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How to Play Wild Kratts Race Around the World Board Game: Rules and Instructions

How to Play Wild Kratts Race Around the World Board Game: Rules and Instructions

Objective of Wild Kratts Race Around the World

The objective of Wild Kratts Race Around the World is to collect a Creature Power Suit from each habitat and make it back to Tortuga HQ before the other players.

Wild Kratts Race Around the World Setup

  • Sort the Creature Power Suit tokens by their color. Place each set on its corresponding space on the gameboard.
  • Sort the Creature Power Disc tokens by their color. Set each pile on the corresponding space on the gameboard.
  • Each player chooses a character and places the corresponding playing piece on the Start/Finish space.
  • The youngest player starts the game. Play passes to the left throughout the game.
Setup for Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Playing Wild Kratts Race Around the World

To start your turn you will spin the spinner.

The number you spin determines how many spaces you will move your playing piece. You will move clockwise around the gameboard. You must move your piece the total number of spaces you spun with one exception (see below).

Spinning the spinner
The current player spun a two on the spinner.
Movement in Wild Kratts Race Around the World
After spinning a two on the spinner, the current player moved their playing piece forward two spaces.

After moving you will look at the space you landed on. If you landed on a special space, you will take the corresponding action. For more information about what each space does, see the corresponding section below.

After you finish taking an action based on the space you landed on, your turn ends. Play passes to the player on your left.

Gameboard Spaces of Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Creature Power Suit Space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Creature Power Suit

The Creature Power Suit space is different from the rest of the spaces on the board. Should your spin take you past the space, you will instead stop on the space.

Whether you land on the space or stop on it with movement left, you will take the Creature Power Suit that matches your character. You will place it in front of you. You can only take your own Creature Power Suit.

A player taking their Creature Power Suit token
This player landed on the Creature Power Suit space. They will take their corresponding token and place it in front of themselves.

After you have taken your Creature Power Suit, you will end your turn even if you had movement left.

If you took your Creature Power Suit from the space on a previous turn, you will ignore the space’s action. If you still have movement left, you will move past the space (counting it as one space).

Creature Power Disc Space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Creature Power Disc

When you land on a Creature Power Disc space, you will choose one of the discs from the space. You will place the chosen Creature Power Disc in front of you. You may collect multiple Creature Power Discs from the same habitat/color.

Taking a Creature Power Disc
This player has landed on the blue Creature Power Disc space. They will take one of the discs and place it in front of themselves.

Unlike the Creature Power Suit space, you must land on the Creature Power Disc space to take one of the discs. If your movement takes you past the space, you will not take a Creature Power Disc.

Swipe Space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World


Should you land on a Swipe space or spin Swipe on the spinner, you have a decision to make.

First you can choose another player and take one of their Creature Power Discs. You can take a Creature Power Disc of a habitat/color that you already own.

Player using the Swipe space to steal a Creature Power Disc
This player has landed on a Swipe space. They decide to use the space to steal a blue Creature Power Disc from another player.

Otherwise you can choose to take a Creature Power Disc from any of the corresponding spaces on the board.

If a player steals a Creature Power Disc from you, you will lose access to the corresponding Power Path unless you have another Creature Power Disc of that color. You can regain the power if you acquire another Creature Power Disc of the corresponding color.

Power Path space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Power Path

When you land on/move through a Power Path space you will look at the Creature Power Suits and Creature Power Discs that you have collected. If you have collected your Creature Power Suit and a Creature Power Disc that matches the color of the space you landed on, you can use the Power Path space. Move your playing piece across the shortcut path to the space that it points to. You can also choose not to use the path.

Using a Power Path space
The Chris player has landed on the China Power Path space. Since they have the Creature Power Suit and a Creature Power Disc for the path, they can use the Power Path for a shortcut.

Using the Power Path space’s action counts as one space. If you end your turn on a Power Path space but have no movement left, you can use one movement on your next turn to take the shortcut. The Power Path shortcut only works one way. You can only move from the Power Path space to the space it points to. You cannot move the opposite direction along the path.

Using a Power Path space
The Chris player used the Power Path space to skip some spaces when moving around the board.

If you don’t have both the Creature Power Suit and a Creature Power Disc that matches the color, you will ignore the space since you can’t use its action.

Move Back space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Move Back/Move Forward

When you land on one of these spaces, read what is written on the space. You will then move your playing piece the corresponding number of spaces.

After moving the corresponding number of spaces, you will take the action of the space that you land on.

Catch A Ride! space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Catch a Ride!

When you land on a Catch a Ride! space by exact count (you had no movement remaining), you must use the space’s action.

Choose another Catch a Ride! space. Move your playing piece to that space. If you pass any Creature Power Suit spaces, you will ignore them (do not take the corresponding token).

Using a Catch A Ride! space
This player has landed on a Catch A Ride! space. They must use the space to move to another Catch A Ride! space somewhere on the gameboard.
Switch Space in Wild Kratts Race Around the World


Should you land on a Switch space by exact count (no movement remaining), you must use the space’s action.

Choose another player. You will swap the position of your playing piece with their playing piece.

Winning Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Players will keep taking turns moving around the gameboard.

Should you reach the Tortuga HQ before you acquire all four of your Creature Power Suits, you will continue moving around the gameboard. Count the Start/Finish space as a space and continue moving along the path.

Once you acquire all four of your Creature Power Suits, you need to reach the Tortuga HQ in order to win the game. The first player to reach the Tortuga HQ with all of their Creature Power Suits wins the game. You do not need to land on the space by exact count.

Winning Wild Kratts Race Around the World
This player has reached the Tortuga HQ space. They have acquired all of their Creature Power Suits so they have won the game.

Wild Kratts Race Around the World FAQs

If you have any questions about how to play Wild Kratts Race Around the World, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Wild Kratts Race Around the World

Wild Kratts Race Around the World Components

  • 4 Playing Pieces
  • 16 Creature Power Suit Cards
  • 16 Creature Power Discs
  • Spinner
  • Gameboard
  • Instructions

Year: 2015 | Publisher: Pressman Toy Corporation

Genres: Children’s, Roll and Move

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.


Friday 26th of January 2024

I’ve been playing this game with my sons and we have been trying to figure out what happens when you land on the space “ride a swordfish! Move forward 3 spaces” Do players move forward the three spaces and therefore not collect the blue power suit square? Or do they stop movement at 2 and collect the suit?

Eric Mortensen

Saturday 27th of January 2024

I will say that the official rules for the game are not written well as there are a number of situations like you described which aren't explained.

The instructions do say that whenever you land on or are about to pass a Creature Power Suit space you must stop on the space if you don't already have the corresponding power suit. This would make me believe you would stop on the Creature Power Suit space in your example.

This makes me question why that move forward space is even there. It will always take you past the Creature Power Suit space. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to have it there when you will rarely ever move the full three spaces.

There is also the fact that the instructions specifically mention that you can reach the finish space without acquiring all of your power suits. There are only three possible ways to miss a Creature Power Suit space: Catch A Ride!, Switch, and move forward spaces. The Catch A Ride space is the only one that specifically says to ignore any Creature Power Suit spaces you pass. The other two make no mention of what happens when you pass one of the spaces.

Ultimately I don't know how you should handle the space as the official instructions kind of contradict themselves. I would say to handle it however the players agree. If you want the game to be shorter I would say to stop on the Creature Power Suit space. If you want the game to last longer, move past the space which would require you to go around the board another time.

I am sorry I couldn't help more.