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NFL-Opoly Junior Board Game Rules Explained With Pictures

NFL-Opoly Junior Board Game Rules Explained With Pictures

Objective of NFL-Opoly Junior

The objective of NFL-Opoly Junior is to have the most money when one of the players runs out of money.


  • Each player chooses a color. They will take the base and the eleven helmet markers that match the color they chose. If there are only two players, each player chooses two colors of helmet markers.
  • Choose someone to be the Banker. The Banker is in charge of the Bank’s money and the deed cards that no one has acquired yet.
  • The Banker gives each player the following amount of money:
    • 5 – 1 bills
    • 4 – 2 bills
    • 3 – 3 bills
    • 2 – 4 bills
    • 1 – 5 bill
Starting money
To start the game each of the players receive five $1, four $2, three $3, two $4, and one $5.
  • The Banker places $2 in the middle of the gameboard.
  • Shuffle the First Down cards and place them facedown on the corresponding spot on the gameboard.
  • Each player places their playing piece on the Kickoff space.
  • They youngest player starts the game.
Setup for NFL-Opoly

Playing NFL-Opoly Junior

To begin your turn you will roll the die. The number you roll on the die determines how many spaces you will move your playing piece. The NFL Shield logo counts as a one.

After you roll the die you will move your playing piece the corresponding number of spaces clockwise/left around the gameboard.

Moving your playing piece after rolling the die
The green player rolled a five on the die. They will move their playing piece forward five spaces.

Depending on where your playing piece lands, you will take the corresponding action. See the corresponding section below for more details on what each space does.

After you have completed your turn, play passes to the player on your left.

Spaces of NFL-Opoly Junior

Unowned NFL space

Unowned NFL and Gear Up Spaces

When you land on an NFL or a Gear Up space, you will check to see if there is a helmet marker on the space. If there is no helmet marker on the space, no player currently owns the space.

You will then purchase the space. Look at the bottom of the space. The number printed on the space is the amount of money you owe the Bank for the deed. Pay the Bank the corresponding amount of money, and take the corresponding deed from the Bank. You will also place one of your helmet markers on the space to indicate that you now own the space.

Acquiring an NFL space in NFL-Opoly Junior
The green player landed on the Defensive Tackle space. Since the space costs $2, they will pay the cost to the Bank. They will then take the Defensive Tackle card and place one of their helmet markers on the space.

If you have already used all of your helmet markers and have none currently available, you cannot purchase the deed. You will not pay the cost for the deed, and the deed remains with the bank.

Owned NFL space

Owned NFL and Gear Up Spaces

Should you land on a NFL or Gear Up space that already has another player’s helmet marker on it, you will owe them money. If you land on one of your own properties, you take no action on your turn.

The owner of the space has to tell you that you owe rent. If they don’t say anything and the next player starts their turn, you do not owe them any rent. You will owe rent to the owner equal to the amount printed on the space.

Paying rent when landing on a space owned by another player
The yellow player has landed on the Guard space which is owned by the green player. The yellow player owes the green player $3.

If the owner owns all of the spaces matching the color of the space that you landed on, you will owe them twice the amount printed on the space. Should you land on a Gear Up space, you owe double the normal amount if the owner owns all four Gear Up spaces.

Paying rent on a monopoly in NFL-Opoly Junior
The yellow player landed on the Guard space. Since the green player owns all of the blue spaces, the yellow player owes double the normal rent ($6).
Draft space in NFL-Opoly Junior

Combine and Draft

When you land on either of these spaces, you can force another player to trade you one of their NFL or Gear Up deed cards.

The player that lands on the space chooses the player that they want to trade with. They also choose which card they want to trade for and what card they will give the other player. The other player has to accept the trade.

Forcing a trade of cards
The player that landed on the Draft space wants the Tight End space owned by another player. They will use the Draft space to force a trade of their Punter card/space for the Tight End card/space owned by another player.

