Objective of Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition
The objective of Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition is to have the most leafy greens at the end of the game.
- Place the gameboard in the middle of the table. Put the die near the gameboard.
- Remove the 4 Character cards from the Chance cards.
- Shuffle the Chance cards and then place them facedown on the Chance space.
- Each player chooses a token and places it on the GO! space.
- Each player takes the Character card and 12 friend tokens that match their chosen token.
- Choose a player to be the Leaf Keeper (Banker). The Leaf Keeper is in charge of the Leaf Supply (Bank). The Leaf Keeper can also play the game, but they must keep their leafy greens separate from the Leaf Supply. Give each player a number of leafy greens depending on the number of players.
- 2 players – M20 each
- 3 players – M18 each
- 4 players – M16 each
- The youngest player starts the game. Play moves clockwise/left throughout the game.
Playing Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition
You will start your turn by rolling the die.
Depending on what number you roll on the die, you will move your playing piece the corresponding number of spaces clockwise around the board.
You will then take an action based on what space you landed on. See the corresponding board space section below for more details.
Once you have taken the action corresponding to the space you landed on, your turn ends. Play passes to the player on your left.
Board Spaces of Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition
Dino Without a Friend
If you land on a dino space that does not have a marker on it, the dino has not been befriended yet. To become its friend you must play leafy greens to the Leaf Supply equal to the number printed on the space. This is required.
After paying, you will place one of your friend signs on the space’s color band.
If you are unable to pay the cost, the game ends.
Dino With a Friend
Should you land on a dino space that already has a friend sign on it, that dino already has a friend. You will pay the amount printed on the space to the player whose sign is on the space. If your sign is on the space, you will take no additional action.
If the player has one of their signs on both spaces of the color, you will have to pay twice the cost printed on the space.
Should you be unable to pay what you owe, the game ends.
When you land on a Chance space, you will draw the top card from the Chance pile. You will read out loud what is printed on the card, and then take the corresponding action.
After you have taken the action, you will put the card on the bottom of the pile.
Free Parking
When you land on Free Parking, you do not take any special action.
Should you land on or pass the GO space, you will collect M2 from the Leaf Supply.
Go To Time Out
If your playing piece lands on the Go To Time Out space, you will immediately move your playing piece to the Time Out space. You do not collect M2 for passing GO. Your turn also ends immediately.
On your next turn you have three options to get out of Time Out.
First you can choose to pay M1 to the Leaf Supply. After paying you will roll the die and move your playing piece the corresponding number of spaces.
Should you have a Get Out of Time Out Free card, you can play it. After discarding the card, you will roll the die and move the corresponding number of spaces.
You final option is to try and roll a six on the die. If you should roll a six, you will use the six you rolled to move your playing piece. After moving take the action corresponding to the space you landed on.
If you fail to roll a six, you can try to roll the die again on your next turn. You can do this up to three times. If you fail on your third try, you will pay M1 to the Leaf Supply and then use your last roll to move out of Time Out.
Just Visiting
When you land on the Just Visiting space, you take no special action on your turn.
Winning Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition
Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition ends when one of the players are unable to pay the amount they owe to another player or the Leaf Supply.
All of the players will count up how many leafy greens they currently have. The player with the most leafy greens wins the game. Should there be a tie, the tied player with more friends (signs on dinosaur spaces) wins the game.
Advanced Game
Once you are familiar with the main game or are playing with older children, you can choose to use the advanced game rules.
During the game if you ever fail to have enough leafy greens to pay a debt to a player or the Leaf Supply, you will try to settle the debt with one of the dinos you have become friends with.
If you owe another player, pick one of you dino friends and give possession of the space to the other player. You will remove your sign from the space, and they will put their own sign on the space.
Should you owe leafy greens to the Leaf Supply, you will choose one of your dino friends to give back. Basically you remove your sign from the space. That space is now open for other players to collect in the game.
If you are still unable to pay off your debt, the game ends. The player with the most leafy greens wins the game.
Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition FAQs
If you have any questions about how to play Monopoly Junior Dinosaur Edition, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- Gameboard
- 4 tokens
- 20 Chance cards
- 4 Character cards
- 48 Friend Signs
- 90 Leafy Greens
- Die
- Instructions
Year: 2021 | Publisher: Hasbro
Genres: Children’s, Economic, Roll and Move
Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High
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