One Deck Galaxy How to Play Quick Links: | Dark Star Syndicate | Hungry Nebula | Neeble-Woober Colony Fleet | Optimization Calibrator | Preservation Authority | Elemens | Felisi | Plumplim | Timtillawinks | ZibZab | Botanists | Explorers | Guardians | Mathematicians | Scientists
If you want a complete look at the rules for One Deck Galaxy, check out our One Deck Galaxy How to Play Guide.
Adversaries in One Deck Galaxy
Dark Star Syndicate
The Dark Star Syndicate is an organization that believes stars would be better if they didn’t emit light. You must prove them to be wrong to stop their plans.
Place the Dark Star Syndicate Confrontation Card with the Rhetorical Banishment side face up.
Adversary Phase
Choose whether you are going to play the two or four star side of the Adversary Card.
If you chose the two star side of the Dark Star Syndicate Adversary Card, you will discard one card from the Galaxy Deck. You will then take the top card from the Galaxy Deck and flip it over. Slide it under the left side of the Adversary Card so the Science icons are showing. For the four star side you will discard two cards and add one card to the Adversary Card for its Science value.
At the end of the Adversary Phase you will look at how many Event cards have been revealed (this includes Experiments and Salvage). If there are ever more revealed Event cards than your current Federation Level, you are Overwhelmed.
Whenever a card is escalated, you will take the top card from the Galaxy Deck. You will flip it over and place it under the left side of the Adversary card so the science symbols are showing.
Confrontation Card
Normally you can flip over the Confrontation Card at any time as long as there are no dice on it. You cannot freely flip over the Dark Star Syndicate Confrontation Card.
If there are ever at least as many science icons on the Dark Star Syndicate Adversary Card as the last uncovered number on the right side of the Adversary Card, you will flip the Confrontation Card. If it is already on the Stop the Finale Side, you will immediately discard the highest science card on the Adversary Card. You will also discard ten cards from the Galaxy Deck.
To flip the Confrontation Card back to the Rhetorical Banishment side, you must play dice to the bottom of the Confrontation Card to fill in all of the boxes. If you fill in all of the boxes, you can flip the card to the other side. You also can discard the lowest Science card played to the Adversary Card.
Whenever the Galaxy Deck runs out of cards, one of the Event cards are revealed. You will flip over one of the Event cards and it will remain face up until it is shut down. While active the card will have negative effects on the player(s)
During the Action Phase you have an additional action that you can take. You may move Research cards from your Starbase to a face up Experiment card.
Whenever enough science is applied to an Experiment to meet one of the requirements, you immediately receive the benefit corresponding to the requirement met.
Once you have applied twelve or more science to an Experiment, the Dark Star Syndicate will salvage it. You will discard all cards that applied science to the Experiment. You will then slide the Experiment card under the Confrontation Card so only the Salvage value is still visible.
Hungry Nebula
Choose whether you want to play the one star or three star side of the card. The three star side is more difficult.
During setup instead of putting the Adversary Event cards underneath the Galaxy Deck, you will immediately put them into play. You will turn each card face up and slide them underneath the reference card so you can see the swell effect of each card.
If you chose the three star side of the Adversary Card, you will discard 10 cards from the Galaxy Deck when you first setup the game.
Adversary Phase
If any of the Encounter cards Escalate, add two Influence to the Adversary card.
For the one star side of the card you will discard one card from the Galaxy Deck and add one influence to the Adversary card. For the three star side of the Adversary card, you will have to discard two cards from the Galaxy Deck and add one influence to the Adversary card.
If there are four cards in the Discover Zone at the start of the phase (you didn’t remove any of the cards in the last round), you will add one influence to the Adversary card.
End of Round
At the end of each turn a “Swell” event will occur. To determine the strength of the Swell you will look for the lowest uncovered number on the right side of the Adversary card. This number tells you how many Swell Effects you have to perform. For each Swell Effect you will choose one of the effects added below the reference card. You can choose which ones you want to perform, but you can only use each effect once each turn.
Should the Adversary card have four influence on it, you will have to choose one additional Swell effect this turn. You will then discard four influence from the Adversary card.
If you are unable to complete enough Swell Effects to meet the required number, you will discard three cards from the Galaxy Deck for each Swell Effect you are unable to perform.
