times during the game you have a choice of which level you want to do next, I listed the levels in the order that I completed them.

I have included a discussion on how you are supposed to approach each level. This mostly involves what you should focus on to successfully complete the challenge. I have also included a picture showing how I beat the level. Some levels have multiple solutions, so you may be able to solve a level in a different way.

The levels that are purely puzzles can be solved in the exact same way that I have pictured. Levels where you compete against another player won’t work exactly the same. This is because the tiles you and your opponent take will change the available tiles. You may be able to get an idea of how to beat a level looking at what I did though.

If you are looking for the solution to a specific puzzle, click on the corresponding name below to quickly jump to the corresponding walkthrough section.

| Agatha 1 | Agatha 2 | Billy 1 | Edward 1 | Edward 2 | Father 1 | Father 2 | Flora 1 | Flora 2 | Frank 1 | Frank 2 | Frank 3 | Frida 1 | Frida 2 | Frida 3 | Greta 1 | Greta 2 | Gustav 1 | Gustav 2 | Iron Loom 1 | Iron Loom 2 | Iron Loom 3 | Joseph 1 | Joseph 2 | Joseph 3 | Matthew 1 | Mona 1 | Mona 2 | Oomi 1 | Oomi 2 | Oomi 3 | Tina 1 | Tina 2 | Vivianne 1 | Vivianne 2 | Vivianne 3 |

Basics of Quilts and Cats of Calico

As these levels are based around the three ways of scoring points, lets quickly discuss each of them.

First a lot of the levels require you to acquire a number of buttons. To receive a button you need to place three tiles next to one another of the same color. This includes the tiles already placed on the board at the start of the level. For a lot of the puzzles you need to take advantage of these tiles. This is because you don’t have enough tiles of each of the colors to otherwise complete the requirement. When you need a certain number of buttons, you should count how tiles you have of each color. If you only have two tiles of a given color, you know that you need to use one of the starting tiles in order to get a button of that color.

Levels that require you to acquire the rainbow button work mostly the same. The catch is that you need to acquire a button of each color in order to get the rainbow button. For levels that require you to acquire the rainbow, you should focus on playing tiles of the same color together. This is usually the main thing you need to keep in mind when picking and placing tiles.

The second way of scoring points in Quilts and Cats of Calico is through cats. Cats are acquired by placing tiles of the same pattern next to one another. Some cats require you to connect a certain number of tiles that have the same pattern on them. Others require you to place the tiles with the same pattern in a certain layout. The cats that require you to place the tiles in a certain layout are usually harder to complete. Therefore you should prioritize them over the other cats.

The final thing that these levels use are the design goals. For these tiles you need to place six tiles around them that meet the criteria. There are two main types of design goals. The design goal that has a line through a = symbol means that all of the tiles surrounding it have to be different. This means color and/or pattern. To get the higher amount each tile needs to be a different color and pattern. The rest of the design goals are like AA BB CC and other patterns. These goals require you to have a number of matching tiles equal equal to the distribution of letters. When you can choose which design goals you want to use, I generally prefer to use the letter goals as they are easier to use along with the other requirements of the level.

Agatha 1

This first puzzle of Quilts and Cats of Calico is pretty straightforward. You need to get three buttons. You need to place the two tiles of each color next to a starting tile of the same color.

First Agatha puzzle

Flora 1

This Flora puzzle is quite straightforward. You need to get three buttons, and the only colors you can get three of are dark blue, green, and yellow. Play these color tiles next to a corresponding colored tile along the side of the board.

Solution to first Flora level in Quilts and Cats of Calico.

Matthew 1

For this Matthew level you need to get a rainbow button. You only have enough tiles of each color that you need to play them next to a tile on the outside that is the same color. My picture below is just one possible solution. There are quite a few different ways you could solve this Quilts and Cats of Calico level.

Solution to the first Matthew level

Iron Loom 1

The first Iron Loom challenge only requires you to finish the game. Therefore there isn’t a lot of guidance for this level. You can only score points from buttons and design goals. I had the best luck using the design goals with letters. These goals allowed me to play tiles of the same color next to one another to get buttons, while also working towards completing the design goal.

