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How to Play Happy Little Dinosaurs Card Game: Rules and Instructions

How to Play Happy Little Dinosaurs Card Game: Rules and Instructions

Objective of Happy Little Dinosaurs

The objective of Happy Little Dinosaurs is to either be the last player remaining or the first player to score 50 points.


  • Each player chooses a dinosaur. You will take the meeple and board that corresponds to the dinosaur you selected. Place your dinosaur meeple on the start space on your board.
  • Separate the cards based on their backs.
  • Shuffle the brown/tan cards first. Deal five cards to each player.
  • Place the rest of the brown cards facedown on the table. This forms the Main deck. You should leave space next to the deck for discarded cards.
  • Shuffle the Disaster (purple) cards. Place the deck facedown in the middle of the table.
Setup for Happy Little Dinosaurs

Playing Happy Little Dinosaurs

You will play Happy Little Dinosaurs over a number of rounds. In each round you are trying to collect points and avoid disasters.

To start each round you will flip over the top card from the Disaster (purple) deck. Each player will read the card.

Draw Disaster card for the round
The “Lil’ Cannibal” Disaster card was drawn for the current round. The player that loses the round has to take this Disaster card.

Next each player will choose a Point card from their hand to play. Point cards feature numbers in the corners. Once you have chosen a Point card, you will place it face down in front of you.

Playing a Point card in Happy Little Dinosaurs
This player has decided to play the “Bow and Dino” card. It is worth six points during scoring.

If a player does not have a Point card in their hand, they will discard their entire hand. They will draw five new cards. If they now have a Point card in their hand, they will choose one to play. If they still don’t have a Point card, they will discard their hand again. This continues until they draw at least one Point card.

After all of the players have played a Point card face down, the players will reveal their cards at the same time. The players will then score their cards to determine who won and lost the round.

Scoring in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Once everyone has revealed the Point card they played, each player will tally their score.

Each player’s base score starts at the number printed on the Point card that they played. A player can change this number in a number of ways.

  • Special effects printed on the played Point card (see the Point cards section below for more details)
  • Dinosaur traits
  • Playing an Instant card (see the Instant Cards section below for more details)
Comparing the Point cards played by the players
For this round the players have played these four Point cards. Each player’s base score is as follows: 9, 6, 5, and 4.
Dinosaur Trait in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Traits

At the beginning of the game each player chooses a dinosaur to play as during the game. Each dinosaur has it owns strength and weakness.

In the bottom left corner of your playing board are two symbols. When you reveal the Disaster card for the current round, you will compare its symbol to these two symbols. If the symbol matches the one next to the +1, you will add one point to your Point card’s value this round. If the symbol matches the one next to the -1, you will subtract one point from your Point card’s value this round.

Dinosaur Traits impacting points
This round’s Disaster card is Lil’ Cannibal. Based on these two boards, the player playing as Bad Luck Bronto reduces their score this round by one. The Nervous Rex player increases their score by one.

Determining the Winner and Loser of the Round

The player that scored the most points in the round collects points equal to their score. They will move their dinosaur meeple forward the corresponding number of spaces on their gameboard.

Winning a round in Happy Little Dinosaurs
This player won the round by playing the highest valued card, the Meteor Cannon worth nine points. They will move their dinosaur meeple forward nine spaces on their board.

The player that scored the least points, takes the Disaster card revealed at the beginning of the round. They will add this card to their Disaster Area. Since they acquired a Disaster card, they can choose one of the cards from their hand to discard.

Losing a round in Happy Little Dinosaurs
This player played the lowest card so they lost the round. They add the Disaster card from the round to their board.

To end the round each player moves their dinosaur meeple forward one space for each Disaster card they have in their Disaster Area.

Moving dinosaur meeple forward due to Disaster card
This player has one Disaster card on their board. Therefore at the end of the round they will move their piece forward one space.

Each player then draws cards from the Main deck until they have five cards in their hand. If the Main deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile to form a new Main deck

All Point and Instant cards played during the round and added to the Discard Pile. The next round then begins.

