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Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Objective of Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

The objective of Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is to be the last player remaining with Vibranium.

Setup for Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

  • Choose someone to be the Banker. The player chosen as the Banker can still play the game, but they must keep their Vibranium separate from the Bank.
  • Each player is given the following Vibranium:
    • 5 – 1 Vibranium
    • 5 – 5 Vibranium
  • Shuffle the Wakanda cards and place them facedown on the corresponding spot on the board.
  • Shuffle the Talocan cards and place them facedown on the corresponding spot on the board.
  • Each player chooses a token. If you choose a silver token, you will play on the side of the Wakandans. If you choose a gold token, you will play on the side of the Talocanils. You will place your chosen token on the GO space.
  • Each player rolls the die. Whichever player rolls the highest number gets to start the game.
Setup for Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Playing Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

You will begin your turn by rolling the die. The number you roll on the die is how many spaces you will move your token. You will move your token clockwise around the board.

Movement in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
The current player rolled a three. They will move their token to the Cargo Ship space.

Depending on what space you land on, you will take the corresponding action. See the Board Spaces section below for more details.

After taking the action corresponding to the space you landed on, your turn will end. You will pass the die to the player on your left.

Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Board Spaces

Unowned Properties

When you land on an unowned property or facility space, you will have the option to purchase it or put it up for auction.

If you would like to purchase the space, you will pay the Bank Vibranium equal to the number printed on the space. You will then take the corresponding Title Deed card from the Bank.

If you don’t want to purchase the property, it will immediately be put up for auction. Bidding will start at one Vibranium. Players can raise the bid in any order. You must raise the bid by at least one Vibranium though. When no one wants to raise the bid, the auction ends. The player that bid the most wins the property. They will pay the amount they bid to the Bank, and they will take the corresponding Title Deed card from the Bank.

If no one bids on an auction, the auction is canceled. The Title Deed stays with the Bank.

Property Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Owned Location Properties

When you land on a location property owned by another player, that player can ask you to pay rent. If they don’t ask you to pay rent before the next player rolls the die, you don’t have to pay the owed rent.

The rent you owe is printed on the Title Deed card. The owner will charge the rent listed at the top of the card.

Paying Rent in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
The current player landed on the Cargo Ship space. As someone already owns the property, the current player owes the owner one Vibranium.

If the player owns both location properties of the same color, they will charge the “Rent with color set” amount.

Paying Rent
The owner of the Cargo Ship also owns the Underwater Mining Site. The player that landed on the Cargo ship will owe the player two Vibranium.

Should a building be placed on the space, the player will charge the “Rent with building” amount.

Paying Rent
The Cargo Ship property had a building placed on it. The player landing on the space will owe the player four Vibranium.
Facility Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Owned Facility Properties

There are two facility properties in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Great Ball Court and Landing Pad). When you land on one of these properties you will roll the die. If the owner only has one of the two facilities, you will owe them Vibranium equal to the number that you rolled.

Paying Facility Rent
This player landed on the Great Ball Court facility which was owned by another player. As they rolled a three, they will pay the owner three Vibranium.

If the player owns both facilities, you will owe them twice the amount you rolled.

Paying Rent At A Facility
This owner of the Great Ball Court also owned the Landing Pad. The player that landed on the space will owe six Vibranium (3 x 2).

Like location properties, you only owe rent if the owner asks for it before the next player rolls the dice.

GO Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


When you land on or pass GO, you will collect four Vibranium from the Bank.

Transport Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


Should you land on one of the four transport spaces (Orca, Blue Whale, Sunbird, Royal Sea Leopard), you can choose one of the spaces between your current location and the next transport space. You will move your token to your chosen space. Should you pass GO, you will collect the four Vibranium.

Transport Example
The current player landed on the Orca space. They can use the space’s action to move to any space between their current space and the Blue Whale space.

You can otherwise choose to ignore the space’s ability and stay on your current space.

Wakanda Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


When you land on a Wakanda space, you will take a card from the Wakanda deck. Depending on what side you are playing as (Wakanda or Talocanil), you will read the corresponding section of the card.

Wakanda Card
If the current player is playing as a Wakandan, they can keep the card as a Get Out of Jail Free card. If they are playing as Talocanil, they will immediately go to jail.

You will take the action printed on the card immediately unless the card says that you can use it at a later time. After you take the corresponding action, you will return the card to the bottom of the Wakanda deck.

Talocan Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


Should you land on the Talocan space, you will draw the top card from the Talocanil deck. You will read the section of the card corresponding to the side that you are playing as.

Talocan Card
If the player who drew this card is playing as a Talocanil, they will collect two Vibranium. If they are playing as Wakandan, they will pay two Vibranium.

Unless the card says that you can use it at a later time, you will take the action immediately. After you take the action, you will return the card to the Talocanil deck.

