If you are looking for the rules for how to play UNO Elite NFL, check out our rules post. If you want to see what NFL players are in the 2024 Core Edition, check out our card list post.
Are you looking for details on a specific card? | Numbers | Elite Icon | Elite Wild | Recover | Wild Recover |
Looking for details on specific Player card actions? | Discard | Draw | Everyone | Peek | Play Again | Recover | Reverse | Skip | Swap | Target |
Number cards do not have a special effect in the game. You can only play a number card if it matches the color or the number of the top card on the Discard Pile.
Elite Icon
There are various number cards that feature the Elite Icon on them. When you play one of these cards, you can potentially activate one the Player cards from your Lineup. Check your Lineup to see if you have a player card that matches the color of the card you played that had the Elite Icon on it. If you have a matching Player card, you can activate its ability. See the corresponding Player card action section(s) below to see what a Player card does when you activate it.
You can only play a card with an Elite Icon if it matches the color or the number of the top card on the Discard Pile.
Elite Wild
The Elite Wild card is wild so it can be played on top of any other card. When you play the card you will choose the color for the Discard Pile.
Next look through the Player cards in your Lineup. If any of the cards in your Lineup match the color you chose for the Discard Pile, you can activate their ability. You can only activate one Player card on your turn.
When you play a Recover card, you will choose one Player Card from your Player Discard Pile and add it to the bottom of your Player Draw Pile.
You can only play a Recover card on top of another Recover card, or a card that matches its color.
Wild Recover
The Wild Recover card is wild so you can play it on any turn. When you play the card you will choose the color for the Discard Pile.
Look at your Player Discard Pile. You can choose up to three of the cards from you Player Discard Pile to return to your Player Draw Pile. If you don’t have three Player cards in your Discard Pile or you don’t want to recover three cards, you can choose to recover less than three cards. When you have chosen the cards that you want to recover, you will add them to the bottom of your Player Draw Pile. You get to choose the order that you will place the cards on the bottom of the Draw Pile.
Player Card Icons
When you activate a Player card, there will be one or more symbols along the bottom of the card. Each of these symbols allow you to take a special action. Listed below are what each action each symbol represents.
Sometimes the action applies to UNO or Player cards. The type of card shown in the symbol indicates what type of cards it will apply to.
The Discard symbol forces the next player in turn order to discard one card. What type of card and where it is discarded depends on what type of card is used in the symbol. If the player has to discard an UNO card, they will place it on top of the Discard Pile. If they have to discard a Player card, they will choose one of the cards from their Lineup and place it on the top of the Player Discard Pile.
It doesn’t specifically say that you will draw a new Player card when you discard one, but in the rules for activating a Player Card you immediately draw a new card for your Lineup to replace the old card. I would assume this applies as well when you discard a Player Card.
On the Mark Andrews card pictured above, due to the right icon the next player in turn order has to discard one of the Player Cards from their Lineup.
When a Player card features a Draw symbol, you will draw a number of cards equal to the number shown next to the card symbol. The type of card you draw depends on what card icon is pictured. The instructions don’t specify if this is the player that activates the Player ability, or if it is the next player in turn order. Other places in the rules it specifies that the next player in turn order has to take the action, and it doesn’t mention this in the Draw section. So I am assuming the player that uses the ability has to draw the card(s).
On the Cooper Kupp card pictured above, the player that plays the card has to draw two cards due to the symbol on the left.
When you see the Everyone icon, all of the other players (besides the player that activated the ability) has to take the action associated with the symbol next to the Everyone icon.
Pictured above are two different examples of the Everyone symbol. The Patrick Mahomes card forces the rest of the players to draw three cards. Tommy Devito’s right symbol forces everyone to discard one of their Player Cards.
The Peek icon lets you look at the hand of another player.
Play Again
When you use a Player ability with the Play Again symbol, you immediately get to take another turn.
When you activate a Recover symbol you will take a card of the corresponding type from the Discard Pile. You can choose which card you want to take. If you take an UNO card you will add it to your hand. If you take a Player Card, you will add it to the bottom of your Player Draw Deck.
The Reverse action changes the direction of play. If play was moving clockwise, it will now move counterclockwise. Should play be moving counterclockwise, it will now move clockwise.
Cards with the Skip symbol force the next player in turn order to lose their turn.
Randomly take a card from another player’s hand. You get to choose which player you take a card from. Then choose a card from your own hand to give to the player that you took a card from.
When you activate a Target symbol, you will choose another player to target. The player that you choose does not need to be next to you. The player you choose has to take the action of the symbol associated with the Target symbol.
The Tyreek Hill card pictured above features two different types of Target icons. The symbol on the right allows the player to choose another player to draw two cards. The symbol on the right allows the player to choose another player who has to skip their turn.
UNO Elite NFL Card Game: Rules for How to Play - Geeky Hobbies
Wednesday 4th of September 2024
[…] for a specific UNO Elite NFL rule? | Setup | Playing the Game | Card Meanings | Activating a NFL Player Card | Calling UNO | Winning the […]