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Left Center Right Jackpot Dice Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Left Center Right Jackpot Dice Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Left Center Right Jackpot How to Play Quick Links: | Objective | Setup | Playing the Game | Red Dice Actions | Gold Die Actions | Jackpot | Winning the Game

Objective of Left Center Right Jackpot

The objective of Left Center Right Jackpot is to be the last player remaining with tokens at the end of the game.


  • Each player takes three tokens. The rest of the tokens are set aside as they won’t be used in the game.
  • Choose a player to start the game. They will take the three red dice.
  • Give the gold dice to the player to the right of the first player.

Playing Left Center Right Jackpot

On your turn you will roll one red dice for each token you currently possess (up to a maximum of three). If you have no tokens, you will not roll any of the red dice. Your turn is skipped unless you have the gold die.

Dice Roll in Left Center Right Jackpot
This player currently has two tokens. They will roll two red dice. Since they have the gold die they will roll that as well.

Should you also have the gold die, you will roll that as well. You will take the action from the gold die before any of the actions from the red dice.

You will perform the action corresponding to each dice you rolled. After you complete all of the actions, play passes to the player on your left.

Red Dice Actions

Left Die Roll

If you roll “LEFT” you will pass one of your tokens to the player on your left.

Center die roll

When you roll “CENTER” you will move one of your tokens to the center pot.

Rolling Right

If you roll “RIGHT” you will pass one of your tokens to the player on your right.

$ Die Roll

Should you roll the $ symbol, you will take one token from the center pot.

Pass Gold Die Right Die Roll

When you roll the “Pass Right” symbol, the gold die will pass one player to the right. The die will be passed to a player even if they have zero tokens.

Gold Die Actions

Gold die Steal Left side

The “STEAL LEFT” symbol allows you to take one token from the nearest player on your left that still has at least one token.

Gold die Steal Right side

The “STEAL RIGHT” symbol allows you to take one token from the nearest player on your right that still has at least one token.

Gold die $ side

If you roll the $ symbol, you will take one token from the center pot.

Gold die re-roll side

Should the roll the symbol above, you can re-roll as many of the red dice as you want. If you don’t want to re-roll any of the red dice, you don’t have to. You cannot re-roll the gold die with this action.

Re-roll example in Left Center Right Jackpot
This player rolled the re-roll action on the gold die. They can re-roll as many of the red dice as they want. They will want to keep the $ as it lets them take a chip from the center pot. The other two red dice probably should be re-rolled though.


Should you roll 3 or more $ symbols on the dice on your turn, you will take all of the tokens from the center pot. You will also take one token from every other player that still has at least one token.

Rolling a Jackpot in Left Center Right Jackpot
This player has rolled three $ symbols on the dice. They will take all of the tokens from the center pot. They will also take one token from every other player.

Winning Left Center Right Jackpot

Players will keep taking turns until only one player has tokens remaining. The last player that still has tokens wins the game. They will get to take all of the tokens from the center pot for their reward.

Components for Left Center Right Jackpot

Left Center Right Jackpot FAQs

If you have any questions about how to play Left Center Right Jackpot, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Left Center Right Jackpot Components

  • 30 tokens
  • 3 red dice
  • 1 gold die
  • Die shaker (case)
  • Instructions

Year: 2021 | Publisher: Spin Master

Genres: Dice, Family

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 3-10 | Length of Game: 10-20 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

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