Free Parking Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Free Parking

Nothing special happens when you land on the Free Parking space.

Just Visiting Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Just Visiting

Nothing special happens when you land on the Just Visiting space.

Go to Jail Space in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Go to Jail

The Go to Jail space will send your token to the In Jail space. You will not collect four Vibranium for passing GO. Your turn also ends immediately.

While in jail you can still collect rent, bid in auctions, add buildings to your properties, mortgage properties, and trade with other players.

You can get out of jail in three different ways:

First you can pay one Vibranium to the Bank. You will then take your turn like normal.

Next you can use a Get Out of Jail Free card at the start of your turn. You will return the card to the bottom of the corresponding deck. Then you will roll the die and move.

Finally you can roll the die. If you roll a six, you will get out of jail. You will then use the six you rolled to move your token out of jail. You have three chances to roll a six to get out of jail. If you fail to get out, you will have to pay one Vibranium to the Bank and will then use your last roll to move out of jail.

Get Out of Jail
This player is currently in jail. In order to get out of jail they can use a Get Out of Jail free card, pay one Vibranium, or roll a six.

Buildings in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Once you have acquired both properties of a color, you have the opportunity to construct buildings on those properties. You can do this as any time as you don’t have to wait for your turn. If you are playing as the Wakandans you will use the purple buildings. If you are the Talocanil, you will use the red buildings.

To add a building you will look at the building cost for the property that you want to build on. Pay the corresponding amount of Vibranium to the Bank, and add the building to the property you chose. You can only place one building on each space. You may not add a building to a property if the other property in the set is currently mortgaged.

Placing A Building
One of the players owns both the Visitor’s Quaters and the Cenote Entrance. They want to place a building on the Visitor’s Quarters so they will pay ten Vibranium to the Bank.

If multiple people want to buy a specific colored building and it is the last one remaining of that color, the interested players will hold an auction for it. Bidding will start at one Vibranium. Whichever player bids the most gets to take the building. The amount bid goes to the Bank.

If you want to construct a building but there are none of your colored buildings left, you cannot add the building until one is sold back to the Bank.

Trading in Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

You can buy sell or trade with other players at any time. You can trade/buy/sell Title Deeds, cash and/or Get Out of Jail Free cards. The players can make any trade that they want. The trade is accepted if all of the players in the trade agree to it.

If you trade a property that has a building on it, you must first sell the building to the Bank. You cannot sell or trade buildings to other players.

Should a traded property be mortgaged, the player that acquires it can immediately pay the mortgage cost to the Bank to turn the card over. Otherwise the player could wait until a future turn to unmortgage the property.

Can’t Pay

Should you owe money due to a card you drew or a property that you landed on, you need to try and pay off your debt. You will begin by trying to acquire enough Vibranium.

Acquiring Vibranium

You can sell any buildings on your properties to the Bank for their initial cost.

Otherwise you can mortgage your properties. Before you can mortgage a property, you have to sell any buildings attached to any of the properties in the set. You will sell them back for the amount you paid to place them. You will then turn over the mortgaged property to the other side to note that it has been mortgaged. The Bank will then give you Vibranium equal to the mortgage value.

You cannot collect rent on mortgaged properties. The increased rent on the other property/facility in the set can still be collected by the player though.

To unmortgage a property, you will pay the unmortgage cost to the Bank. You will then turn the card over.

Mortgaging a Property
This player has decided to mortgage the Tolocanil Gardens. They will receive two Vibranium from the Bank. To unmortgage the property, they will have to pay two Vibranium to the Bank.


If you still can’t pay off your entire debt after selling buildings and mortgaging properties, you will declare bankruptcy. By declaring bankruptcy, you are eliminated from the game. What you do with your properties and other assets depends on who you owe the debt to.

Should you owe another player, you will give them all of your mortgaged properties, Get Out of Jail Free cards, and any other cards you were holding for later. The new owner can choose to immediately unmortgage the properties they just received, or they can do so on a later turn.

If you owe the Bank the debt, you will return all of your properties to the Bank. The mortgages are cancelled and each property is put up for auction immediately. Any cards you kept are returned to the bottom of the corresponding deck.

Winning Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

The remaining players will keep taking turns until only one player remains (the rest declared bankruptcy). The last remaining player wins the game.

Components for Monopoly Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Year: 2022 | Publisher: Hasbro | Designer: NA | Artist: NA

Genres: Economic, Family, Roll and Move

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 2-6 | Length of Game: 60-180 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate-High

Components: gameboard, 6 tokens, 18 Title Deed cards, 15 Wakanda cards, 15 Talocan cards, 12 purple plastic buildings, 12 red plastic buildings, 55 One Vibranium pieces, 40 Five Vibranium pieces, die

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