When the Galaxy Deck runs out of cards, you will choose one of the Swell Effects from beneath the reference card to discard. This card is gone for the rest of the game. You will now have less options to choose for each Swell.
After you finish completing the Swell actions, you will look at how many Adversary Event cards have been discarded. If you have discarded a number of Adversary Event cards equal to or higher than the player(s) Federation Level, you are Overwhelmed. You are also Overwhelmed if you have discarded all of the Adversary Event cards. If you do not have an earned Adversary Disc to discard, you lose the game.
Neeble-Woober Colony Fleet
Adversary Phase
During the Adversary Phase you will discard one (two star side) or two (four star side) cards from the Galaxy Deck. You will also add one influence to the Adversary Card.
Adversary Colonies (Adversary Phase)
The mechanic that makes the Neeble-Woober Colony Fleet unique is their ability to acquire Adversary Colonies.
At the end of each Adversary Phase, check how much influence is currently on the Adversary Card. If there is three influence, you will take the top card from the Galaxy Deck and add it to the left side of their Adversary Card. This is done in the same way as when you add colonies to your Homeworld. You will also do this whenever an Event card is revealed. Then discard three influence from the Adversary Card.
Hoarding (Adversary Phase)
On turns when you don’t add an Adversary Colony, you will take the Escalate action.
For the Escalate action you will take dice and Tech discs corresponding to the symbols shown on the left side of the Adversary Card. If there aren’t enough dice of one or more of the colors, you will take black dice to replace the dice you otherwise couldn’t take.
You will then roll all of the dice. Any dice whose number is equal to or higher than the last uncovered number on the right side of the Adversary Card, are added to the Adversary Card’s Hoard. All Tech discs are automatically added to the Hoard.
Negotiate (Action Phase)
Once the Neeble-Woober Colony Fleet adds dice and Tech discs to their Hoard, you can no longer add them to your own personal pool. To make them available again, you need to negotiate.
During the Action Phase you can take the negotiate action twice. You can purchase dice and Tech discs from the Hoard at the following costs:
- 6 Science – All yellow dice
- 4 Fleets – All pink/purple dice
- 3 Influence from locations in the Discovery Zone – All blue dice
- 5 Tech discs – All black dice
- Dice equal to 20+ – All Tech discs
When you acquire dice/discs from the hoard, half goes into your pool and the rest are returned to the general supply. The dice are rolled first.
At the start of each Adversary Phase you will compare the number of Adversary Colonies and the Federation Level of the player(s). If there are at least twice as many colonies as your Federation Level, you are Overwhelmed. If you are unable to discard an acquired Adversary Disc, you lose the game.
Optimization Calibrator
Adversary Phase
During the Adversary Phase you will discard one (two star side) or two (four star side) cards from the Galaxy Deck. You will also add one influence to the Adversary Card.
Memory Cache
Throughout the game the Optimization Calibrator will store dice on its Memory Cache (Adversary Card). Any dice placed in the Memory Cache will stay there until they are given up.
When you take a Cache Input action, you must follow all current restrictions when choosing which dice to add. Some restrictions that are always in place are as follows:
- You cannot cache a die of a color if there are already a number of dice (of that color) equal to to last revealed number on the right side of the Adversary Card.
- You can only cache a die if it is higher than all other dice of its color that are already cached.
- Black dice count as black dice (they aren’t considered wild for restrictions).
Whenever an Escalate is triggered, you will roll a die from the general supply and place it on the Cache. For this die you can ignore all other restrictions.
Action Phase
If the Adversary Card has four influence, you will discard all of their influence. You will then choose three dice from the Memory Cache to add to your own pool (not the general supply). If there are ten or more dice in the Memory Cache, you will take four dice to add to your own pool.
During the Action phase you can take a special action called a Cache Input. You may take one of the dice from your pool and add it to the Adversary’s influence cards. Each Influence can hold one die. These dice must follow the restrictions for adding dice to the Memory Cache. You can take this action as many times as you want/need to.
Results Phase
Move the dice from the Adversary’s Influence cards to the Adversary Card.
If any of the influence do not have a die, you are Overwhelmed. If multiple influence did not have a die, you will be Overwhelmed once for each influence without a die.
When Overwhelmed you need to discard a previously acquired Adversary Disc. If you do not have any Adversary Discs, you lose the game.