Inverting Scores

Some cards have the effect of inverting the points from the round. Basically the player(s) that had the lowest points, swap their points with the player(s) that had the most points. For example the highest score was eight and the lowest was four. If there was an inversion of scores, the player who had eight points now has four points and vice versa.

Playing a Score Inversion card in Happy Little Dinosaurs
One of the players has played a Score Inversion card. The players reverse the value of the highest and lowest cards. The player who played the nine card, now only has four points. The player who played the four card now has nine points.

If players play multiple cards with inversion, you will apply inversion for each card. For example if there are two inversions; the points will be inverted and then inverted again. In this example all of the players will have the same points as they did when they first played the cards.

Resolving Ties

After all cards are played and applied in a round, two or more players may have the same number of points.

If two or more players tie for the highest score, all of the tied players earn points for the round. They will move their dinosaur meeple forward a number of spaces equal to their points.

If two or more players tie for the lowest score, the players will play a Sudden Death. Each tied player chooses another Point card from their hand to play. When all tied players are ready, they will all play a card face up at the same time. During Sudden Death; Dinosaur Traits, Point Card Effects, and Instant cards do not effect the outcome. Inversion effects do not apply to Sudden Death. The player who plays the lowest Point card loses the Sudden Death and adds the Disaster card to their Disaster Area. Players do not score points for the cards they play during Sudden Death.

Sudden Death in Happy Little Dinosaurs
These two players tied for last during the normal round which lead to a Sudden Death. In the Sudden Death one player played a three card while the other played a seven. The player who played the three card lost the Sudden Death and has to add the Disaster Card to their board.

Players will keep playing Sudden Death rounds until one player loses and takes the Disaster card. If a player does not have a Point card to play during a Sudden Death round, they lose and take the Disaster card. If multiple players in the tie do not have a Point card, return the Disaster card to the bottom of the Disaster deck. No one has to take a Disaster card this round.

If you lose the Sudden Death and have to take a Disaster card, you cannot use a Disaster Insurance or Disaster Redirect card to avoid having to take the Disaster card.

Should all of the players tie, you will return the Disaster card to the bottom of its deck. Discard all played cards and play a new round.

Point cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Point Cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs

The main cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs are Point Cards. These cards have numbers printed in the corners. The base value of each Point card is the number in the top left and bottom right corners.

Some Point cards have an additional effect printed on them. When you choose to use one of these cards, you can choose to use this special effect. Unless the card says otherwise, you will use this effect after the card is revealed but before final scoring for the round. For more details on specific Point card effects, see the corresponding section below.

Point Card effect
When a player plays this Point card, they can choose to discard up to three cards from their hand.

If multiple players play Point cards with an effect in the same round, the player who plays the card with the lowest number gets to use their card’s effect first. If multiple cards of the same value are played in the same round, the player who has scored the least points on their score track (Escape Route) gets to use their effect first. Should there still be a tie, the youngest tied player gets to use their card effect first.

Determining which Point effect card is applied first
These two Point cards were played during the round. The Delicious Smoothie effect would be applied first since it has a lower number. Then the Hungry Plant effect would be applied.

Some Point cards have special rules regarding to when their effect takes place. If the card says “During this round”, you can use the effect before anyone else uses their card’s effect. If the card says “During scoring this round”, you will not apply its effect until the players calculate the points for the round.

Delicious Smoothie card

Delicious Smoothie

When you play the Delicious Smoothie card you may look through your hand for a Point card that has an effect on it. You can choose to discard the card and add its point value to your current score.

Dino Grabber card

Dino Grabber

The Dino Grabber card lets you look at another player’s hand. You can choose one card from their hand to add to your own hand. You may play the card you take this round if it is an Instant card.

Fire Spray card

Fire Spray

The Fire Spray card lets you discard up to three cards from your hand when you play it.

Flaming Chainsaw card

Flaming Chainsaw

When you play the Flaming Chainsaw card, you will ignore the effects printed on all other Point cards.

