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Monopoly Voice Banking Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Monopoly Voice Banking Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Monopoly Voice Banking rule?  |  Setup  |  Playing the Game  |  Board Spaces  |  Building Houses and Hotels  |  Running Out of Money  |  Winning the Game  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Monopoly Voice Banking is to have more money and property than the rest of the players when one player goes bankrupt.


  • Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
  • Set the Houses, Hotels, dice, and Get Out of Jail Free card on the table where everyone can reach them.
  • Place the Title Deed cards next to their corresponding spots on the gameboard.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the GO space.
  • Give each player a reference card.
  • Insert batteries into the banking unit and turn the switch to On.
  • When Mr. Monopoly asks who wants to play, each player presses down on the icon that matches the token they choose to play as. Mr. Monopoly gives each player M1,500.
  • All of the players roll the dice. The player that rolls the highest starts the game. Play moves clockwise/left throughout the game.

How to Play Monopoly Voice Banking

To begin you turn you will roll the dice. The number you roll determines how many spaces you will move your token. Move your token clockwise the corresponding number of spaces.

Moving your playing piece in Monopoly Voice Banking
The first player rolled a seven on the dice. They move their playing piece clockwise seven spaces around the gameboard.

After moving your token you will take an action based on what space you landed on. See the corresponding section below for details about what each space does.

If you ended up rolling doubles, you will immediately take another turn after you complete the action from the space that you landed on.

Rolling doubles
This player has rolled doubles on the dice. They will move their playing piece six spaces and take the action corresponding to the space they landed on. They will then roll the dice again and take another turn.

Should you roll doubles for a third turn, you immediately move your token to jail. You do not get to complete your third turn.

After you complete your turn, you pass the dice to the player on your left. This ends your turn.

Board Spaces in Monopoly Voice Banking

Unowned Properties

When you land on an unowned property, you can choose to take one of two actions.

Purchasing the Property

First you can choose to purchase the property. If you want to purchase the property you will press the button on the banking unit that matches your token. After the beep you will say “Buy”. Wait until you hear another beep sound. Then say the name of the property that you are purchasing. You must say it in the exact way that it is printed on the space.

Purchasing a property
This player has landed on Vermont which is still available. The player has decided to purchase the property. They will press the dog button on the hat and say “Buy”. After the beep they will say “Vermont”. The game unit will deduct M100 from their account. The player then takes the title deed card to show that they own the property.

Mr. Monopoly will then say how much money you paid for the property and records that you now own it.

You will take the corresponding Title Deed card, and place it in front of yourself.

Auctioning the Property

If you don’t want to purchase the property, you have to auction it off.

Press the button on the banking unit that matches your token. Wait for a beep and then say “Auction Off”. Wait for another beep and then say the name of the property that is being auctioned off.

Mr. Monopoly then starts the bidding at M50. The players do not need to take turns raising the bid. If you want to raise the bid by M50, you will press your token button.

Players will keep pressing their token button until no one wants to raise the bid. Mr. Monopoly will wait about three seconds from the last bid before he asks if there are any final bids. Once everyone is done bidding, Mr. Monopoly will say how much was bid, and will give the property to the highest bidder. The bidder has to pay the amount they bid. The winner of the auction takes the Title Deed card that matches the property that was auctioned off.

If no one wants to bid on a property, the auction ends and the bank controls the property until someone ends up purchasing it.

Owned Properties

Should you land on a property that you already own, you won’t take any special action.

If you land on a property that is owned by another player, you will have to owe them rent. That player must ask you for the rent though. If they don’t ask for it before the next player rolls the die, you don’t owe them anything.

You will owe the player the amount of rent printed on the Title Deed card corresponding to the current state of the property and the other cards of the same color. To pay the rent you will press your token’s button on the banking unit. After the beep you will say “pay rent on”. Wait for a beep and then say the name of the property that you landed on.

Owing rent for landing on a property
This player has landed on Vermont. Another player already owns it so they owe that player rent. They will press the car button. After the beep they will say “pay rent on.” After the next beep they will say “Vermont”. The game unit automatically moves the corresponding rent from the car player’s account to the owner of the property.

Mr. Monopoly will tell you how much you paid in rent and will pass the money to the player that owns the property.

Chance space


When you land on a Chance space, you will get to take a Chance Card. There aren’t any physical Chance Cards in the game though. Instead you will press your token’s button on the banking unit. After the beep you will say “Chance Card”. The banking unit will then tell you what it says on the card it randomly selected for you. It will also immediately add/remove the corresponding amount of money.

Free Parking space

Free Parking

If you land on Free Parking, you do not take any special action on your turn.

Just Visiting space

Just Visiting

When you land on the Just Visiting space, make sure you place your token on the corresponding section of the space. You will take no special action for landing on the space.

GO space


When you land on or pass GO, you will collect M200 from the bank. To collect your money you will press your token button. After the beep, say “Pass GO”. The banker will then put M200 in your account.

Go to Jail space

Go to Jail

When you land on the Go to Jail space or roll doubles three times on your turn, you will immediately move your token to the Jail space. You do not collect M200 for passing GO. There is no way to tell the banking unit that you are in Jail.

Your turn then ends. While in jail you will still collect rent, bid in auctions, and buy Houses and Hotels. Other players may also force you to trade properties while you are in Jail.

Getting Out of Jail

There are three ways of getting out of Jail.

