Objective of Loaded Questions Party
The objective of Loaded Questions Party is to be the first player to reach the Win space.
Setup for Loaded Questions Party
- Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
- Shuffle the cards and place them face down in the middle of the table.
- Each player chooses a pawn and places it on the Start space.
- Each player should take an answer sheet and a pencil. You will write your name at the top of the sheet.
- If there are more than six players, players will team up and take turns answering questions. When determining favorite answers and who wrote each answer, the two players work together.
- The shortest player starts the game as the judge. Play move clockwise/left throughout the game.
Playing Loaded Questions Party
To begin your turn you will take the top card from the stack of cards. You will read the question matching the color of the space that your pawn is currently on. If you are on the Start space, you can choose any of the questions on the card (except for Party Foul/Favors).
Should you land on a multi-colored space, you can choose any of the questions on the card. If there is a Party Foul or Favor on the card, you must first take the corresponding action before you choose one of the other three questions.
If the space matching your current space color corresponds to a Party Foul/Favor space, you will take a special action. See the Party Fouls and Favors section below for more details.
Once you have read the question for the current turn, all of the other players will write down an answer on their answer sheet. You can write down whatever answer you want. You can provide a serious answer or a silly answer you think will get a laugh out of the other players.
Revealing the Submissions
When all of the players have written down an answer, the player to the right of the judge collects all of the answer sheets. They will mix up the sheets. To remind the judge of the question, the player first reads the question. Then they will read one answer at a time. The reader and the rest of the players should not react in any way that would indicate who wrote each answer.
After hearing all of the answers the judge has to pick one answer that they thought was best. They can use whatever criteria they want to determine what they think was the best answer.
They will then try to guess which player submitted each of the answers.
Scoring a Round
After the judge has picked their favorite answer and guessed who wrote each answer, the player to their right reveals who wrote each answer.
The judge moves their pawn forward one space for each answer they correctly assigned to the right player.
The player that submitted the favorite answer gets to move their pawn forward two spaces.
Play then moves clockwise. The player to the left of the current judge becomes the judge in the next round.
Party Fouls and Favors
Occasionally the question corresponding to the color of your current space matches a Party Foul or Favor. These can move players pawns forward or backwards on the gameboard.
After you follow what is written, you will choose one of the other three questions on the card.
Winning Loaded Questions Party
The players will keep taking turns until someone reaches the Win space. The first player to land on the Win space wins Loaded Questions Party. You do not have to land on the space by exact count.
Loaded Questions Party FAQs
If you have any questions about how to play Loaded Questions Party, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- Gameboard
- 66 Question Cards
- Answer Pad
- 4 Pencils
- 6 Pawns
- Instructions
Year: 2014 | Publisher: All Things Equal Inc | Designer: Eric Poses | Artist: Johana Maldonado-Liddy
Genres: Party
Ages: 13+ | Number of Players: 4-6 | Length of Game: 45-60 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Light
Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.
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