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Green Team Wins Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Green Team Wins Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Green Team Wins rule?  |  Setup  | Playing the Game | Cards | Figuring Out the Winning Answer | Scoring | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |


The objective of Green Team Wins is to get on and stay on the green team in order to score more points than the other players.


  • Randomly choose five cards from each of the three types of cards. Shuffle the fifteen cards together and place them in a facedown stack where everyone can reach them.
  • Everyone takes a board, a pen and a team indicator. You will turn the team indicator so the orange side is face up. If you are playing with more than six players, the extra players need to use paper and pens.

How to Play Green Team Wins

To begin each turn you will flip over the top card from the stack. There are three different types of cards in the game. Each card is played slightly different. See the cards section below for more details on how you play each type of card.

Question card
For this round the players have to write down whether they think a flamingo, owl, or penguin would win an election for President of Birds.

All of the players will consider what is written on the card. They will then write down their answer on their own board. You don’t necessarily want to write down what answer you think is best/correct. You want to write down the answer that you think the majority of the players will write down.

Writing Down an Answer
This player has decided to write down that they think a penguin would win an election for President of Birds.

After all of the players have written down their answer, all of the players reveal their answers at the same time. You will then determine which answer won the current round. Players will move between the orange and green team depending on whether they answered with the winning answer. See the Figuring Out the Winning Answer section below for more details.

Green Team Wins Cards

There are three different types of cards in Green Team Wins. While the cards are mostly played the same, each type of card is played slightly different.

Best of Three card

Best of Three

The card has three answers on it that relate to the question on the card. All of the players have to choose one of the three answers. You should pick whichever answer you think the majority of the players will choose.

This or That card

This or That

This or That cards have only two answers on them. You have to pick one of them to write down on your board.

Fill in the Blank card

Fill in the Blank

These cards will have a word and a blank printed on them. Sometimes the blank is before the word, and sometimes it is after the word. You need to write down the best answer to fill in the blank on the card.

Figuring Out the Winning Answer

The winning answer in each round is determined by counting up how many players provided each answer. If one answer was given by more players than any other, that answer becomes the winning answer for the round. All of the players that wrote down the winning answer join the green team. If you were previously on the orange team, you will turn your indicator to the green side.

Determining the winning answer
Three of the players wrote down penguin, two chose owl, and one picked flamingo for the bird most likely to become President of Birds. As penguin was written down the most, penguin is the winning answer for this round.

Any player that did not provide the winning answer, turns their team indicator to the orange side.

If two or more answers tie with the same number of responses, the green team wins. All of the players on the green team stay on the green team and the orange team players stay on the orange team. All of the players on the green team score two points even if they didn’t provide one of the answers tied for the winning answer.

Two answer tie for the majority
In this round the players had to decide between a Thanksgiving Gathering or a Halloween Party. Half of the player chose each option. Therefore neither answer becomes the winning answer as the green team automatically wins the round. All of the players stay on the team that they were on to start the round.

Should all of the players write down a different answer, all of the players move to the orange team. No one scores any points this round.

Finally if all of the players write down the same answer, everyone moves to the green team. Each player scores points depending on whether they were already on the green team, or if they just moved to it.


Players will then score points based on what team they are on. Whenever you score a point, you will make a mark in one of the boxes at the top of your board. You will score points as follows:

Sometimes you will start the turn on the orange team, but you provide the winning answer moving you to the green team. In this case you score one point.

If you start the round on the green team and provide the winning answer, you stay on the green team. As a reward for staying on the green team for at least two rounds in a row, you score two points.

Players that are on the orange team at the end of the round score zero points. This applies to players that started the turn on the orange team and players that moved to the orange team after failing to provide the winning answer.

Scoring points in Green Team Wins
For this round the internet was determined to be the winning answer. The player on the left was on the orange team to start the round. As they provided the winning answer, they will move to the green team and score one point. The middle player was on the green team and they provided the winning answer. They will stay on the green team and will score two points. Finally the last player was on the green team to start the round, but they didn’t write down the winning answer. They will move to the orange team, and they will score zero points this round.

After scoring is completed, you will play another round. Flip over the next card from the stack and follow the same process as the previous round.

Winning the Game

The players will play fifteen questions. After all of the questions are finished, the players will compare scores. The player with the most points wins the game.

Winning the Game
At the end of the game, the players have scored the following points. The player in the top left corner scored the most points, so they have won the game.

Green Team Wins FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play Green Team Wins, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Green Team Wins


  • 70 Best of Three Cards
  • 70 Fill in the Blank Cards
  • 70 This or That Cards
  • 6 Team Indicators
  • 6 Dry-Erase Boards
  • 6 Dry-Erase Pens
  • Instructions

Year: 2023 | Publisher: Goliath Games | Designer: Nathan Thornton | Artist: Matt Paquette & Co.

Genres: Party

Ages: 10+ | Number of Players: 3-12 | Length of Game: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.