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Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Objective of Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game

The objective of Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game is to collect the most Hot Dog cards.


  • Shuffle/mix up all of the cards.
  • Place all of the cards on the table face down. Spread out the cards so no two cards touch.
  • The youngest player starts the game.
Setup for Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game

Playing Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game

To start your turn you will choose one of the face down cards on the table. You will flip over the card so the picture side is visible. When you flip over the card, you should do it in a way where all of the players can see the image on the card at the same time.

Turning over a card
The current player has turned over a Hot Dog card.

What happens next depends on what type of card you flip over. See the cards of Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game section below for more details.

Play then passes to the next player clockwise.

Cards of Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game

Hot Dog Card

Hot Dog

If you flip over a Hot Dog card, keep it face up. Your turn then ends.

Dog Man card

Dog Man

When a Dog Man card is flipped over, all of the players should start picking up the face up Hot Dog cards on the table. You are trying to pick up as many of the cards as you can.

Revealing a Dog Man card
The current player has flipped over a Dog Man card. All of the players will race to pick up as many Hot Dog cards as they can.

Some rules you need to follow when grabbing Hot Dog cards are as follows:

  • You can only use one hand when grabbing cards.
  • Players can only pick up one card at a time. You must put each card in your own score pile before you can pick up another card.

When all of the face up Hot Dog cards have been taken, the current turn ends. The instructions don’t specifically say what you do with the Dog Man card. I am guessing you discard the card at the end of the current turn.

Should a Dog Man card be flipped over and there are no face up Hot Dog cards, discard the Dog Man card.

Petey card


If you flip over a Petey card, the players flip all of the face up Hot Dog cards so the pictures are now face down. The cards should be left in their current location so players can use their memory to try and remember where there are Hot Dog cards.

Revealing a Petey card
The current player has revealed a Petey card. The players will flip over all of the visible Hot Dog cards.

After players have flipped over all of the Hot Dog cards, the current turn ends. The game does not specifically mention what happens with the Petey card at this point. I would assume you discard the Petey card.

Should you turn over a Petey card and there are no face up Hot Dog cards, discard the Petey card and the current turn ends.

Winning Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game

Players will keep taking turns until all of the Hot Dog cards have been taken by one of the players. If the last card is flipped over and it is a Hot Dog card, all of the players race to grab the remaining face up Hot Dog cards.

Each player then counts up how many Hot Dog cards they collected during the game. The player that collected the most Hot Dog cards, wins the game.

Winning Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game
The players acquired the following Hot Dog cards during the game: 20, 17, and 13. As the top player collected the most cards, they have won the game.

Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game


  • 64 cards
  • Instructions

Year: 2020 | Publisher: University Games | Artist: Dav Pilkey

Genres: Children’s, Speed

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 15-20 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

Where to Purchase: Amazon, eBay Any purchases made through these links (including other products) help keep Geeky Hobbies running. Thank you for your support.

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.