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How to Play Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! Card Game (Rules and Instructions)

How to Play Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! Card Game (Rules and Instructions)

Released in 2021 by Funko Games, Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! loosely follows the events of the 1996 movie. In the game you play as a parent trying to find the extremely coveted Turbo Man action figure for your child. You need to use your wits, sneaky tactics, and even some luck to get the best set of toys to make your child’s Christmas.

Year: 2021 | Publisher: Funko Games | Designer: Funko Games | Artist: NA

Genres: Card, Memory, Take That, Trick Taking

Ages: 7+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 15-20 minutes

Difficulty: Light-Moderate | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

Components: Live-Action Turbo Man Figure, 16 Toy Tiles, 36 Cards, 4 Reference Cards, Instructions

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

Objective of Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time!

The objective of Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! is to acquire the most valuable set of toys for your cart at the end of the game.

Setup for Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time!

  • Remove four Boosters from the toy tiles. Give each player one of the Booster tiles. If there are less than four players, return the extra Booster tiles to the box.
  • Each player will place their Booster tile face down in front of them. This will start each player’s Cart.
  • Shuffle the rest of the 12 toy tiles face down. Place the tiles into a 3 x 4 grid face down in the middle of the table. These set of tiles will be referred to as the Shelf for the rest of the game.
Shelf Setup
  • Each player takes a reference card. The rest of the reference cards are returned to the box.
  • Shuffle the rest of the cards, and deal five to each player. You may look at your own cards, but shouldn’t show them to the other players.
  • The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the table to form the draw pile.
  • The player who most recently received a gift will take the Live-Action Turbo Man figure.

Playing Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time!

The game will be played over a number of rounds. Each round consists of the following five phases:

  1. Play Cards
  2. Use Card Powers
  3. Take Toys From the Shelf
  4. Turbo Time
  5. Draw Cards

Playing Cards

The player with the Live-Action Turbo Man in front of them will start the round by playing one of the cards from their hand face up. You can play any card from your hand. When choosing which card to play you should consider the number and the action printed on the card.

Play A Card
This player has played the #20 Flip! card for their card this round.

After the first player plays their card, the next player clockwise will play a card. This continues until all of the players have played one card.

Use Card Powers

To determine the order that the players will be able to use their card powers, you will compare the numbers on the cards.

The player who played the highest numbered card will get to use their card ability first. The player who played the next highest card will get to use their ability next. This continues until all of the players have used the ability on their card.

Turn Order in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!
These four cards were played during the round. The player who played the 29 card will take their action first. They will be followed by the 20 card, the 17 card, and the 8 card will take their action last.

Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! features a number of cards with different powers.

Swap! Card in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Swap!: You will swap any two toys. When you swap toys they will switch places. Any toys that are face up when that are swapped will stay face up in their new location.

Swap! Example
This player played a Swap! card. They can choose to swap their own toy with any of the tiles in the Shelf or in front of another player. They could also choose to swap other players’ toys or toys on the Shelf.
Peek! Card in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Peek!: You will peek at any three toys. When peeking you will choose a face down toy. You will look at it without showing any of the other players. The tile will then be returned face down to the location you took it from.

Peek! Example
This player played a Peek! card. They chose to look at the tile that is face up. In an actual game they would look at the tile where none of the other players could see it.
Flip Card in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Flip!: When you play a Flip! card, you will choose any toy tile to flip face up. This toy will stay face up unless a player plays a Shuffle! card to turn it face down. After revealing the tile, you can choose to swap the revealed tile with one of the tiles in your Cart. You can choose to not swap with the tile, if you don’t want it.

Flip! Card Example
This player played a Flip! card. They flipped over the Gift Certificate tile. They can choose to exchange this tile for the tile in their Cart. The tile will remain face up until it is Shuffled.
Peek & Swap Card in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Peek & Swap!: First you will peek at any toy. You will then choose two toys to swap. You do not have to swap the toy you peeked at.