Preservation Authority
Adversary Phase
Instead of adding influence to the Preservation Authority, you will add resources. Each Adversary Phase you will choose either one of the face up Locations from the Discovery Zone or the top card from the Galaxy Deck. The card you choose will be added to the left side of the Adversary Card so the resources on the card are visible.
You will discard one (two star side) or two (four star side) cards each Adversary Phase.
At the end of the Adversary Phase you will count up the number of each type of resource that the Adversary Phase currently has. If it has as many or more of a resource than the last uncovered number on the right side of the Adversary Card, you will flip over the corresponding Event Card (if it hasn’t already been flipped over). You will take the corresponding action. After taking the action slide the Event card under the Reference card so the condition is visible. This effect is applied for the rest of the game. Then shuffle the remaining Event cards.
Whenever an Escalate is triggered, you will draw the top card from the Galaxy Deck. You will add the card to the left side of the Adversary Card so the resource on the card is visible.
The Confrontation Card has two sides. The Grand Fleet side is used to try and remove Adversary Tokens from the Adversary Card.
The Liberation side has no impact on the Adversary Tokens. Instead for each row you complete, you can discard one resource card from the Adversary that matches the resource for the row that you completed. There is a typo on the Liberation side of the Challenge card. Instead of saying “May flip” it is supposed to say “May fill”. Therefore you may fill a number of rows equal to the last revealed number on the right side of the Adversary Card.
Each time an Event card is revealed, you will be Overwhelmed. If you have an Adversary Token you can discard it to stay in the game. If you have no Adversary Tokens, you lose the game.
Homeworlds in One Deck Galaxy
You need to have at least twelve dice in your personal pool to complete the Milestone. For the single player game you need to have 20 dice in your personal pool.
Adaptive Research
For this Tech you can resolve the Starbase before the Results Phase. Any dice played to the Starbase will be discarded.
To complete the Milestone you need to have twelve Fleets.
Noble Efficiency
When you activate this Tech you can immediately resolve up to two Progress Rows on Location cards. Any dice or discs played to these rows will be discarded.
This allows you to potentially fill these Progress Rows twice on the same turn.
To complete the Milestone you need to have at least 16 Science on the Starbase.
Floral Ingenuity
With this Tech you can move any number of influence from one Location to another.
You will complete the Milestone if at the end of the Results Phase there are no cards left in the Discovery Zone.
Salvage Rights
The Tech gives you one of two options.
First you can take a black die, roll it, and add it to your pool.
Otherwise you can use a Tech from an Encounter card in the Discovery Zone.
You will complete this Milestone once you increase your Starbase to Class 4.
Rock Solid Logic
Choose a die and increase its value up to your Federation Level. Then reroll all of the dice matching the color of the die you chose.
Societies in One Deck Galaxy
The Botanists’ Milestones are completed by having a specific number of dice in your pool. You will complete the Milestone immediately once you have the necessary dice in your pool.
In a two player game, for each Milestone you need to have five of the corresponding colored dice in your pool. Otherwise you can only have four of the colored dice if there are no dice remaining of that color in the general supply.
For the single player game you need seven dice of the color or five of the color if there are no other dice of that color in the general supply.
Special Ability
The special ability of the Botanists is that you can store dice on the card for future turns. Any dice you store on the Botanists stays on the card for the next turn. They will stay on the side that you rolled when you stored them on the card.
Cubic Farming
Related to the Botanists special ability, the Botanists can use Cubic Farming to store dice on their Botanists card.
- Federation Level 1: You can store one die on the card.
- Federation Level 2: You can store up to two dice on the card. They do not need to be the same color.
- Federation Level 3-5: You can store up to three dice on the card. They do not need to be the same color.
The Explorers Milestones are based around acquiring resources.
For the first Milestone you need to have six resources of the same type.
For the second Milestone you need to have at least four of two different resources.
The third Milestone requires you to have at least two of four different types of resources. For the single player game you need three of three different resources.
Special Ability
The Explorers special ability allows them to count resources attached to cards in the Discovery Zone as if they were attached to their Homeworld card.
Probe Armada
This ability allows you to return dice to the general supply and take the same number of black dice.
- Federation Level 1-2: You can return up to two dice and gain the same number of black dice turned to a three.