Grappling Snake card

Grappling Snake

Should you play a Grappling Snake card you can look at the Point card played by the player on your right and left. You can choose to swap your Grappling Snake card for the Point card played by one of these two players. You may not swap for a card that has an effect on it. This swap happens before any other points are added or subtracted from the swapped card.

Hungry Plant card

Hungry Plant

The Hungry Plant card allows you to swap the Point cards from two other players. The cards are swapped before any additional points are added or subtracted.

Mouth Trap card

Mouth Trap

While players are determining the scores for the round, you can choose to use the Mouth Trap card’s effect. You can choose to swap the score of the lowest and highest player for the round.

Pet Rock card in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Pet Rock

When you play the Pet Rock card, you can choose another Point card from your hand and discard it. Add the value of the card you discard to your points this round.

Special Star Fruit card

Special Star Fruit

While players are determining the final scores for the round, you can use the Special Star Fruit’s ability to double the effects of Score Booster (+2 to +4) and Score Sapper cards (-2 to -4). This effect applies to all of the Score Booster and Score Sapper cards including ones played to other players.

Treenoculars card


When you play the Treenoculars card, you can choose to look at the top two cards from the deck. You will choose one of the two cards to add to your hand. You will discard the other card. If you choose to take an Instant card, you can play it this round.

Instant cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Instant Cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Instant cards are used in addition to Point cards in order to increase or decrease players’ scores.

You may play as many Instant cards as you want on your turn. You will play an Instant card when it says on the card. When you play an Instant card, you will take the corresponding action. Check out the corresponding section below for what each individual Instant card does.

If an Instant card says “Play this card during scoring”, you can only play the card when the players calculate their scores. This will happen after all Point card effects have been applied.

Play During Scoring Instant Card
You will play this Instant card during scoring. The player who plays it can choose another player and subtract two points from their score.

Should an Instant card say “Play this card if you would add a Disaster card to your Disaster Area this round”, you can only play the card after scoring is complete. You can play the card if you would have to take the Disaster card due to your score during the round, or due to another player passing the Disaster card to you.

Play Instant card to avoid Disaster card
If you would have to take a Disaster card this round, you can choose to play this card to give the Disaster card to another player.
Disaster Insurance card

Disaster Insurance

You can play the Disaster Insurance card if you are about to receive a Disaster card. Instead of taking the Disaster card, you will add it to the bottom of the Disaster card deck.

Disaster Redirect card

Disaster Redirect

Should you receive a Disaster card in a round, you can choose to play the Disaster Redirect card. Instead of receiving the Disaster card, you will give it to another player.

Score Booster card

Score Booster

When you play the Score Booster card, choose any player. You will add two to the score of the player you chose. You may choose yourself.

Score Inversion card

Score Inversion

Should you play the Score Inversion card during scoring, you will invert the highest and lowest scores. See the Inverting Scores section above for more details.

Score Sapper card

Score Sapper

During scoring you can play a Score Sapper card. You will choose a player. The chosen player reduces their score by two. You may choose yourself.

Disaster cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Disaster Cards in Happy Little Dinosaurs

Happy Little Dinosaurs has three different types of Disaster cards: natural, predatory, and emotional. Each type of Disaster card has its own symbol and color.

When you lose a round you will add a Disaster card to your Disaster Area.

A player is eliminated from the game in two circumstances.

  • If you collect three Disaster cards of the same type.
  • You collect one (or more) Disaster card of each type.
Eliminated from Happy Little Dinosaurs
This player has acquired three Disaster cards of the same type (green Natural Disasters). They are eliminated from the game.
Eliminated from the game due to having all three types of Disaster cards
This player has acquired a Disaster card of all three types. They are eliminated from the game.

Meteor cards are unique Disaster cards because they act as each of the three types of Disaster card. Therefore if you collect a Disaster card, you are eliminated whenever you have two other Disaster cards.

Being eliminated due to a Meteor
Here are two example of how you can be eliminated due to drawing a Meteor! card. The top player collected three Disaster cards of the same type (the Meteor! would act as a green card) so they would be eliminated. The bottom player is eliminated because they have a Disaster card of all three types (the Meteor! would act as a green card).

Once you are eliminated from the game you immediately discard your hand.

