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Family Feud Disney Edition Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Family Feud Disney Edition Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Objective of Family Feud Disney Edition

The objective of Family Feud Disney Edition is to score more points than the other team by guessing the most popular answers.

Setup for Family Feud Disney Edition

  • Choose one player to be the Host. The Host is responsible for reading the questions, revealing answers and their values, and giving out strikes.
  • The rest of the player divide into two teams. Each team should have the same number of players. If there is an odd number of players, balance out the teams as evenly as possible. Each team should choose a Captain and the players should determine the order of the players.
  • Take a scorecard/Fast Money sheet and write the name of each team on it.
  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table.

Face Off Rounds

You will play a total of three Face Off rounds in the game. You will score double points in the second and third Face Off rounds.

To begin the Face Off round take one of the Face Off sheets which you will use for the round.

During the Face Off round players must provide answers right away, or they lose their turn.

One-On-One Face Off

Each team chooses one of their players to compete in the one-on-one Face Off. The Host draws a card and reads out the question at the top of the card. The two players competing in the one-on-one Face Off then try to think of the response that they think was said by the most people.

Face Off card
For this round the players will try to guess what color people thought was Mickey Mouse’s favorite.

When one of the players has an answer, they will raise their hand. If both players raise their hands at the same time, the Host determines who they think was first. The player says their answer out loud. The Host looks at the card and looks for the answer given by the player. They will write down the answer and its point value on the corresponding space on the Face Off sheet. If the answer is on top of the card, the player who gave the answer can choose to pass or play.

Picking the top answer in the One-On-One Face Off round
One of the players answered with red in the one-on-one Face Off. This was the top answer and was worth 60 points. Since they chose the top answer, they will choose if their team will pass or play.

If the answer is not the top answer, the other player has the chance to provide an answer. The Host writes down the player’s answer and its point value on the corresponding spot on the Face Off sheet. In this case whichever player provides the answer worth more points gets to choose to pass or play.

If neither player provides an answer that is on the card, the next two players on each team get to provide an answer. The player that provides the answer worth more points gets to choose to pass or play.

Playing the Face Off Round

The Host tells the players how many answers there are to the question.

The player that wins the one-on-one Face Off gets to choose between playing or passing. If they choose to play, their team becomes the “controlling team”. If they pass the other team becomes the controlling team.

Starting with the next player in turn order from the controlling team, each player takes turns providing answers to the question. Players must come up with the answers themselves and cannot get help from their teammates.

If a player provides an answer that is on the card, the Host writes the answer on the corresponding spot on the sheet. They also write the number of points that the answer was worth.

Correct guess in Family Feud Disney Edition
The first player on the controlling team answered with black. This was the third most popular answer and was worth 11 points.

Should a player provide an answer that is not on the card or they take too long to provide an answer, their team receives an X card.

Providing an incorrect answer
The next player decided to answer white. This answer was not on the card so the team receives an x.

Winning the Face Off Round

The controlling team gets to keep providing answers until they receive three strikes.

If the controlling team provides all of the answers on the card, they win the round and score points equal to the total of all of the answers provided. The Host writes their score on the corresponding section of the scorepad.

Should the controlling team receive their third strike and there are still answers remaining, the other team gets to make one guess. All of the players on the other team provide an answer. The Captain chooses the final answer for their team.

Trying to provide the last remaining answer after getting three strikes
The controlling team received their third strike. The other team then has one chance to guess the last remaining color that was printed on the card.

If the answer they choose is on the card, they win the round. They will score points for all of the answers provided. If the answer is not on the card, the controlling team wins the round and scores the corresponding number of points. The points scored in the round are added to the corresponding section of the scorepad.

Winning a Face Off round
The other team successfully provided another answer from the card. They have won the first Face Off round.
Scoring the Face Off round
The team that won the Face Off round counts up how many points were revealed on the Face Off sheet. They score the corresponding number of points, and write it at the bottom of the scorepad sheet.

Round Two and Three

After you complete the first Face Off Round, you will play two more Face Off Rounds. Both of these rounds are played the same as the first round. You will choose a new player for each one-on-one Face Off.

The only difference in these rounds is that all of the points are doubled in rounds two and three. The Host doubles the points printed for each answer.

Fast Money Round

For the Fast Money round the Captain from each team chooses which of their players will play the round. The chosen player from each team is the only one that can provide answers during the round.

The Host chooses a Fast Money question. They will read out one question at a time.

Fast Money card in Family Feud Disney Edition
For the Fast Money round the host starts with the first question. Both teams provide an answer before play moves onto the second question and so on.

The team that scored the most points in the first three rounds gets to answer each question first. The player on the other team then provides an answer. This second player cannot say the same answer as the first player. 

Determining the leading team of the Fast Money round
Team B has scored more points from the Face Off rounds. Therefore Team B gets to provide the first answer for each Fast Money question.

The questions should be read quickly and the players should answer quickly. If a player gives an answer not on the card, the Host tells them to “try again”. The player can then give another answer. They only have one additional chance to provide an answer. If their second answer is also not on the card, they do not provide an answer for the question. As players give answers the Host or another player not playing in the round should write down the answers in the appropriate spots of the Fast Money section of the scorepad sheet.

Providing Fast Money Answer in Family Feud Disney Edition
The player on team B decided to answer apple as Woody’s favorite type of pie.

Scoring the Fast Money Round

When answers have been provided for all of the answers, the Fast Money round ends. The Host then reveals the amount of points that each answer was worth. Each team totals the points they earned from the round and triples it to get their final score for the round. The Host writes these scores on the corresponding section of the scorepad sheet.

Final results of the Fast Money round
Both teams have provided answers for all five Fast Money questions. The host writes down how much each answer was worth.

Winning Family Feud Disney Edition

The teams tally up the points they scored from the four rounds. The team that scores the most points wins Family Feud Disney Edition.

Winning Family Feud Disney Edition
Team B scored 511 points in the game while Team A scored 420 points. Since Team B scored more points, they have won the game.

Family Feud Disney Edition FAQs

If you have any questions about how to play Family Feud Disney Edition, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Family Feud Disney Edition


  • 150 Face Off Cards
  • 50 Fast Money Cards
  • 6 X Cards
  • 2 Face Off Pads
  • Fast Money Pad
  • Instructions

Year: 2016 | Publisher: Cardinal, Fremantle Media

Genres: Family, Game Show, Party, Trivia

Ages: 6+ | Number of Players: 3+ | Length of Game: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.