Iron Loom first challenge in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Greta 1

This initial Greta challenge requires you to acquire two cats and four buttons. All of the tiles have the same pattern. There aren’t enough tiles to create two groups of five though so you need to use one tile already on the board for each group. When you play the tiles you need to place both tiles of the same color next to one another so you also get the buttons.

First Greta challenge

Frank 1

This Frank level requires you to get a cat and three buttons. There are actually a couple different solutions to this puzzle. You should focus on creating a pattern that matches the cat’s requirement and make sure when you play the tiles that they are placed next to an edge tile of the same color. Then place the remaining tiles to get the third button.

Frank's first level in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Edward 1

This puzzle only requires you to match the cat’s pattern. Due to the layout of the design and the number of tiles in it, you can take advantage of one of the border tiles and build off of it.

First Edward puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Gustav 1

In this Gustav level you need to place seven dot tiles next to one another. Since you are not given enough tiles, you need to place them where they connect to two tiles on the border. Since you can only place tiles next to a tile of the same color, you need to keep that in mind when you place the tiles.

Gustav's first challenge

Joseph 1

For this challenge you need to get at least one of each type of cat, and you also need to win the game. You likely will get different tiles than I did since you are playing against an opponent. Of the three cats I would say the cat that requires you place the tiles in a triangle design is the hardest to place since there are only a limited number of places that you can place it. Otherwise you need to keep track and make sure you get at least one of each cat. After you have finished or are close to getting all of the cats focus on getting buttons and completing the design goals.

Joseph's first challenge in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Gustav 2

For this puzzle you need to place seven dot or line tiles next to one another. The catch is that you can only place tiles next to ones of the same color. Therefore you need to play some of the tiles just so you have the right color in an area so you can play the tile needed to complete the objective. You are given enough line tiles to complete the cat’s requirement. You then need to analyze the tiles around the sides of the board to take advantage of those colors when placing tiles.

Second Gustav puzzle solution

Edward 2

This Edward puzzle requires you to create two chains of tiles of two different patterns. You only have enough tiles to complete each design if you use the tiles along the sides of the board. In fact you need to connect the chain to two tiles of the same pattern on the sides of the board. Before playing any tiles I would look for areas where you can connect two tiles of the matching pattern by using five tiles. On top of this you can only play tiles if they match the color of a neighboring tile. This means you need to place each tile next to a side tile of the same color.

Second Edward puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Joseph 2

This Joseph puzzle requires you to keep multiple things in mind when you are figuring out where to place tiles. You need to collect four cats. You have enough tiles to get two of each cat using a different tile pattern for each one. The cat that requires you to place five tiles is harder to place as there are only certain places that the design fits. You need to start it with one of the border tiles. Additionally you need to keep track of the colors since you can only place tiles next to ones of the same color. Therefore you need to take advantage of the colors of the tiles around the borders.

Second Joseph puzzle solution

Vivianne 1

This Vivianne Quilts and Cats of Calico puzzle requires you to acquire two cats and three buttons. The design needed to get the cats is quite simple. You need to utilize the tiles already on the board to complete them though. The rest of your tiles are used to get the buttons and to be able to create the layouts required by the cats.

Vivianne puzzle solution in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Frida 1

The first Frida puzzle is all about acquiring cats as you need seven of them to complete the challenge. The puzzle gives you enough tiles to complete four groups of the cat that requires three tiles and three groups of the cat that requires five tiles. You need to use all of the tiles to get the cats so you can’t waste any of them. You also need to take advantage of the corresponding patterns along the side of the board. As you can only place tiles next to other tiles of the same color, it is best to create large groups of the same color.

First Frida puzzle solution

Frida 2

For this puzzle you need to score the higher amount for all three design goals. You can only place tiles next to others that share the same pattern. You should first focus on the two design goals that are worth more points since they are harder to complete. Look through the tiles and find the colors that have three and four tiles. These tiles need to be placed around the two more valuable design goals. You then need to figure out how to place these tiles so the patterns also match the requirements of the design goals.

Frida second puzzle solution in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Oomi 1

For this puzzle you need to collect four cats using a triangle design. You will have to create three of the designs using a tile from the outer tiles. You have enough line pattern tiles that you will place these around the outside. As you have to play next to matching colored tiles, you need to analyze the colors of the tiles you have so you can place them next to the outer tiles. For the final cat you will use the dot tiles. You need to branch out from the other three cat layouts you already created. These three will meet in the middle of the board where you will place the fourth matching design.