While Disaster cards are mostly bad, at the end of each round you get to move your dinosaur meeple forward one space for each Disaster card in your Disaster Area.

Winning Happy Little Dinosaurs

You can win Happy Little Dinosaurs in one of two ways.

The first way to win the game is to reach 50 points on your Escape Route scoring path. The first player to reach 50 points wins the game. If multiple players do this at the same time, all of the players that reach 50 points win the game.

Winning Happy Little Dinosaurs
This player has moved their dinosaur meeple to the 50 spot on the gameboard. They have won the game.

Otherwise you can win the game by being the last player remaining in the game. A player is eliminated if they acquire three different Disaster card types or three cards of the same type.

Two Player Rules

When you are only playing with two players, you should slightly tweak the normal rules to make the game more enjoyable.

You should remove all Point cards from the deck that have values of 1, 2, or 3.

A player is eliminated when they either collect four Disaster cards of the same type or two Disaster cards of two different types.

Happy Little Dinosaurs FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play Happy Little Dinosaurs, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Happy Little Dinosaurs

Happy Little Dinosaurs Components

  • 4 player boards
  • 4 dinosaur meeples
  • 53 Point cards
  • 16 Instant cards
  • 28 Disaster cards
  • Instructions

Year: 2021 | Publisher: Unstable Games | Designer: Ramy Badie

Genres: Card, Family, Party

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 30-60 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light-Moderate | Luck: Moderate

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.

Check FAQ on Board Game Geek

Ashley Tennant

Sunday 28th of January 2024

Hi everyone.

In Happy Little Dinosaurs, if the disaster redirect card is played and the disaster card is handed to the player that had the highest score, does that player then technically loose the round, or does he still keep his score?

Thanks so much. Ashley

Eric Mortensen

Monday 29th of January 2024

The end of round starts with the winner being determined. The winner moves their playing piece forward spaces equal to their points in the round.

After that the player that scored the least receives the Disaster Card. They could then use the Disaster Redirect card to move it to the winner of the round. Since the winner of the round has already moved spaces for winning the round, the Disaster Card being moved to them has no impact on the score they earned in the round. The winner of the round remains the winner, but they have to take the Disaster Card given to them by the other player.


Friday 19th of January 2024

when you use an inversion card or mouth trap. does it effect take place after every instant has been added? Can you change your score after its effect or if you become the highest, your score will be swapped?

Eric Mortensen

Friday 19th of January 2024

The rules aren't super specific in areas about the order in which cards are played. Based on how the publisher has replied to answers in the past though, it seems like the cards are applied as they are played. Any card that is played during scoring can be played in any order. Therefore if someone uses a Score Inversion card, the highest and lowest players' scores are swapped. Then the players could play cards that add or subtract from scores. Another player could play another Score Inversion. It sounds like it is a sort of free-for-all that continues until all of the players are done playing cards. The final score for each player is whatever happens after all of the effects are applied.

Tom Tree

Wednesday 27th of December 2023

In Hazards Ahead expansion pack - does the dinosaur trait showing Hazard token symbol of “+1” mean you get an extra point for every hazard token on your escape route (max of 2 points per round if you have 2 tokens on your escape route) - OR - do you get an extra point for every Hazard CARD in you Hazard card area (no limit) per round? Or is it only limited to +1 max per round? But for tokens or cards?? Rules don’t specify how the +1 dinosaur trait works on the two new escape route boards with the Hazard Token symbol as the positive dinosaur trait. Please confirm! Thanks!!

Eric Mortensen

Thursday 28th of December 2023

I will preface this by saying that I don't own or have access to the Hazards Ahead expansion. Therefore my answer is based on what I could find online.

Apparently at one point on the publisher's Facebook page they clarified the rules for Anxious Anky and Moody Mosasaur. They apparently said that you get +1 to your score for each active Hazard in your Hazard Area.

Based on that I would guess you get +1 to your score for each Hazard Card you currently have in your Hazard Area. Unless it says somewhere else in the rules I would guess there is no limit to the amount that can be added to your score each round.