- Federation Level 3-4: You can return up to three dice. You will gain the corresponding number of black dice turned to a four.
- Federation Level 5: You can return up to four dice. You will gain the corresponding number of black dice turned to a six.
For the Guardians Milestones you have to exile Colonies. When you exile a Colony you will remove the card from the game. To complete each Milestone you have to discard a Colony/Colonies that match the symbols.
You can choose to complete the Milestones at any point during the game. For example you can exile Colonies after you have already acquired the dice, Tech discs, etc for the current turn.
For the first Milestone you need to exile a Colony/Colonies that feature two of the symbols pictured. In the single player game you need to exile a Colony/Colonies that have all three symbols.
For the second Milestone you need to exile Colony/Colonies that feature three Tech symbols.
For the third Milestone you need to exile a Colony/Colonies that feature one of the two different pairs of resources. In the single player game you need to discard a Colony/Colonies that feature three different resources.
Special Ability
When playing dice to Location cards, Guardians can ignore any Restriction or Unlock text.
For this Tech you have the ability to change the value of your dice.
- For Federation Level 1-2, you can change one or your dice to a value of your choice.
- For Federation Levels 3-4, you can change up to three of your dice to the same number. You can choose the number.
- For Federation Level 5, you can change any number of your dice to the same number. You can choose the number.
The Mathematicians Milestones deal with meeting requirements with specific numbers.
For the first Milestone you need to have exactly five influence on at least three different locations at the exact same time. Once a location has met its Influence Cost, you must claim it during the Results Phase. You can’t leave a Location card in the Discovery Zone so it can be used to complete this Milestone.
For the second Milestone you need to have exactly eleven Science and eleven Fleets.
For the final Milestone you need to discard dice during the Action Phase that equal exactly 44. The dice have to total exactly 66 in the single player game.
Special Ability
For the Mathematicians special ability you can place a dice on the box on the card. Any other dice you rolled that match the number of the die you played on the card, can fulfill the requirements of any small box regardless of its value or color. The dice used with this ability still need to follow Restrictions on cards though.
Precise Calculations
The Precise Calculation Tech uses the Mathematicians special ability.
- Federation Level 1-2: Place a die with a value of 4 or higher on the space. 5+ for one player game.
- Federation Level 3-4: Place a die with a value of 3 or higher on the space.
- Federation Level 5: Place a die with any value on the space.
The Scientists Milestones revolve around using Techs and Tech discs.
For the first Milestone you need to activate three Techs on the same turn. Four Techs in a one player game.
For the second Milestone you need to activate four Techs on the same turn. Five Techs in a one player game.
For the third Milestone you need to have six Tech Discs. Instead of using them to take Techs, you need to add them to the Milestone. You need seven Tech Discs in a one player game.
Special Ability
The Scientists allow you to take one of two special actions on your turn.
You can use a Starbase Disc as a Tech Disc, or you can use two Tech Discs as a Starbase Disc.
Mobile Laboratories
The Mobile Laboratories Tech allows you to use Fleets to launch probes or study locations.
- Federation Levels 1-2: You can spend one Fleet in order to launch a probe.
- Federation Levels 3-4: You can spend one Fleet in order to launch a probe or study a location.
- Federation Level 5: You can spend one Fleet in order to launch a probe and/or study a location.
One Deck Galaxy
Year: 2022 | Publisher: Asmadi Games | Designer: Chris Cieslik | Artist: Alanna Cervenak, Sam “Crowbar” Henry, Robert Simmons
Genres: Card, Cooperative, Dice
Ages: 14+ | Number of Players: 1-2 players | Length of Game: 45-60 minutes
Difficulty: Moderate | Strategy: Moderate | Luck: Light-Moderate
Components: 5 Homeworld cards, 5 Societies cards, 5 Adversaries cards, 2 Starbase cards, 40 Galaxy Deck cards, 25 Adversary Event cards, 5 Adversary Confrontation cards, 5 Adversary Reference cards, 8 blue die, 8 pink dice, 8 yellow dice, 6 black dice, 12 Tech discs, 8 Federation discs, 4 Adversary discs, 4 Starbase discs, instructions
Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.
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One Deck Galaxy Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play - Geeky Hobbies
Saturday 29th of April 2023
[…] For specifics on each Homeworld and Society card, check out our Homeworld and Society guide. […]