Peek & Swap Example
This player played a Peek & Swap! card. They will look at one of the tiles on the Shelf. They looked at the Lottery Ball tile (only they would get to see the tile). Now they will choose to swap any two toy tiles.
Shuffle Card in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Shuffle!: Turn over any face up tiles that you have in your Cart. You will then mix up the tiles and randomly line them up again in your cart. After mixing up the toys, you can look at the tiles yourself.

Shuffle! Example
After playing the Shuffle! card, this player will turn over their Lottery Ball tile. They will then shuffle their three tiles so the other players don’t know what each tile is.

Take Toys From the Shelf

After everyone has used their card powers, some of the players will be able to take a toy tile from the Shelf (tiles in the middle of the table).

The player who played the highest numbered card will get to choose one of the tiles from the Shelf to add to their Cart.

Taking A Tile
This player got the opportunity to take a tile from the Shelf. They choose the tile that is missing from the second row.

They will place this tile to the right of the last tile they added to their Cart. The tile will be placed in front of them with the same side face up as it was on the Shelf. If a tile is face down, the player can look at it to see what it is. A player may look at the toys in their own Cart at any time.

Acquiring a Tile
This player acquired a second toy tile. They will place it to the right of their other tile.

Then the player who played the second highest card will get to choose a toy tile from the Shelf to add to their Cart.

If there are only two players, the player who played the highest card in the round will get to look at one of the toys on the Shelf. They will then choose a toy from the Shelf to add to their Cart. They can choose the toy they looked at, or choose another toy. The other player will then get to take a toy of their choice.

Turbo Time

The player who played the lowest card during the round will take the Live-Action Turbo Man. They will play the first card in the next round.

This player will also have the opportunity to discard cards from their hand. They may choose to discard as many cards from their hand as they want.

Draw Cards

All of the cards played during the round will be discarded.

All of the players will then draw cards until they have five cards in their hand.

If the draw deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile to form a new draw pile.

End of Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time!

Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! ends when the last toy tile is taken from the Shelf.

All of the players will flip over the toy tiles in their Cart. They will then add up the points that they scored from each of the tiles. Each type of tile scores points in different ways.

Tubro Man Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Tubro Man: As the toy is a counterfeit, the player that has it will lose five points.

Turbo Man Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Turbo Man: Scores ten points

Lottery Ball Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

The Lottery Ball: Scores eight points

Gift Certificate Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

The Gift Certificate: Scores five points

Dementor Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Dementor: The Dementor initially scores three points. If you also have one or more Demons in your Cart, the Dementor will be worth six points.

Dementor Scoring Example
This player acquired both a Dementor and a Demons tile. The Dementor will be worth six points.
Demons Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Demons: The Demons will score points based on the number of them you have in your cart.

  • One Demon: 2 points
  • Two Demons: 10 points
  • Three Demons: 15 points
  • Four Demons: 20 points
Demons Scoring Example
This player acquired three Demons tiles. The tiles will be worth 15 points at the end of the game.
Booster Tile in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!

Boosters: Boosters will score points based on how many you have in your Cart.

  • One Booster: 2 points
  • Two Boosters: 4 points
  • Three Boosters: 9 points
  • Four Boosters: 16 points
  • Five or More Boosters: 25 Points
Booster Scoring Example
This player acquired three Boosters in the game. They will be worth a total of nine points.

Each player will total all of the points they earned from each of their toy tiles.

Scoring in Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time!
This player acquired six toy tiles during the game. They will score six points from the Dementor as they also acquired a Demons tile. The two Demons tiles will be worth ten points. The two Boosters will be worth four points. Finally the Gift Certificate will be worth five points. They will score a total of 25 points.

The player that scores the most points, wins the game. If there is a tie, the tied player with the most toys wins the game.

Jingle All the Way: It's Turbo Time! Card Game Review - Geeky Hobbies

Friday 29th of July 2022

[…] you would like to see the complete rules/instructions for the game, check out our Jingle All the Way: It’s Turbo Time! how to play […]