Objective of Dumpster Diver
The objective of Dumpster Diver is to collect the most food from the dumpster by the end of the game.
- Press the button on the front right side of the dumpster to open the dumpster lid.
- Place all of the food inside the dumpster.
- Push the raccoon’s arm on top of the head and push both inside the dumpster. Close the lid on the dumpster.
- Attach the garbage bag to either the left or right side of the dumpster.
- The last player to throw something away starts the game.
Playing Dumpster Diver
To start your turn you will roll the die. What you do next depends on what you roll.
Take one piece of food from the dumpster.
Grab two pieces of food from the dumpster.
Take three pieces of food from the dumpster.
Choose a food item to take from another player.
To grab food from the dumpster you will use the player claw. Insert it into the bottom of the dumpster and push open the door. You will then use it to grab one of the pieces of food from the dumpster.
You can only grab one piece of food at a time from the dumpster. Should you grab multiple pieces of food, you will keep the first piece of food and the rest are returned to the dumpster.
Make sure the dumpster door is completely shut. Pass the player claw to the next player clockwise. They will take the next turn.
Winning Dumpster Diver
Players will keep taking turns until the raccoon jumps out of the dumpster. The player who makes the raccoon jump out has to return any food they took on their current turn. They also have to return two pieces of food they collected on a previous turn.
All of the players then count up how many points they scored. Half-eaten food is worth one point. Fresh food is worth two points.
The player with the most points wins the game.
Dumpster Diver FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play Dumpster Diver, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- Dumpster with attached raccoon
- Garbage bag
- 16 pieces of food
- 2 milk cartons
- 2 honey pots
- 2 broccoli,
- 2 apples
- 2 fish bones
- 2 hot dogs
- 2 bananas
- 2 chocolate bars
- Player claw
- Die
- Instructions
Year: 2022 | Publisher: Goliath Games
Genres: Children’s, Dexterity
Ages: 4+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High
For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.
Friday 10th of May 2024
What is and does the garbage bag do?
Eric Mortensen
Saturday 11th of May 2024
I don't know for sure, but I believe the garbage bag is just decorative as you can play the game without it.