After a trade is completed, each player involved in the trade moves one of their helmet markers to the new space they own.

Special Trade Rules

Should the Bank still own some properties, you can choose to trade with the Bank instead of another player.

You may not trade a property that is part of a monopoly (the same player owns all of the properties of a color/all four Gear Up cards).

If you are trading for the last card you need to complete a monopoly and you have no other deeds that aren’t part of the monopoly, you can instead trade money for the property held by another player. The game’s rules are not specific on how much you owe the other player. It does say that if you don’t have any deeds to trade though, you will pay the amount printed on the bottom of the space. Therefore I would guess you would pay the player that owns the property the amount printed on the space.

Should you not own any deeds, you can choose a deed that you want. You will pay the owner the amount shown at the bottom of the space.

If you have at least one deed that you can trade, you must make a trade.

First Down space in NFL-Opoly Junior

First Down

Whenever you land on a First Down space, you will draw a First Down card. Read the card and follow the instructions printed on the card.

First Down card
The player that landed on the First Down space picked up this card. Due to the card, they will take all of the money from the center of the board.

After you follow the instructions on the card, you will place the card on the bottom of the deck.

If you draw a Review the Play card, you will keep the card until you need it.

Go to Flag on the Play space in NFL-Opoly Junior

Flag On the Play

If you land on the Go to Flag on the Play space, you must immediately move your playing piece to the Flag on the Play space. You do not collect money for passing Kickoff.

Should you have a Review the Play card, you can play it to immediately. Otherwise you will have to pay $3 to the middle of the board.

Getting off the Flag on the Play space
This player moved to the Flag on the Play space. They can either use a First Down card or $3 in order to move off the space on their next turn.

On your next turn you will move normally from the Flag on the Play space.

The official rules do not specifically say what you should do if you land on the Flag on the Play space while moving around the board. Since there is no official rule, you will have to choose how you want to handle it. There are two main ways you could choose to handle the situation. It is best if all of the players agree to how you will handle the space.

You could choose to follow normal Monopoly rules and pretend there is a “Just Visiting” section on the space. In this case you don’t do anything when you directly land on the Flag on the Play space.

Otherwise you could treat the space the same as if you landed on the Go to Flag on the Play space. You will have to either use a First Down card or pay $3 to move off the space.

Kickoff space in NFL-Opoly Junior


Each time you land on or pass the Kickoff space, you collect $1 from the Bank.

Super Bowl space in NFL-Opoly Junior

Super Bowl!

If you land on the Super Bowl! space you will take all of the money from the center of the space.

Taking all of the money after landing on the Super Bowl space
The green player landed on the Super Bowl! space. They will take all of the money from the center of the gameboard.

After you take all of the money, the Banker takes $2 from the Bank and places it in the middle of the board.

Winning NFL-Opoly Junior

Players will keep taking turns moving around the board acquiring deeds and paying the other players. The game ends when one of the players run out of money. There are no rules for selling or mortgaging properties. So the game ends whenever you need to pay money, and you have no cash to pay what you owe.

All of the players add up how much money they have. You do not count up the properties that you own. The player that has the most money wins NFL-Opoly Junior.

Winning NFL-Opoly Junior
At the end of the game the three remaining players had the following cash: $30, $28, and $8. Since the top player had the most money, they win the game.

NFL-Opoly Junior FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play NFL-Opoly Junior, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for NFL-Opoly


  • Gameboard
  • 4 Playing Pieces and Stands
  • 64 Removable Helmet Stickers
  • 44 Helmet Markers
  • 28 First Down cards
  • 4 Gear Up Cards
  • 16 NFL Deed Cards
  • Die
  • Instructions
  • Play Money
    • 42-$1
    • 40-$2
    • 30-$3
    • 20-$4
    • 10-$5

Year: 2017 | Publisher: MasterPieces

Genres: Economic, Family, Roll and Move

Ages: 6+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 30-60 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.