Looking for a specific Relative Insanity: See What I Mean? rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Picking the Best Caption Cards | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |
The objective of Relative Insanity: See What I Mean? is to play the best Caption Cards in order to score more points than the rest of the players.
Set Up
- Place the Picture cards in a face down pile in the middle of the table.
- Shuffle the Caption Cards (yellow) and deal seven to each player. You can look at your cards, but you shouldn’t show them to the other players. Place the rest of the cards face down near the pile of Picture cards.
- Set the Scoring Doodads on the table where everyone can reach them.
- Find a piece of paper and something to write with in order to keep score.
- The players decide how many rounds they will play. To make the game fair you should play enough rounds that each player is the Judge the same number of rounds.
- The player that suggested playing the game becomes the first Judge.
How to Play Relative Insanity: See What I Mean?
The Judge starts each round by taking one of the Photo cards and turning it face up on the table so everyone can see it.
The Judge then rolls the die which determines which type of captions players will use during the roll. Each of the Caption Cards have three things written on it. Each correspond to one of the symbols on the die. The symbol you roll on the die determines which phrase on each card you can use during the round.
After the die is rolled, all of the players besides the Judge look through the cards in their hand. They will look at the captions that match the rolled symbol. They are looking for a caption that works well with the current Photo card. You can use whatever criteria you want to pick a card. The game recommends that you try to pick a caption that would be funny when combined with the picture. When you have chosen a card, you will pass the card face down to the Judge.
Picking the Best Caption Cards
Once everyone has passed a Caption Card to the Judge, the Judge mixes up all of the cards. They will then read out the caption on each card that matches the symbol that was rolled. After they have read out all of the captions, the Judge has two or three decisions to make.
First they will decide which Caption Card was best. They can use whatever criteria they want, but it is recommended that you pick the funniest caption. The player that played the card chosen as the best receives the trophy. They also receive two points
The Judge then picks which caption they thought was second best. The second best answer receives the coin. The corresponding players scores one point.
Finally the Judge has the option of giving a player the Black Sheep. This is optional. If there was a card that they thought was really bad, they can give the corresponding player the sheep. Receiving the Black Sheep does not hurt you in the game since you don’t lose any points. It is mostly meant to add laughs to the game.
Record the points that each player scored in the round. You can keep scores in two different ways in Relative Insanity: See What I Mean?. First you can just keep score on a piece of paper. Otherwise the players can take used Caption Cards and turn them facedown and place them in a pile in front of them. Each card is worth one point.
Any player who received a doodad (trophy, coin, sheep), returns them to the middle of the table. All of the cards used in the round are discarded. Anyone who played a Caption Card in the round draws a new card so they have seven in their hand. The player to the left of the Judge becomes the Judge in the next round.
Winning Relative Insanity: See What I Mean?
The game ends after the players have played the number of rounds agreed to at the beginning of the game. Players count up how many points they scored during the game. The player that scored the most points wins the game. If there is a tie, all of the tied players share the victory.
Relative Insanity: See What I Mean? FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- 100 Photo Cards
- 300 Caption Cards
- Trophy
- Coin
- Black Sheep
- Die
- Instructions
Year: 2019 | Publisher: PlayMonster
Genres: Party
Ages: 14+ | Number of Players: 4-12 | Length of Game: As long as you want
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate
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