First you can decide to pay M50 at the start of your turn to get out of Jail. To pay the amount you will press your token button. After the beep you will say “Get Out of Jail.” The banking unit will subtract M50 from your account. You will then roll and move your token the corresponding number of spaces around the board.

Second you can use the Get Out of Jail Free card if you have it. If you choose to use this action you will press your token button on the unit. After the beep say “Get Out of Jail.” The unit knows that you have the card and wish to use it. You will then roll the dice and move your token around the board.

Finally you can try to roll doubles on your turn. You can spend up to three turns to try and roll for your freedom. If you roll doubles, you leave jail and move your token the corresponding number of spaces.

Getting out of Jail in Monopoly Voice Banking
There are three ways of getting out of Jail. First you can roll doubles. Otherwise you can pay M50 or use a Get Out of Jail Free card. In the last two cases you will press your button on the hat and say “Get Out of Jail.” The game unit will then either subtract the M50 or remove the Get Out of Jail Free card from your account.

If you fail to roll doubles in three attempts, you will be forced to pay M50. Press your token button. After the beep you need to say “Get Out of Jail.” The unit will then subtract M50 from your account. You will then roll the dice and move the corresponding number of spaces.

Trade space


Unlike normal Monopoly, you can only trade in Monopoly Voice Banking if you land on a Trade space. When you land on the space, you may choose to take the action. You don’t have to take the trade action.

To take the action you have to pay M100 to the bank. You will then choose one of your properties that don’t have a House or Hotel on it. You can trade your chosen property for any property that is owned by another player that also doesn’t have a House or Hotel on it. The player that owns the other property can’t block the trade as it is a forced trade.

To complete the trade you will press your token button on the banking unit. After the beep you will say “Trade.” Wait for the next beep and then say the name of the property that you own that you want to trade. The unit then asks for which property you want. You will tell it the name of the property that you want in the trade. The game unit will complete the trade if it is allowed to.

The two players will swap the corresponding Title Deed cards to complete the trade.

Train Ride space

Train Ride

In Monopoly Voice Banking you can’t buy the Railroads like normal Monopoly. Instead the Railroads spaces will move you to a different spot on the board.

Press your token button. After the beep say “Train Ride.” Mr. Monopoly will then tell you where to move your token. After you move your token to the corresponding space, you will take the associated action. You do not collect M200 if you pass GO.

Building Houses and Hotels

Just like in normal Monopoly, it is beneficial to collect all of the properties of a color.

First it increases the amount of rent you can charge when players land on one of the properties of that color.

Second you can build a House/Hotel on properties if you own all of the properties of that color. It is beneficial to place Houses and Hotels quickly because it prevents other players from taking the property through a forced trade. No properties that have a House or Hotel on them may be traded.

You can build a House or Hotel on any of your properties where you own the set. You can purchase them even on another player’s turn. Unlike normal Monopoly, you can only place one House on each property. You can then upgrade it by placing a Hotel. You can also decide to immediately place a Hotel, but you will be charged for both the House and Hotel.

If there are no Houses/Hotels available, you have to wait until one becomes available before you can purchase one for your property.

Once you build a House or Hotel, you cannot sell it back to the bank. The only way to get rid of it is when you are forced to get rid of the property due to not having enough money to pay off a debt.

To build a building you will press your token button on the banking unit. After the beep you will say “Build a House” or “Build a Hotel” whichever one you want to purchase. The unit will then ask you which property you want to add it to. You will say the property name where you want to build it. The unit subtracts the corresponding amount of money from your account. Place the corresponding building on the space to let the players know there is a House/Hotel on that space.

Placing a house on Boardwalk
A player owns both Boardwalk and Park Place. They have decided to place a House on Boardwalk. They will press their button on the game unit and say “Build a House.” After the beep they will say “Boardwalk”. The unit subtracts the money from the player’s account. The player then places a House on the property to show the players that it is on the property.

Running Out of Money

Eventually you may get to the point where you owe money for landing on a space, but you don’t have enough cash to pay off the entire debt. In this case you will have to pay with all of the cash you have on hand as well as one of your properties. You only have to give up one of your properties and all of your cash, no matter how much you owe. The rest of your debt is ignored. You choose which of your properties you want to give up.

Should you give up a property that has a building on it, the building is removed from the property and is returned to the Bank. If any other properties in the color set have a building on them, those are also returned to the Bank since you no longer control the whole set.

When you try to pay rent and you don’t have enough, Mr. Monopoly will say you don’t have enough money. It will ask you what property you want to pay with. You will say the name of the property that you want to give up. The banking unit then transfers ownership to the player you owed. You should give the Title Deep to the new owner so everyone knows who owns it now.

Winning Monopoly Voice Banking

The players will keep playing the game until one player goes bankrupt. A player has to declare bankruptcy when they don’t have enough money to pay off their debt and they don’t have any properties to give up.

The banking unit then determines each players’ wealth combining their cash with the value of their properties. The player with the highest wealth wins the game.

Monopoly Voice Banking FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Monopoly Voice Banking


  • Gameboard
  • Banking Unit (top and brim)
  • 4 Tokens
  • 16 Title Deed Cards
  • Get Out of Jail Free Card
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 8 Houses
  • 12 Hotels
  • 2 Dice
  • Instructions

Year: 2018 | Publisher: Hasbro | Artist: Henning Ludvigsen

Genres: Electronic, Family, Roll and Move

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 60 Minutes+

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate-High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.