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Pie Face Cannon! Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Pie Face Cannon! Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Pie Face Cannon! rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Winning the Game | Cleaning Up | FAQ | Components |

Objective of Pie Face Cannon!

The objective of Pie Face Cannon! is to score five points before the other players.

Set Up

  • Snap the cannon into its holder.
  • Attach the cannon holder to the numbered track. It doesn’t matter where on the track you attach it.
  • Attach the connecting stick to the numbered track.
  • The connecting stick is then attached to the base with the buttons.
  • Stick the mask into the slot on the base.
  • Attach the chin rest to the base.
  • Connect the blocking hand to the base.
  • Spin the spinner. Whoever spins the highest number gets to go first.
Setup for Pie Face Cannon

Playing Pie Face Cannon!

To begin the turn the current player chooses another player. The chosen player puts their chin on the chin rest and looks through the mask towards the cannon.

To load the cannon you pull back on the handle of the cannon until you see the red section. You can then let go of the handle. Slide open the door on the top of the cannon. Fill this opening with whipped cream and then shut the door.

Filling the cannon

The current player spins the spinner. The number you spin determines where you will shoot the cannon from. You will slide the cannon to the corresponding section of the numbered track. The color you spin determines how you must angle the shot.

Spinning the spinner
The player spun a green one on the spinner. They will push the cannon forward to the one section on the track.
Angling the shot
Since the player spun green on the spinner, the track is lined up with the green area on the base.

The current player then aims the cannon. They can raise or lower the cannon as much as they want.

While the current player is aiming, the player whose face is in the mask is trying to block the shot. They will press the buttons in front of themselves to move the blocking hand left and right. They may move the hand as often as they want.

Trying to block the shot
The player whose face is behind the mask will push these two red buttons to push the blocking hand back and forth. They will try to block the cannon shot.

Shooting the Cannon

When the current player is ready to shoot they will press the pie button on the cannon. This launches the whipped cream at the player in the mask. What happens depends on how successful the shot is.

Shooting the cannon
When you are ready to shoot the cannon, you will press the button that has the cream pie on it.

If the whipped cream hits your opponent, you score one point.

Successful shot in Pie Face Cannon
The player who shot the cannon hit the player in the face. They score one point for the successful shot.

If your shot misses entirely, the player in the mask scores one point.

Missed shot
The player who shot the cannon missed the player entirely. The player behind the mask scores one point.

Should the player in the mask completely block the shot with the blocking hand, they will score two points.

Blocked shot
The player behind the mask completely blocked the shot. They will score two points.

If half of the whipped cream hits the player in the mask and half is blocked by the blocking hand, both players score one point.

Partially blocked shot
The player behind the mask blocked part of the shot, but was still hit by some of the cream. Because the shot was only partially blocked, both players score one point.

The player who was in the mask this round, is the current player for the next round.

Winning Pie Face Cannon!

The first player to score five points wins Pie Face Cannon!.

Cleaning Up

To prepare the game to be stored back in the box, follow these steps.

Take the game unit apart by reversing the setup steps.

Thoroughly clean all of the components with water. To clean the cannon open the door on the top and pull back the handle. Place the cannon into warm water and keeping press the pie button for as long as needed.

Make sure all components are dry before returning them to the box.

Pie Face Cannon! FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Pie Face Cannon


  • Cannon
  • Cannon Holder
  • Numbered Track
  • Connecting Stick
  • Base With Buttons
  • Blocking Hand
  • Chin Rest
  • Splash-Card Mask
  • Spinner
  • Instructions

Year: 2018 | Publisher: Hasbro

Genres: Action, Children’s, Family

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2+ | Length of Game: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

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