Looking for a specific Elefun rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |
The objective of Elefun is to collect more butterflies than the other player(s).
Set Up
- Insert batteries into the elephant base.
- If the nets aren’t already assembled you will attach the net to the ring. The ring is then attached to the handle.
- Remove the trunk from the elephant.
- Place all of the butterflies into the opening on the top of the elephant.
- Reattach the trunk.
- Place the elephant in the middle of the play area. The game recommends that you place it on the floor.
- Each player chooses a net.
How to Play Elefun
When the players are ready someone turns the switch on the elephant to on. You will then lift the trunk up until the air keeps it up on its own. At this point the game begins.
Inside the elephant there is a fan that will push the butterflies up the trunk. Eventually the butterflies will fly out of the top of the trunk. Once butterflies leave the trunk, the players will try to catch them with their net. The goal of the game is to try and catch as many butterflies as possible.
When butterflies land on the ground, someone will pick them up. Place them in the elephant’s mouth. Eventually the butterflies will fly up the trunk giving the players another opportunity to try and catch them in their net.
Winning the Game
The game ends once all of the butterflies have been caught by one of the players. Each player counts up how many butterflies they caught. The player that caught the most butterflies wins the game.
Elefun FAQ
If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.
The components depend on which version of the game you have.
- Elephant Body
- Elephant Trunk
- Butterfly Nets (some versions have four and some only have two)
- Butterflies
- 2014 Edition – 25 Butterflies
- Other Versions – 30 Butterflies
- Instructions
Year: 1993 | Publisher: Hasbro, Milton Bradley, Parker Brothers | Designer: Scott Frisco, Omri Rothschild
Genres: Action, Children’s
Ages: 3+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 5-10 minutes
Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate
For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.