Solution to first Oomi puzzle

Oomi 2

For this puzzle you will face off against Oomi. You need to win the game and also collect six buttons. Your main focus needs to be playing tiles of the same color next to one another in order to get the buttons. This works best if you choose the design goals where you have to play matching tiles since you can work the color matching into completing the design goal. Every so often try to match a cat design as well in order to get a few more points.

Second Oomi puzzle solution

Vivianne 2

For this Vivianne puzzle you need to complete the higher level of the design goal as well as get four buttons. With the tiles you are given you need to use every tile except for the dark blue tile to get a button. You need to separate the light blue and yellow tiles so there is only three in each group. This allows you to get two buttons for each color.

Second Vivianne puzzle solution in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Billy 1

For this puzzle you need to complete the cat’s design as well as get three buttons. As the design forces you to place five tiles next to one another in a straight line, there is a limited number of spots on the board where it will fit. You first need to find where it will fit. Then you need to figure out where to place each color tile so it is next to other tiles of the same color so you can get the buttons.

Solving Billy's first puzzle

Frank 2

For this challenge you just need to beat Frank. There is no direct tips I can give you since it is played like a normal game. I personally prefer to pick the design goals that have you place matching tiles around the design goal. I think this usually works the best because you can better use it alongside the other ways of scoring points. You can also use the matching patterns for the cats to meet the requirements of the design goals. When you match the colors for a design goal, you can also use them to get you a few buttons.

Solution to Frank's second puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Tina 1

For this Tina puzzle you need to get six cats. Based on the tiles you are given you need to get two of each cat. The cat that requires five tiles is the hardest to place since it can only fit in certain spots on the board. For those two cats you need to build the design around one of the tiles that are already on the board. The cat that requires three tiles in a triangle shape fits well in the corners. Finally the four tile cat needs a spot on the board where there is a straight path that is empty.

Solving Tina's puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Mona 1

This puzzle forces you to focus on quite a few different things. You should probably focus first on figuring out where you can fit the cat designs onto the board. You are only given enough of each design that you have to make use of one of the starting tiles. While placing tiles make sure to try and place them next to border tiles of the same color. You need to get a button of every color in order to get the rainbow button. Finally when you place tiles by the design goal you need to make sure that the pattern or color matches at least one of the other tiles around the goal.

Solution to Mona puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Iron Loom 2

This challenge plays like a normal game of Calico. Since you have to complete all of the design goals though, you need to focus on them when choosing and placing tiles. I personally like picking all design goals that require you to play matching tiles. I think this helps because it works better with the other ways of scoring. While the design goals are most important, you should also try to get some of the cats since they are worth a lot of points.

Beating the Iron Loom for the second time.

Father 1

For this final challenge of the main story, you need to defeat your father. This challenge plays like a normal game as you just have to score more points. In my opinion completing the design goals and acquiring the cats should be the priority. The cats are worth a lot of points and you can use the matching patterns along with your design goals in order to score in two ways with the tiles.

Defeating your father in Quilts and Cats of Calico

After you complete this challenge, the story of Quilts and Cats of Calico ends. Most of the characters have one last level to complete though. At this point the remaining levels can be done in any order. The order I have listed them below is the order that I completed them.

Father 2

The goal of this father puzzle is to complete the design goal of having each tile be a different color and design. If you analyze the tiles you are given there is only one combination of tiles where this will work. I believe most (if not all) of the first tiles work for the design goal. The challenge then becomes figuring out how to work around having to place tiles next to others of the same pattern. The top two design tiles for the design goal will match the tiles above them. The rest of the tiles you need to build a path from the outside to the design goal.

Completing the second father puzzle

Flora 2

This Flora challenge mostly plays like a normal game. The only difference is that you need to acquire a rainbow button. Because of this requirement, I would focus on making sure you get a button of each color. If you need a particular color and another tile of that color is not going to come out soon, take it even if it doesn’t really work with whatever else you are doing. Mix in some design goals and cats along with the rainbow button, and you should have enough points to beat Flora.

