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Family Feud Platinum Edition Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Family Feud Platinum Edition Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Objective of Family Feud Platinum Edition

The objective of Family Feud Platinum Edition is for your team to score more points than the other team by matching the most popular survey answers.

Setup for Family Feud Platinum Edition

  • Place the scoreboard in the middle of the table so everyone can see it.
  • Sort the cards by their types (Face Off and Fast Money). Shuffle each deck separately. 
  • Place the Fast Money deck of cards off to the side. Place the Emcee Card (has a picture of Steve Harvey) on top of the deck so you can see the text on the cards.
  • Choose one player to be the Emcee/host. This player will be responsible for reading all of the cards, writing answers on the scoreboard, and keeping score.
  • The rest of the players divide into two teams. Each team should choose a captain. The Emcee should write a team name down for both teams on the scoreboard.

Face Off Rounds in Family Feud Platinum Edition

Family Feud Platinum Edition starts with three different Face Off rounds. Each of these rounds are played in the same way. The second and third rounds are worth double points though.

One-on-One Face Off

To start a Face Off round the Emcee chooses a Face Off card. Each team picks a player to compete in the one-on-one Face Off. The Emcee reads off the question and how many answers there are. The two players chosen for the one-on-one Face Off try to come up with answers.

Face Off Round Card Family Feud Platinum Edition
For this Face Off round the players need to name a popular hobby.

When a player has an answer they will raise their hand. The first player to do so gets to provide the first answer. If there is a tie the Emcee decides who they think raised their hand first. The Emcee compares the answer provided to the answers on the card. They will write the answer on the correct spot on the gameboard and the number of points that it was worth.

Providing a Correct Face Off Answer in Family Feud Platinum Edition
The first player came up with the answer “video games”. The answer is on the board, but it is in the eighth position. Video games is worth four points. The other team will get to provide an answer.

If the provided answer was the number one answer, that player’s team wins the one-on-one Face Off. If it wasn’t the number one answer the other player gets to provide an answer. Should their answer be on the board, the Emcee writes it on the corresponding spot.

Determining the Controlling Team

Whichever player provides a higher answer wins the one-on-one Face Off.

Providing A Correct Face Off Round Answer
The player on the other team provided the answer “reading”. This answer was worth ten points. As it was worth more points than video games, this player has won the one-on-one Face Off.

If both players provide an answer that isn’t on the card, the next player on both teams gets to choose a answer. The player that provides the higher answer wins the one-on-one Face Off.

The team that wins chooses whether they want to pass or play.

If the winning team chooses to play they will get to provide answers and are called the “controlling team”. If they decide to pass, the other team will be the controlling team.

Playing the Face Off Round

Each player on the controlling team provides an answer that they think is on the board. Players may not discuss answers before providing them.

For each answer on the card the Emcee will write the answer and its point value on the corresponding section of the scoreboard.

Providing An Answer
The first player on the controlling team provided the answer “crafts”. The answer was on the card and was worth 14 points. The Emcee writes the answer and its points on the board.

For each answer not on the card or the player takes too long to provide an answer, the Emcee will give the team a strike. They will add a X to one of the strike boxes.

Receiving an X in Family Feud Platinum Edition
The controlling team provided an answer not on the card. They receive a strike at the bottom of the board for their incorrect answer.

End of Round

The controlling team will keep providing answers until they provide all of the answers on the card or they get their third strike.

If the controlling team provides all of the answers on the card, they win the round.

Should the team get their third strike, the other team gets to provide one answer.

Receiving A Third Strike in Family Feud Platinum Edition
The controlling team received their third strike. As all of the answers weren’t provided, the other team gets to make a guess.

The team can debate what answer to provide with the captain choosing which answer to submit. If this answer is on the board, this team wins the round. Otherwise the controlling team will win the round.

Stealing the Face Off Round
The non-controlling team provided the answer “stamp collecting”. The answer was on the board and is worth eight points. The non-controlling team successfully won the round.

Add up the points from all of the answers written on the scoreboard. The team that won the round adds those points to their total. If it is the second or third Face Off round, double the points won in the round.

Scoring Points from Face Off Round in Family Feud Platinum Edition
The second team was able to steal the round from the controlling team by providing another correct answer. They will score 53 points from the round.

If three Face Off rounds haven’t been played, prepare for the next Face Off round. Erase all of the answers from the scoreboard. Each team chooses a new player for the next one-on-one Face Off.

Fast Money Round in Family Feud Platinum Edition

Preperation for Fast Money Round

After three Face Off rounds have been played, the game moves onto the Fast Money round. Each team chooses one player to play the Fast Money round. The other players on their team cannot give them help during the round. The Emcee chooses one of the Fast Money cards to use for the round.

Fast Money Card Family Feud Platinum Edition
This card was chosen for the Fast Money round. The two teams will take turns providing answers for each of the questions.

Total the points that each team has earned so far. The representative of the team that scored more points gets to provide the first answer for each question. Players should try to provide answers as quickly as possible as the Emcee should give them only a reasonable amount of time to provide an answer.

End of Face Off Rounds
After three Face Off rounds the team on the right has scored 197 points versus the 178 points for the left team. As the right team scored more points they will get to provide the first answer for each question in the Fast Money round.

Providing Fast Money Answers

The Emcee reads one question at a time. The first player provides an answer. The Emcee compares this to the card. If the answer is on the card they will write it on the corresponding spot on the scoreboard. They will not write how many points the answer was worth. If the answer is not on the card, the player gets to provide one more answer.

Fast Money Answer in Family Feud Platinum Edition
The first player provided “kangaroo” as an animal from Australia. Kangaroo is on the card so the Emcee writes it on the board.

The second player then gets to provide an answer. They cannot give the same answer as the first player. If it is on the card, the Emcee writes it on the scoreboard (not the points that it is worth). If it is not on the card, the player gets to provide a second answer.

Fast Money Answer
The second player provided the answer Koala. As this answer was on the card, the Emcee writes it on the scoreboard. The players will now move onto the next question.

Scoring the Fast Money Round

This process will be followed for all five questions. After all five questions are answered, the Emcee reveals how many points each answer was worth. The points each team earned during the round will be totaled and multiplied by three. Add these points to the corresponding section of the scoreboard.

Fast Money Round Scoring
All five Fast Money questions were asked. The left team earned 91 points from their answers. Multiplied by three, they scored a total of 273 points from the Fast Money round. The right team scored 462 points.

Winning Family Feud Platinum Edition

Total the number of points each team scored during the game. The team that scores the most points wins the game.

Winning Family Feud Platinum Edition
At the end of the game the right team scored 659 points while the left team scored 451. The right team scored more points so they won the game.
Components for Family Feud Platinum Edition

Year: 2019 | Publisher: Cardinal, Fremantle Media, Spinmaster | Designer: NA | Artist: NA

Genres: Gameshow, Party

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 3+ | Length of Game: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

Components: 100 Face Off Cards, 40 Fast Money Cards, Emcee Card, Dry Erase Scoreboard, Dry Erase Marker, Instructions

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.