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How to Play Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM Board Game: Rules and Instructions

How to Play Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM Board Game: Rules and Instructions

Objective of Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM

The objective of Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM is to keep all of the Animatronic characters out of your office until 6 AM.

Setup for Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM

  • Place the gameboard in the middle of the table. If you are playing the two player game, place the 2-Player side face up. For the one player game place the 1-Player side face up.
  • Set the Power dice in the middle of the table where both players can reach them.
  • Each player chooses one of the two colors and takes the corresponding Camera Monitor cards, Power Dial, and Reference card. If you are playing the one player game, the player should take the orange components.
  • Turn your Power Dial so 100% is visible.
  • Look through your deck of Camera Monitor cards. Take out the four Animatronic character cards and set them aside.
  • Shuffle the rest of the Camera Monitor cards in your deck.
  • Separate the Camera Monitor cards into four face down piles. You will place one of these piles next to each location as follows:
    • Hallway – 12 cards
    • Pirate Cove – 11 cards
    • Dining Area – 11 cards
    • Show Stage – 10 cards
  • Shuffle the Animatronic cards into the above piles as follows:
    • Pirate Cove – Add one Animatronic card.
    • Dining Area – Add one Animatronic card.
    • Show Stage – Add two Animatronic cards.
  • Sort the Clock cards based on their times. Create a pile starting with the Start card, 12:00 AM card, and so on until the 5:30 AM card is on the bottom of the pile.
Setup for Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM

Playing Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM

Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM is played over a number of rounds. Each round consists of three phases.

  • Monitor Cameras
  • React
  • Resolve

Monitor Cameras

To begin each round you will remove the top card from the Clock card pile. Each time you remove a card it will move the clock forward.

Moving the clock forward
To start the first round one of the players takes the Start card off the top of the Clock pile. The current time is 12:00 AM.

Each player will then flip cards from their piles at the same time.

You will start by flipping over the top card from the Hallway pile and placing it below the deck of cards at that location.

You will then move onto the next location doing the same thing. This continues until you have revealed a card at the Show Stage location.

Flip Over Camera Cards
Both players have flipped over a card(s) from each of their locations.

Should you ever reveal an Animatronic card, you will reveal another card at the same location. You will keep revealing new cards until you reveal a card that isn’t an Animatronic.

Flipping Over an Animatronic Card in Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM
This player has flipped over the Freddy card. Since they flipped over an Animatronic card, they had to flip over another card.

If a pile ever runs out of cards, you will not have to flip cards from that pile for the rest of the game.


To start the react phase, the two players will compare the amount of power left on their Power Dials. The player with more power gets to react first. If the two players have the same amount of power, the player with a star on their dial reacts first.

Determining the first player
Both of the players have the same amount of power. The orange player has the star on their dial for the current power level, so they will go first this round.

Choosing Which Cards to React To

During the react phase you will choose which cards you want to react to or if you want to conserve power.

When it is your turn to react you can choose zero, one or two of your face up cards to react to. You can only react to face up Animatronic or What Was That? cards. If there are multiple face up cards in one location, you have to react to each card individually. When choosing which cards to react to, check the Camera Monitor Cards section below for more details on what each card does.

Choose which cards to react to in Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM
This player has five cards face up in front of them. They need to choose which of the cards they want to react to. They cannot react to the Power Depletion card, but it will cost them five power if they react to any of the other cards. The player can choose to react to up to two of the other cards.

Determining How Much Power You Use

Once you have chosen what cards you are going to react to, you will roll the Power Dice. For each card you decide to react to, you will roll one of the dice. For example if you choose to react to two cards, you will roll both dice.

The number(s) you roll on the dice determine how much power you will spend on your turn. If there are Power Depletion cards in play, they will increase the amount of power you will have to pay when you roll the die/dice. You will reduce the power on your Power Dial the amount you rolled on the die/dice plus any Power Depletion. Then discard the cards that you reacted to (except for Animatronic cards).

React to cards in Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM
This player has decided to react to the Freddy card and the What Was That? card in the location closest to the office. They rolled two dice for the cards and ended up rolling ten. Adding in the five from the Power Depletion card, the player uses fifteen of their power this turn.
Use power after reacting to cards
This player turns their dial to use fifteen of their power due to the two cards they reacted to.

Should you not have enough power to pay what was rolled on the dice, you cannot react to any cards this round. You will keep your power at its previous level.


After you have reacted to cards in the previous phase, you will move onto resolving any cards you didn’t react to.

Discard any Power Depletion and Empty Room cards to your office. They are removed from the rest of the game.

Resolving a card in Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM
This player has a Power Depletion card in front of them. During the Resolve phase they will discard it.

You will then resolve any of the remaining face-up cards starting with the player that started the previous phase. You will begin resolving cards from the Hallway and move from location to location until you reach the Show Stage. Once you have resolved a card, you will discard them into your office.

