Looking for a specific Monopoly Travel World Tour rule? | Setup | Playing the Game | Board Spaces | Trading With Other Players | Can’t Pay | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |
The objective of Monopoly Travel World Tour is to move around the board and reach four of your travel goals before the other players.
- Choose a player to be the Banker. The Banker is responsible for the Bank’s money, unowned Destination Cards, and overseeing auctions. The Banker can play the game, but they must keep their money separate from the Bank’s money.
- The Banker gives each player the corresponding money:
- 10 – 10M
- 5 – 20M
- 2 – 50M
- 2 – 100M
- 2 – 500M
- Each player chooses a player token and places it on the GO space.
- Make sure the board has been completely erased/wiped off from the previous game. You can wipe off the board with a clean cloth.
- Place the golden travel ticket on the Free Parking space.
- Shuffle the Travel Journal cards and place them on the corresponding space on the gameboard.
- Shuffle the Chance cards and place them on the corresponding space on the gameboard.
- Each player rolls the dice. The player that rolls the highest number starts the game. Play will move left/clockwise throughout the game.
How to Play Monopoly Travel World Tour
You will begin your turn by rolling the two dice. The number you roll on the dice determines how many spaces you will move your player token. You will move your player token clockwise around the board.
You will then take an action based on the space that you landed on. See the Monopoly Travel World Tour Board Spaces section below for details on what each space does.
If you ended up rolling doubles, you will get to take another turn. You will roll the dice, move your playing piece, and take the action corresponding to the space that you land on. If you roll doubles three times in a row, you will immediately move your playing piece to jail. You will not get to take your third turn.
Your turn will then end. You will pass the dice to the player on your left. They will then take their turn.
Monopoly Travel World Tour Board Spaces
The space you land on determines what action you will take on your turn.
Unowned Destinations
If you land on an unowned destination space, you will decide whether you want to purchase it, or put it up for auction.
If you decide to purchase the destination, pay the price printed on the space to the Bank. You will then take the corresponding destination card from the Bank.
Each destination card in the game has a travel goal printed on the bottom of the card. On a future turn you want to visit this location in order stamp the space.
If you don’t want to purchase the destination, it will immediately be put up for auction. Bidding starts at 10M. There is no turn order so players can raise the bid at any time. You must raise the bid by at least 10M. When no one else is willing to raise the bid, the player that bids the most pays the Bank the corresponding amount. They will then take the destination card from the Bank.
If no one wants to bid on a destination, the auction ends with no one acquiring the destination. The destination card stays with the bank.
Completing a Travel Goal
Should a player ever acquire a destination that has the travel goal of one of their other destination cards, they can start their next turn moving to the corresponding space. They will then stamp the space to note that they completed the corresponding travel goal. They will then take the rest of their turn as normal.
Owned Destinations
When you land on a destination owned by another player, the owner may ask you to pay the tour fee. If they ask you to pay the tour fee, you must pay it. The one exception is if the destination is one of your travel goals. If it is one of your travel goals, you do not have to pay the tour fee.
If the owner owns all of the destinations of the corresponding color, they can charge the higher rate printed on the card.
Should the owner of a destination not ask you to pay before the next player rolls the dice, you do not have to pay them the tour fee.
When you pass or land on GO you will collect 200M from the Bank.
Just Visiting
Should you land on the Just Visiting space, you will take no special action. Make sure you place your piece on the Just Visiting section of the space. Your turn then ends.
Travel Insurance
You will pay the Bank the amount printed on the space.
Travel Guide Fees
You will pay the Bank the amount printed on the space.
Free Parking
At the beginning of the game you will place the golden travel ticket on the Free Parking space. The first player to land on the Free Parking space gets to take the ticket.
At any point in the game (during their turn) the player that takes the ticket can move to any destination space on the board. After the ticket is used, it is returned to the box.
After the ticket is taken, any players that land on Free Parking receive no special action.
When you land on a Chance space, you will take the top card from the Chance deck.
You will read the card out loud and take the corresponding action. The card is then returned to the bottom of the Chance deck.
If you pass the GO space due to a Chance card, you will not collect the 200M unless the card specifically says you can.
Go To Jail
When you land on the Go To Jail space or roll doubles three times in a row, you will immediately move to the jail space. You will not collect 200M for passing GO. Your current turn ends immediately.
While in jail you can still collect tour fees, receive benefits from Travel Journey cards, bid during auctions, and trade with other players.
There are three different ways to get out of jail.
First you can pay 50M to the Bank at the start of your turn. You will then roll the dice and take your normal turn.
Second you can play a Get Out of Jail Free card at the start of your turn. You can use a card that you acquired, or you can purchase a card from another player. After you use the card, place it on the bottom of the corresponding deck. You will then roll the dice and take your normal turn. Note: My new copy of Monopoly Travel World Tour did not have any Get Out of Jail Free cards. I am not sure if this is a production error and my copy was missing the Get Out of Jail Free cards, or the official instructions included this rule despite it never actually being able to be applied.
Finally you can roll the dice. If you roll doubles, you will leave jail. The number you roll will be used to move around the board. You can try to roll doubles for three turns. If you don’t roll doubles on your third roll, pay 50M to the bank and use the number you rolled to move around the board.
Local Flights
When you land on one of these spaces you can choose to go on a flight. If you pay 100M to the Bank, you can immediately move your piece to any destination space between your current space and the next flight space. You will then take the action corresponding to the space you landed on.
Long-distance Flights
Long-distance flights are more powerful than local flights. If you pay 200M to the Bank, you can immediately move to any destination space on the entire gameboard. If you pass Go while moving to the space though, you will not collect 200M. When you reach your destination, you will take the action corresponding to the space.
Travel Journal
When you land on this space, you will take the top card from the Travel Journal deck. You will read the card out loud and do as it says.
The Travel Journal cards will ask you to stamp one of the empty spaces on the bottom of the card. The number of spaces open on the card can very. If there is an empty space left on the card, you will use your stamp on one of the empty spaces. These stamps stay on the card forever. By stamping a card, you will receive its benefits/negatives in future games.
After taking the corresponding action you will return the card to the bottom of the corresponding deck.
Trading With Other Players
At any time in the game you can agree to trade with another player in the game. You may buy, sell or swap destination cards, and/or Get Out of Jail Free cards. The players in the deal can decide what they think is fair. If the players involved in the trade all agree to it, the trade is completed.
Only one player may stamp a destination space during the game. If you trade a destination card with a travel goal that you completed/stamped, the player you traded the card to can’t also stamp the same space.
Can’t Pay
When you owe money to the Bank or another player, you need to pay as much as you can. If you can’t pay the full cost though, you remain in the game and don’t have to pay the rest that you owe. There is no bankruptcy in Monopoly Travel World Tour and you can’t mortgage properties.
Winning Monopoly Travel World Tour
The game ends immediately after a player has stamped their fourth travel goal. This player has won the game.
Before putting the game away, make sure all of the ink has been wiped off of the gameboard. Also make sure the caps are securely on each of the token stamps to prevent the ink from drying out.
Monopoly Travel World Tour FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- Gameboard
- 4 tokens with attached stamps
- 22 Destination cards
- 10 Chance cards
- 10 Travel Journal cards
- 2 dice
- Cardboard money
- 44-10s
- 45-20s
- 30-50s
- 21-100s
- 14-500s
- Instructions
Year: 2022 | Publisher: Hasbro | Designer: NA | Artist: NA
Genres: Economic, Family, Roll and Move
Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 60 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate-High
Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.
For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.