Looking for a specific Monopoly Junior: Party rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Board Spaces | Winning the Game | Advanced Game | FAQ | Components |
The objective of Monopoly Junior: Party is to have the most money when one of the players go bankrupt.
Set Up
- Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
- Place the party cards on the corresponding spaces on the gameboard. If you want you can evenly divide the cards between the players. Whichever player places all of their cards first in the proper spots gets to start the game.
- Shuffle the Chance cards and place them face down on the corresponding section of the gameboard.
- Assemble the Party Box and place it on the corresponding spot on the gameboard.
- Give each player cash based on the number of players:
- 2 Players: 18 bills each
- 3-4 Players: 14 bills each
- Each player chooses a Cupcake mover and places it on the Go space.
- Depending on the color you chose, take the eight presents that match the color of your Cupcake mover.
- Choose one player to be the Banker who is responsible for the money paid to and taken from the bank.
- If the players competed to place the party cards on the gameboard, the winner is the first player. Otherwise roll the die. The player who rolls the highest number gets to start the game. Play moves clockwise/left throughout the game.
How to Play Monopoly Junior: Party
To start your turn roll the die. The number you roll on the die determines how many spaces you will move your mover. You will move your mover the corresponding number of spaces clockwise around the board.
Should you roll the ? side, you will take the top card from the Chance pile and do what the card says.
After you move you will take an action based on what space you landed on. See the Spaces of Monopoly Junior: Party below for more details.
After taking the action associated with the space you landed on, your turn end. Play passes to the player on your left.
Spaces of Monopoly Junior: Party
When you land on a space, you will take the corresponding action as detailed below.
Party With No Present
If you land on a party without a present on it, no one currently own the party. You must buy the party. The cost to purchase the party is printed on the associated card/space. You will pay the amount to the Bank. Place one of your presents on the corresponding space and take the associated party card.
Should you run out of presents and still want to purchase a new party that you land on, you can choose to give up one of the parties that you already own. Pay the amount for the new party and take the corresponding party card. Return the party card you are giving up to the gameboard. Finally move the present from the old party to the new party. You do not get money back from the party that you gave up.
Party With A Present
When you land on a party with a present, the party is owned by a player.
If you are the owner of the party, you do nothing.
If another player owns the party, you will owe them money for landing on the space. You will pay the owner of the party the amount printed on the space.
Every time you land on or pass Go you will collect two money bills from the Bank.
When you land on the Chance space, you will take the top card from the draw pile. You will read the card out loud and take the corresponding action. If you owe money, you will add it to the Party Box.
After you take the action, return the Chance card to the bottom of the corresponding deck.
Party Box
If you land on the Party Box space, you get to open up the Party Box. You get to take any money that is inside the box.
After you collect the money, return the Party Box to its space on the gameboard.
Just Visiting
When you land on the Just Visiting space you take no additional action.
Free Parking
There is no special action associated with the Free Parking space.
Go to Jail
When you land on the Go to Jail space, move your mover immediately to the Jail space. You do not collect money for passing Go.
On your next turn you will pay M1 to the Bank. You will then roll the die and move the corresponding number of spaces.
Winning Monopoly Junior: Party
The game ends as soon as one of the players go bankrupt. If a player does not have enough money to pay off the entire amount they owe, they don’t have to pay any of the amount they owe. They have to declare bankruptcy though.
At this point each player counts up how much money they have. Players also receive 1 bill for each party/property that they own.
The player with the most money wins Monopoly Junior: Party.
Advanced Game
If you are playing with older children, here are some additional rules that you can use to make the game more challenging.
If a player owns both parties of the same color, they will charge double what the party would normally cost to other players.
Players can trade parties with other players. If you agree to swap parties, change the presents on the spaces and exchange the associated party cards.
Should a player go bankrupt, they can trade one of their properties to the player they owe instead of going bankrupt.
When the game ends (a player goes bankrupt), each player counts up their money. They will add the values of each of their owned parties (value printed on the spaces) to reach their total worth. The player that has the most money between their cash on hand and owned parties, wins the game.
Monopoly Junior: Party FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
- Gameboard
- 16 Party Cards
- 16 Chance Cards
- 32 Present Tokens
- 1 Party Box
- 70 Money Bills
- 4 Cupcake Movers
- Special Die
- Instructions
Year: 2011 | Publisher: Hasbro
Genres: Children’s, Economic, Roll and Move
Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 20-30 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High
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