Resolving cards
This player has two cards left in front of them. They will have to resolve these two What Was That? cards.

For details on how to resolve each card, see the corresponding section in the Camera Monitor cards section.

At the end of the phase you will look at each of the locations. If a location’s pile is empty, move each pile below it forward one location towards the office.

Empty location
There are no cards in the Dining Area. The cards from the Show Stage location are moved to the Dining Area.

If both players are still in the game and the time hasn’t reached 6 AM, you will play a new round in the same way as the previous round.

Camera Monitor Cards

Animatronic card from Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM

Animatronic Characters

When you react to an Animatronic character card, you shut the door on them immediately. You will shuffle the card back into the pile at its current location.

If you choose not to react to an Animatronic character card, you will shuffle the card into the next location closer to the office.

Choosing whether to react to an Animatronic card
This player has an Animatronic card in front of them. If they choose to react to it, it will get shuffled back into the first pile. If they choose not to react to it, it will get shuffled into the pile at the next location.

Should the Animatronic character card already be in the Hallway and you don’t react to it, you lose the game.

Stopping an Animatronic from reaching the office
The Freddy card is in the Hallway outside of the office. If the player does not react to it, it will move into the office. If this happens the orange player loses the game.
What Was That? card in Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM

What Was That?

When you choose to react to a What Was That? card, you turn on the light. You will discard the card directly into your office. It has no other effect on the rest of the game.

There are two different types of What Was That? cards which are treated differently when your resolve them instead of reacting to them.

Sideways Arrows

If the arrows on the card are pointing towards the side, you will take one card from the top of the pile at the location the What Was That? was drawn from. Count up the number of arrows on the card. Move the card the corresponding number of locations towards your office. Place the card on the top of the corresponding pile. You cannot look at the card.

What Was That? card example
There are two What Was That? cards in front of this player. If they react to the card(s), they will be discarded. If they choose not to react to them, the top card from their current location pile moves forward. The card in in the first location will move a card forward two locations. The card in the second location will move a card forward one location.

If the card moves to your office, you will reveal the card immediately. If it is an Animatronic, you immediately lose the game. Should it be any other card, you will discard it.

What Was That? card moves card into office
This player did not react to the What Was That? card. Because they didn’t react, this pushes the top card from the location’s pile into the next location. Since it was pushed to the office it is turned over. Since it was only a What Was That? card, it will be discarded. If the card would have been an Animatronic card, the player would have lost the game.

Downward Arrow

If the arrows on the What Was That? card are pointing downwards, reveal the top card from the corresponding location pile. You will resolve the card’s effect immediately as if the card was not reacted to in phase two.

Not Reacting to What Was That? card
This player decided not to react to the What Was That? card in the first location. Since they didn’t react to it, they will turn over the next card in the corresponding location. The Bonnie card was revealed. The player can’t react to the Bonnie card so it will move to the pile at the next location.
Power Depletion card from Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM

Power Depletion

You cannot react to Power Depletion cards. These cards have an effect if you react to other cards though. If you decide to react to any other card, you must reduce your battery power by an additional five power. Should you choose not to react to any cards this round, the card has no effect.

Power Depletion card example
This player decided to roll two dice. They rolled five on both dice. They also had a Power Depletion card face up in front of them. This adds five more to the power that they have to use. This player has to use a total of 15 power this turn.

If there are two or more Power Depletion cards in play, you will have to spend five additional power for each Power Depletion card.

Empty Room card in Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM

Empty Room

You cannot react to Empty Room cards. These cards have no effect on the game.

Winning Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM

You will keep playing rounds until either the time reaches 6 AM or one player has been eliminated from the game.

If an Animatronic enters a player’s office, they are eliminated from the game. The other player wins.

Losing Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM
Foxy has reached the orange player’s office. The orange player has lost the game. The purple player wins the game.

Otherwise if the time reaches 6 AM, the game ends. The player that has more power, wins the game.

Winning Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM
Both players survived until 6:00 AM. The players will compare how much power they used during the game. Since the orange player has more power remaining, they have won the game.

The single player game is played the same as the two player game. The one main difference is just that you are trying to survive until 6 AM. If you survive you win the game.

Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM FAQs

If you have any questions about how to play Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Five Nights at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6AM

Five Nights at Freddy’s Survive ‘Til 6AM Components

  • Double-sided Game Board
  • 2 Power Dice
  • 13 Clock Cards
  • 48 Purple Player Cards
  • 48 Orange Player Cards
  • 2 Reference Cards
  • 2 Power Dials
  • Instructions

Year: 2020 | Publisher: Funko Games | Designer: Funko Games

Genres: Dice, Press Your Luck

Ages: 13+ | Number of Players: 1-2 | Length of Game: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light-Moderate | Luck: Moderate

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.