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How to Play Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition Board Game: Rules and Instructions

How to Play Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition Board Game: Rules and Instructions

Objective of Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

The objective of Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition is to be the first player to correctly answer trivia questions from six different categories along with one final question.


  • Choose whether you want to play individually or in teams.
  • Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
  • Sort the wedges by their colors and place them where all of the players can reach them.
  • Each player/team chooses a wedge holder and places it in the center space on the game board.
  • Choose a player to start the game.
Setup for Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Playing Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

To begin your turn you will roll the die. Depending on what you roll you will move your wedge holder the corresponding number of space. You must use all of the spaces that you rolled.

When moving you must follow these rules:

  • You can move in any direction, but you may not move to or through the same space twice. For example you can go clockwise or counter-clockwise, but you can’t go both directions on the same turn.
  • The center space counts as one space. After you reach the center space, you can move onto any of the paths that connect to the center space.
Movement in Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition
The purple player has rolled a five. They have decided to move their playing piece five spaces towards the green category headquarters.

After you have finished moving your piece, you will take an action based on what space you landed on. Multiple playing pieces can occupy the same space.

After you have taken the action corresponding to the space you landed on, the reader returns the card to the bottom of the deck.

The player to your left takes the next turn.

Spaces of Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Category headquarters space

Category Headquarters Space

If you land on a category headquarters space, the player to your left takes a card from the front of the deck. They will read the question corresponding to the headquarters color out loud.

Question card in Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition
The current player has landed on the green category headquarters space. They will be asked “What was the name of the first space shuttle, shared with a famous starship of science fiction?” The current player has to try and answer correctly in order to receive a green wedge.

You will then try to provide the correct answer to the card. If you are playing on a team, anyone on the team can provide the answer.

Question answer
The answer to the previous question is Enterprise.

If you provide the correct answer, find a wedge that matches the color of the headquarters space that you are on. You will add the wedge to your wedge holder. If you already have a wedge of that color, you will not add it to your playing piece.

Receiving a wedge for answering a question correctly
The purple player answered the question correctly. They will receive a green wedge to add to their wedge holder.

If you fail to answer with the correct answer, your turn ends. On your next turn you must move away from the category headquarters space. Then on another turn you can return to try and answer a question correctly.

You may land on a headquarters of a color you already collected, and answer the corresponding question. You cannot collect another wedge of the color though.

Center space in Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Center Space

When you land exactly on the center space, you can choose any of the categories to answer a question from.

The rules do not specifically mention what happens if you get the question right or wrong. Based on the rules for wedge spaces, I would assume you get to roll again if you give the correct answer. If you are wrong your turn ends.

Roll again space in Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Roll Again

Should you land on the Roll again space, you will roll the die again and move the corresponding number of spaces. You can move in any direction after landing on the Roll again space.

Wedge space in Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Wedge Space

If you land on a wedge space, the player to your left takes the top card from the deck. They will read the question that corresponds to the color of the space that your playing piece is on.

Landing on a wedge space
The yellow player has landed on a pink wedge space. They will have to answer a pink question.

You will then have to try and provide the correct answer to the question. If you are playing in a team, anyone on your team can answer the question.

Question for landing on a wedge space
After landing on the pink wedge space the yellow player has to answer the question: “On which animated 1960s TV series were the household appliances powered by animals?” The answer is the Flintstones. If they answer correctly they will get to take another turn.

If you answer correctly, you get to take another turn. Roll the dice and move your playing piece the corresponding number of spaces.

If you don’t provide the correct answer, your turn ends immediately.

Winning Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Players will keep taking turns answering trivia questions and receiving wedges.

Once a player fills their wedge holder with one wedge of each color, they should head to the center space on the gameboard.

Completely filling in your wedge holder
The purple player has filled in their wedge holder with one wedge of each color. They should now move towards the center space to try and win the game.

When you have a full wedge holder and land on the center space, you will get the opportunity to answer a final question in order to win the game.

Winning Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition
The purple player has reached the center space after filling in their wedge holder. They will win the game if they can correctly answer a final question.

The rest of the players in the game choose a category for your last question. They must choose the category before they look at the card. They will then read the question corresponding to the category they chose.

Should you answer the final question incorrectly, your turn ends. You will stay on the center space. On your next turn the other players choose a category for your next final question. They can choose the same category, or change to a new category. They will then read the corresponding question.

When you correctly answer a final question, you win the game.

Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition FAQs

If you have any questions about how to play Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition

Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition Components

  • Gameboard
  • 400 Cards
  • Die
  • 6 Wedge Holders
  • 36 Wedges (6 of each color)
  • Instructions

Year: 2016 | Publisher: Hasbro

Genres: Family, Party, Trivia

Ages: 16+ | Number of Players: 2-6 | Length of Game: 45-90 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Light-Moderate

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.