Beating the second Flora challenge

Agatha 2

This challenge plays like a normal game except that you need to get a rainbow button. Because of this you should prioritize tiles of colors that you still need buttons for. You don’t have to get all of the buttons right away, but you need to make sure that you leave enough space open so you can get the remaining color buttons that you still need. While you are getting the buttons, you should use those matching colors in order to help you complete the design goals.

Beating Agatha's final challenge in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Vivianne 3

This Vivianne challenge is played like a normal game except you can’t score points from cats. Therefore you need to prioritize acquiring buttons and completing design goals. At least in my experience Vivianne is not difficult to beat as I beat her while failing two design goals since she took the one tile I needed for two of the goals.

Beating Vivianne's final challenge

Joseph 3

When you face off against Joseph for the last time you need to beat him in a game. You also need to do this by completing the design goals. Since you need to finish the design goals, you should prioritize them when picking and placing tiles. Be on the lookout for the tiles you need. If you don’t have a tile you need for a design goal, place it in the corners of the board hopefully in a way that helps you get a button.

Solution to Joseph's third challenge

Frida 3

For this challenge you will play a normal game, but you don’t have to win. Since you don’t have to win, you need to focus solely on completing the design goals. Look at the upcoming tiles to see which ones you can use to complete the goals. If you currently have tiles that you can’t use for any of your goals, place them in the corners where they won’t be used for any of the design goals.

Oomi 3

This Oomi puzzle requires you to complete all three design goals while also getting a rainbow button. The hardest design goal to complete is the one where each tile has to be a different color and pattern, so I would start there. Figure out which six tiles have to go around that design goal. After you figure that out, see which of those tiles you can use to match other tiles in the other design goals. When placing tiles you also need to try to place tiles next to others of the same color. There are a couple extra tiles that don’t need to be used to get a button, but most will be used for the buttons.

Solution to Oomi's third puzzle

Mona 2

This final Mona challenge is a game where you have to beat Mona while also acquiring a rainbow button. You want to prioritize placing tiles next to others of the same color in order to get the rainbow button. This generally works well with design goals that have you place matching tiles. I prioritized these two things to win the match. In fact I didn’t get a single cat.

Completing Mona's final challenge

Tina 2

In the final Tina challenge you have to beat her while also acquiring at least one of each of the cats. Since you need to acquire the cats, you should prioritize them when picking and placing tiles. The cat worth nine points is the hardest to place since the pattern doesn’t fit most places. It is best to place it in one of the corners. The eleven point cat should be placed along one of the edges since it gives you enough space without getting too much in your way. You should try to use the matching patterns of the tiles along with the design goals in order to score some more points.

Completing Tina's final challenge

Iron Loom 3

This Iron Loom puzzle forces you to acquire four cats and complete all three design goals. You will use each tile pattern to get one cat. To acquire the cats that require six of the same pattern, you need to use matching pattern tiles from the edges of the boards. I would first start by figuring out where to place those two sets of tiles as there is a specific place that you need to place them to take advantage of the starting tiles.

Solution to third Iron Loom puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

Frank 3

This Frank level is played like a normal game except that you don’t get to keep tiles to use on future turns. You don’t have to win or even complete the level to finish this challenge. You just need to complete the requirements for each of the cats once. I would highly recommend focusing on the cat that requires six tiles. Try to use a tile from the edges of the board in the layout. Whenever one of these tiles come up, I would recommend taking it. When I played the level Frank seemed to prioritize taking these tiles, so it was best to take them whenever they became available. If none of those are available I would take tiles for the cat that requires five tiles and so on. You shouldn’t worry about trying to score a lot of points. The level ends whenever you acquire the third cat.

Completing Frank's third challenge

Greta 2

For this Greta puzzle you need to acquire four cats and the rainbow button. There are a couple extra tiles that you don’t need to use to get a button, but most need to be used for the button. In particular you should pay attention to the yellow and light blue tiles. Both colors only have two tiles and both are required for the cat that requires a long chain of tiles. I would first try to figure out where you can place these tiles together where they can be used to both get a button and help complete the cat’s design. After you figure out how to use those two colors, the other tiles are much easier to place.

Solution to the second Greta puzzle in Quilts and Cats of Calico

End of Game

After you complete all of the above puzzles, you will get the end screen showing that you completed all of the levels in the story mode.

Completing the Quilts and Cats of Calico Story