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How to Play Disney Eye Found It!: Hidden Picture Card Game (Rules and Instructions)

How to Play Disney Eye Found It!: Hidden Picture Card Game (Rules and Instructions)

Originally released back in 2013 Disney Eye Found It! was a cooperative family game where players had to find objects hidden in plain sight in order to reach the castle before the clock hit midnight. Originally released two years later in 2015, Disney Eye Found It! Hidden Picture Card Game takes the search for hidden objects gameplay and streamlines it into a simple card game.

Year: 2015 | Publisher: Ravensburger, Wonder Forge | Designer: Forrest-Pruzan Creative, Rob Stoddard | Artist: NA

Genres: Card, Children’s, Speed

Ages: 3+ | Number of Players: 2+ | Length of Game: 10-20 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate-High

Components: 57 cards, instructions

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay


The objective of Disney Eye Found It!: Hidden Picture Card Game is to get rid of all of the cards from your hand.


  • Shuffle all of the cards together. As the cards have both a picture and object side, make sure while shuffling that that all the cards in the deck are facing the same way.
  • Deal five cards to each player. Players should hold the cards so they can see the pictures on their cards.
  • The rest of the cards will be placed in a draw pile with the picture side face up.
  • When everyone is ready, flip over the top card from the deck to the other side to start the object pile. Once this card is flipped over, the game has begun.

Playing the Game

All of the players will play the game at the same time as there are no turns in the game.

On the top of the object pile there will be a card that shows a picture of an object as well as text describing the picture. The object pictured/written on the card will be what all of the players are looking for. Each of the players will look through the cards in their hand trying to find a card that has the current object pictured on it.

Current Objective in Disney Eye Found It! Hidden Picture Card Game
The current objective in the game is to find a card that features a clock.

When a player finds a card that has the current object on it, they will play the card to the table. They will then point out the object to the other players so they can verify that the object is on the card.

Matching Card in Disney Eye Found It! Hidden Picture Card Game
One of the players looked through the cards in their hand and found this card. As there is a clock at the top of the tower, this card will match the current objective.

Once the object has been verified to be on the card, the player who played it will flip over the card and place it on the object pile. This will be the next object that the players will be looking for.

New Objective in Disney Eye Found It! Hidden Picture Card Game
The card that was played is flipped over after being verified. On the back of the card is the new objective of a fish. The players will now try to find a card in their hand that features a fish.

If an object card has been revealed and no one finds a match for a minute, the next card from the card deck is flipped over to give the players a new object to look for.

End of Game

The game ends when one of the players plays the last card from their hand. The player that gets rid of all of the cards from their hand wins the game.