Looking for a specific Monopoly Town rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Board Spaces | Winning the Game | Advanced Game | FAQ | Components |
The objective of Monopoly Town is to be the first player to place your gold roof on top of a building.
Set Up
- Take one piece of track and slide Mr. Monopoly onto the inside of the track. You should place the car so Mr. Monopoly faces the inside of the track.
- Assemble the whole track by snapping the various pieces together.
- Attach the gameboard to the track. The GO arrow on the board should line up with the GO arrow on the track.
- Push Mr. Monopoly until he is lined up with the GO space.
- Push the red steering wheel all the way to the right to turn it on.
- Choose someone to be the banker. It is preferable if the chosen player is an adult. The banker gives each player the following things:
- 1 golden roof
- 10 green building blocks
- 5 roofs of the player’s color.
- 6 $1 bills
- The youngest player starts the game. Play move clockwise during the game.
How to Play Monopoly Town
To begin each of your turns you will press down on Mr. Monopoly’s head. Mr. Monopoly will give you instructions that you have to follow.
After you receive the instructions, move Mr. Monopoly the corresponding number of spaces. Mr. Monopoly also sometimes gives you additional instructions that you need to follow. You will then take a look at the space that the car stopped on. You will take an action corresponding to the space that the car stopped on. See the corresponding space section below for more details.
Once you complete the action based on the space you landed on, your turn ends. Play passes to the player on your left/clockwise.
Spaces of Monopoly Town
Unowned Colored Space
When you land on a colored space whose building is not completed yet (there is no roof), you will take one of your green building blocks and place it on top of the stack already on the space.
Each color space around the board has a number printed on it. This determines how tall the building will be. To complete the building, a number of green bricks have to be placed on the space that matches the number printed on the space. Once you have placed your green block on the space, compare the number of blocks on the space to the number on the space.
Should the number of green blocks match the number, you will take one of your color roofs (not the gold roof), and place it on top of the stack of blocks. Once you place your roof on a building, you now control that building for the rest of the game. Should other players land on the space, you can charge them rent.
Should you ever run out of green blocks, you can buy them from the bank for $1 each.
Owned Colored Space
When you land on a colored space whose building already has a roof on it, that space is already owned by a player. If you own the building, you don’t take any special action.
Should another player own the building, you owe them rent for landing on the space. Count up the number of green blocks in the building. You owe the owner $1 for each green block in the building.
Chance Space
Should you land on a Chance space, press down on Mr. Monopoly’s head. You will follow his instructions and take the corresponding action.
Free Parking
If you land on Free Parking, you take no additional action on your turn.
Whenever any player passes GO on their turn, all of the players collect $2 from the bank.
Winning Monopoly Town
Players will keep taking turns moving the car and taking the corresponding actions. As you create the buildings you will end up using your roofs that match your color. Once you use all five of your color roofs, you will place your golden roof on the next building you complete. The first player to place their golden roof on a building, wins the game. You will quickly press down on Mr. Monopoly’s head three times. Mr. Monopoly will then congratulate you on winning the game.
Should a roof be placed on each of the spaces and no one was able to place their golden roof, you will move onto the tiebreaker. Each player counts up the number of green blocks in the buildings that they control. The player whose buildings consist of the most blocks, wins the game. They should press Mr. Monopoly’s head three times so he can congratulate you on winning.
To turn off the car you should slide the red steering wheel until in snaps into the middle position.
Advanced Game
If you want to play with older kids or just want to play a more complicated game, you can choose to use the advanced rules.
Most of the game is played the same as the basic game. The game ends when someone places their golden roof, or all of the spaces have a completed building on them.
Each player counts up the number of green blocks in the buildings they control (their roof color is on the building). Add the amount of money you have to the number of green blocks in your buildings.
Whichever player’s total is the highest wins the game.
Monopoly Town FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- Gameboard
- Mr. Monopoly Car
- 4 Track Pieces
- 50 Green Building Blocks
- 6 Red Roofs
- 6 Yellow Roofs
- 6 Pink Roofs
- 6 Black Roofs
- 4 Golden Roofs
- 120 $1 Bills
- Instructions
Year: 2007 | Publisher: Hasbro, Parker Brothers
Genres: Children’s, Electronic, Roll and Move
Ages: 4+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 20 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High
For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.